open sea

Chapter 197 Rewards

Chapter 197 Rewards
"General, where are you going to take office?"

No one knew exactly what happened in Zhaoqing, but everyone in the Xiangshan Institute had guesses about it. They guessed that the governor who appreciated Chen Qianhu would be able to select a suitable official post for their generals.

It is obvious that for their generals, the most suitable guard is Guanghaiwei.

"Where are you going to take office? Fucking office!" General Zhaoyong, who rode his horse into the guard station, reined in his horse and stood up, and the dust from galloping behind him was long overdue. Chen Mu raised his whip and shouted: "Convene more than a hundred guards to discuss matters in the office!"

Zhang Han admitted it, and he gave up like that.

For such a big matter, he never thought of asking Chen Mu to handle it from the beginning to the end. Perhaps in the eyes of Zhang Junmen, Chen Mu is good at fighting, but he is not the only one who has never been to Lingdingyang to arrest Zhou Yunxiang who fled overseas. Shuyu Qianhu can do it.

But General Chen didn't think so.

It is not difficult at all to be an official or a military officer in Guangdong in the Ming Dynasty.

When he was a small general flag, Bai Yuanjie only hoped that he could be a good general flag, so he gave him a big favor. At that time, it was not because of Chen Mu's talent, but because of his peers, who were better than them. It has become much stronger.

When he was a thousand households in Xiangshan, Zhang Han also didn't want him to do anything more. It was enough to take care of Xiangshan.

When Chen Mu sits in his thousand-household yamen again, recalling Zhang Han's complicated expression at the time of parting, he may have understood it. The comfort he brought to Zhang Han is not much, but what he brought more is the emotion in the expression of the old army. Sorrow——The dignified governor of Guangdong and Guangxi has to rely on a small guard of thousands of households to fight for the throne on his behalf?

"what is this?"

Hundreds of households from various ministries had not yet arrived, and on the table in the front hall of the yamen were the court uniforms, official uniforms, ordinary uniforms, and pearl and jade crowns of third-rank military officials sent from the Guangzhou Mansion. There is a brand new set of battle armor next to it, but it is not a reward from the court.

Xie Ming clasped his hands and said: "General, this set of congratulatory gifts from General Chen of the Shanwen Armor, Xiaosheng has selected a few foreign wonders from the gift library to give back."

Chen Mu understood that General Chen was none other than Chen Lin. Chen Chaojue’s credit for chasing Zeng Yiben not only cleared up his guilt, but also moved his official position upwards. He is now General Chen, but perhaps it was because of his previous poor defense , did not get the official title of General Zhaoyong, maybe he will have to wait for his next meritorious service to get the official title.

"Didn't he lead the army abroad, why would he send someone to give gifts? Most likely, he has already prepared them. Mr. Xie, I will trouble you to buy a few more gifts, and inquire about the positions and officials of Bai Jingchen, Zhang Yongshou, Hu Liangpeng and others. , and people from our Qianhusuo, from the general banner to the deputy Qianhu, whoever is promoted will send a family soldier to give a gift, and they will find it from the gift library."

Chen Mu guarded the convenience of Haojing, and now he has money in hand, he would often send people to Haojing or Guangcheng to buy some rare utensils, precious jade, swords and armor, or the four treasures of the study, and put them in the gift treasury for human relations.

But this time, most of the people he knew were promoted because of Ping Ding Zeng Yiben, and his gift library might not be enough.

"Wuliang Jindai Peiyu, court clothes and crowns are good, put them away first, and try wearing them when you are free."

He was still thinking about going to take the martial arts exam. In the blink of an eye, General Zhaoyong, the third rank, would not be able to pass the exam by then, would it be embarrassing?
He didn't let him wait for too long, all the deputy thousand households in Xiangshan gathered in the Yamen of Thousand Households, no one dared to smile when they saw Chen Mu's sullen face, and stood between the two factions obediently and obediently, these people were all people Chen Mu could trust , he explained the Zhaoqing matter clearly, and asked: "Who knows, where Zhou Yunxiang fled to?"

Sitting sideways, Deng Zilong cupped his hands and said, "Zhou Yunxiang is just an excuse to criticize the governor. Without Zhou Yunxiang, there are other things. It is not up to Guangdong to decide who the imperial court will appoint as governor!"

"Deng Qianhu's words are not bad." Shi Qi agreed and said, "Only being a thief for a thousand days can't prevent a thief for a thousand days, not to mention the vast sea, how can Zhou Yunxiang be caught."

Fu Yuan scratched his head and couldn't speak. Seeing Chen Mu looking at him, he quickly clasped his fists seriously: "General, don't embarrass me. How can a villain understand such a big thing. Tell me, general, who to kill!"

Lou Qimai and the others had the same idea. They were not the kind of people who could figure things out on their own. They had small ideas and big ideas, so they really couldn't help in this matter.

But Chen Mu was very relieved, raised his finger and pointed at Fu Yuan and said, "Yes, kill people. There is no need to kill people. With Zhou Yunxiang around, I will change the governor sooner or later. If the door is promoted to another place, let them attack if they like to criticize, and now the old man is the chief of my Chen, so that won't work!"

"I asked you to come here to let you make plans to enter the sea, and take this opportunity to set the rules for the Xiangshan flag army to patrol the sea."

"From now on, every ten days, one hundred households will lead troops to take a training boat trip to the outer seas, including the three islands of Haojing, Wanxing, and Dazha, and also to train more sailors."

This made many hundreds of households not understand, but no one dared to ask, but Sun Ao, the deputy of Qianhu, thought about it and asked, "General, it is impossible for Zhou Yunxiang to be on the three islands. Zeng Yiben died in our hands." How dare he come here again?"

"Pretend to be."

Chen Mu glanced at Sun Ao, shook his head and laughed loudly, and then said: "It's not just for show, if someone hands Zhou Yunxiang to your hands, at least you have to be able to take it over at sea, we can't rely on ourselves. "

"Don't care about the flag army or the battalion soldiers. They haven't really gone abroad. It's good to go to sea without getting lost. It's strange to catch Zhou Yunxiang."

After sending the flag army to leave with hundreds of households, Chen Mu turned around and walked into the Qianhu House. There were three people who had been waiting in the mansion for a long time. They were Li Dan, Hua Yu, and Zhuang Gong who had received the news from Haojing earlier.

"I want someone. Zhou Yunxiang, the former Guangdong general, rebelled in May and fled to the sea. I don't know where he fled now, but he doesn't go to Malacca in the west, Luzon in the south, or Japan in the east. This sea."

"He won't be alone. There are some battalion soldiers who rebelled with him, and there are also Japanese pirates who joined him." Chen Mu raised his hand and said, "I want to see him for three months. All the pirates know that Chen offered a reward to bring Zhou Yunxiang to the sea outside Haojing. If they want money, they will get 500 taels of silver; I can afford it!"

From this day on, the news spread like wings on the ribs, speeding across the sea.

Haojingquan merchants, Portuguese merchants, Spanish pirates, and Fujian-Guangzhou pirates, in a very short time, everyone drifting in the South China Sea got a message through different channels, that Zhou Yunxiang, the traitor of the Ming Dynasty, was arrested and escorted to Haojing. In exchange for a reward of 500 taels of silver!
Power and wealth are good things, and a single sentence can make the dog of a lost family invincible.

 Good morning!Today's chapter is a little later, today we will evolve a three-watched beast!

(End of this chapter)

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