open sea

Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508

Little William almost made it.

It's a pity that Yang Ce's column passed by the flank dangerously and dangerously.

On the left flank of the Netherlands fleet, the lead ship of the pirate column scraped within range of the broadside guns, swam in a huge arc, and poured sidestring shells on the enemy's flank.

The movement of them passing through made Yang Ce notice and worry.

Because the whole fleet is very dangerous, if you are not careful, you will be surrounded by enemy ships, so all the ships pass through at the fastest speed.

The problem lies in Yang Ce's fleet, the ships are not standard models.

As much as he had picked out his ships, he hadn't been able to cobble together a fleet consisting entirely of garenians or skysharks.

Under normal circumstances, according to the training, they will maintain a similar speed and start bombarding the enemy fleet at a constant speed.

But at this moment, they must advance at full speed, and if they are not careful, they will fall into the enemy's encirclement.

Only in this way, there is a difference in speed, and the neatly lined fleet is divided into four sections.

Zhang Manfan, rushing forward, the first to bypass the enemy's flank was the medium-sized Hanfei shark, which generally displaced between 250 and [-] tons, and was light and fast.

The cannons loaded on the ship also vary in weight, most of which are Franco cannons, both small and medium.

Unless they are close to each other, it is difficult for these two types of Francophones to cause damage below the deck of the ship. The bumps and distance of the hull will also make it difficult for the artillery to aim, and it is difficult to accurately shoot the sailors on the deck, so their broadsides are fired. Just talking is better than nothing.

Following the Flying Shark, in the middle of the fleet were three large Calais ships, namely Da Ming's centipede ships, but they were a bit bigger.

This thing carries a lot of people, and the shape of the ship is big. Normally, it doesn’t run fast on the sea, but now the oars on the big centipede were rowed by the pirates on the ship, and each of them worked hard. The speed was so fast that it almost chased Get on the Humphrey Shark ahead.

On their ship, there are especially many Francois machine guns. Twenty or thirty heavy-duty Francois machine guns were shot out quickly and fiercely. wheel.

Just like a cannonball ejector on the sea, more than 500 cannonballs were blasted towards the left wing of the Netherlands fleet in the blink of an eye.

After that, there are four thin Galen ships and two fat Galen ships, all of which are under [-] tons. The difference between fat and thin is that the country of origin is different. Get fatter.

The hulls of the two types of ships are very thick, and they carry a lot of weight. Anyway, they are not fast, but they have strong firepower. They are all equipped with heavy bronze cannons, and they are very powerful when fired.

In the fourth echelon of the fleet, the parachutist is at the bottom.

The sailing speed of the parachutist is exactly the opposite of its name. It was originally larger than other Galen ships. Yang Ce installed a stone general statue on the bow of the ship and four heavy stone-shooting guns capable of firing [-]-jin stone bullets. Not to mention General Zhenshuo who still has a suit.

Some of these general Zhenshuo cannons were given to Yang Ce by Chen Mu as a reward, and some were imitated by Yang Ce himself in Sanghai.

Although the craftsmen of the imitation-cast General Zhenshuo guns were also Ming craftsmen who were taken out to sea by Lin Afeng, they did not master the core technology of General Zhenshuo’s iron core and copper shell. quality.

Adding these factors together, Yang Ce's parachutist is like a big fat man with water in his knees on the [-]-meter runway.

At the very beginning, it was at the forefront of the formation, and it was it that ordered the ships to advance at full speed. As a result, the parachutist had already fallen to the end before the fleet circumvented the enemy's flank.

And it was stuck in front of two Clippers from the Netherlands.

Yang Ce didn't panic at all. From the mast, he gave the order to the whole fleet to turn to the right and advance at full speed. He unhurriedly got down from the mast and ran to the bow of the ship to adjust the four stone-shooting guns in turn. gun positions.

Looking up again, he looked at a caravel ship in front of him, as if he didn't look at it, he just wrapped the sail rope of the fore-mast around himself a few times.

The captain of the sailors on the ship shouted one after another to tell the pirates to be careful about collisions. Yang Ce still had plausible words: "They were scared stupid by the big centipede's cannon? Why haven't they fired a single shot... Qianlin Niang!"

There was a loud bang accompanied by the sound of wood breaking in the bow. The violent vibration was transmitted from the bow to the stern in an instant, and a pirate who was peeing on the stern fence was thrown away. The sail rope tied around his waist ensured that he Mixed with the piss I just had and fell into the sea.

Amidst the loud friction sound, everyone on board was knocked backwards and forwards, the watchman on the observation deck was thrown flying, his buttocks slid all the way down along the sails full of wind, and finally he lay down on the deck and slapped a big character for a long time Only then struggled to wipe away the nosebleed and got up, his arms and back were covered with blood trails scratched by wooden thorns.

The gunners who were prepared in advance were not killed, but one unlucky guy just got up and stretched his head out of the ship's side, wanting to see what it looked like after being hit head-on by the parachutist.

Immediately afterwards, he was smashed back by a sweeping sail pole, and his head was deformed.

The parachutist continued to move forward. The Caravel ship, which was lowered by a section on the right side, was hit by the side, and the right side of the bow was completely cracked. The lower cabin was flooded by sea water in the blink of an eye. Then he tried his best to pull the hook rope to try to hang on the huge hull of the parachutist.

They didn't want to get on the ship, but the ship was about to sink, and even if there was something hanging in the sea for a while, they could only call for help when they were close to the friendly ships.

But the parachutist didn't have any good men and women, the pirates laughed and rushed to get out of hand guns, bird guns, bows and arrows, and shot at them condescendingly.

The most exaggerated thing is that there are still people who use the revolving cannon nailed to the ship's side to hold loose pieces.

Yang Ce's face was calm, he untied the sail rope and went back to the bow to look at the approaching enemy ships, looking for a character who could fire the four stone cannons.

Since the parachute fell into his hands, this was not the first time he had hit a caravel ship. In his eyes, there was no ship shape more suitable for collision than a caravel ship.

Small in size, thin in skin and big in filling.

As long as the head is not head-to-head, the general's head portrait can face it with its front face, side, or buttocks, and hit one accurately.

You don't need to look at it after the collision, it must sink, and the parachutist must be fine.

Yang Ce would not want to collide with a ship that was bigger than the Caravel ship. Even if it was a light Galen, he would probably win if he collided with it, but the parachutist would definitely be damaged.

If it is smaller than it, it is not called hitting, it is called grinding.

Unable to reflect the stimulation of the impact, the people on the boat will only feel as if they have ridden something, and then it is gone.

Only caravel boats, so crisp and supple.

"Did you see that Galen ship, made of Igran, get ready and don't move the guns!"

Yang Ce shook his dizzy head from the shock, took off the bowl and clamped it under his ribs, turned his head to the four gunners and pointed at a Galen ship slowly approaching ahead, and said: "Four doors together, get ready, let go!" !"

(End of this chapter)

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