open sea

Chapter 121

Chapter 121
Chen Mu counted in his heart, this means that the state government has supported him with [-] sets of armors for thousands of households, right?
Although the cloth armor is useless, it is better than nothing. The armored Guangzhou mansion was directly transferred to the county treasury of the Xiangshan county government. Chen Mu asked the family soldiers to inform Sun Ao to bring the troops back, and greeted Zhou with a smile.

Sitting in the hall for the first time, Chen Mu smiled and said, "Magistrate Zhou is here, but what instructions does the government have for Zeng Yiben?"

"Once upon a time!"

Zhou Xing, who is gentle and elegant, for some reason, mentioned the name of Zeng Yiben, his face suddenly sullen, and he cupped his hands and said to Chen Mu: "Qianhu is right, Zhou's coming to Xiangshan has nothing to do with Futai, but Zeng Yiben ...Chen Qianhu, if he ever committed a crime, he must be captured, otherwise it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"I'm here for nothing else this time, please borrow a hundred households to train troops for Xiangshan." Zhou Xing gritted his teeth with hatred in his serious face, and cupped his hands: "The county has followed the example of the governor Luzhou. Thirty Ding will practice together, and the remaining 29 people will provide military pay and practice to prepare for the Japanese pirates!"

"The courier to Zhaoqing is on its way soon, the governor should have known about Zeng Yiben by now."

Chen Mu was a little surprised. The local thieves in Huangliangdu had caused disasters in Xiangshan for many years, and the rebellion of Haojing and Ao barbarians became more and more serious. These all happened under Zhou Xing’s rule. Although he urged him several times, he never saw such hatred. How to mention that Zeng Yiben looks like a completely different person.

This is a story!

"Magistrate Zhou, is this Zeng a book related to you?"

"What relationship do I have with that villain! It's Chenghai!"

Chenghai, could it be that Zhou Xing is from Chenghai?But Chen Mu clearly remembered that he was from Zhanggang, and he had nothing to do with Chenghai.

Zhou Xing was in his 40s. At this age, people usually seldom get angry, but what Zhou Xing said later made Chen Mu think it was strange that he was not angry.

"In the 42nd year of Jiajing, the ancestors first established Chenghai, chose Zhou as the first county magistrate, planned the county seat and determined the location of the county, all of which I did. Climbing mountains and wading through rivers, we finally decided to establish the county seat in Piwang Village."

"Biwang Village is facing the sea in the east, Tianliao in the west, the villages in Waisha in the front, the forts in Nanyang and Donglong in the back, the Lianhua Peak in the north, the Pingfan in the south, and Nan'ao and Huafu in the left and right. The mountains stand tall and the south and north rivers flow there, Zhou still remembers every plant and tree in Chenghai even today!"

"City, school, government office, altar and temple, Zhou drew a sketch and drew up a plan, but it has not yet been implemented. My mother died of illness, and I had to help my mother's coffin back to the hometown for burial and mourning."

"Before leaving, Zhou left the "Chenghai County Construction Map Preface", and all subsequent officials built the city according to the map sequence. Chenghai County is Zhou's painstaking effort!" Zhou Xing said angrily, almost crying, biting Teeth slammed his fingers on the tea table.

"He once destroyed my city and killed my people. He has a blood feud!"

It was blood feud.

From last year to the beginning of this year, Zeng Yiben led the pirates to capture Chenghai, burned the city and killed people, and left.

After the war ended, Chen Mu had just been transferred to the Xiangshan Thousand Households Office. At that time, he didn't see anything unusual about Zhou Xing. He didn't expect that he was holding back in his heart. Aroused by the speculation that Zeng Yiben might invade Guangzhou this time, the volcano erupted.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry, the revenge that should be reported will be reported sooner or later."

"You want to train soldiers, and Chen will transfer a hundred households to help you. If you want to kill Zeng Yiben, Chen also wants to." Chen nodded lightly, and said: "Zeng Yiben has a strong army, Chen doesn't dare to say Defeating him, let alone capturing or killing him, as long as he comes to Fragrant Hills and Guangzhou Mansion."

"Chen is not someone else, and the Xiangshan Thousand Households Office is not another guarding thousands of households. My soldiers will not be defeated at the first touch, let alone let the people die before us."

"I, Chen, is not dead, so I won't let him go."

Chen Mu was not making a promise to Zhou Xing, but just stating an established fact, as long as Zeng Yiben, he would definitely fight the pirates to the end.

This is to save his life. As a guard of thousands of households, the area under his jurisdiction was captured by thieves. Even if he survived by chance, he would not escape the fate of being escorted to the capital or directly executed in Guangzhou.

Zeng Yiben is also fighting for his life, as long as he comes, the result will be a narrow encounter, there is no possibility of coexistence between them.

He is different from those pirates who are just replenishing food in Haojing.

Chen Mu doesn't like to talk about big words that seem to be full of enthusiasm, that would be too childish.

He doesn't say what he can't do, and leaves three points for words that can be done.

"General Yu won the victory in Guangxi, and the soldiers and horses are returning. Zeng Yiben's attack on Chaozhou has been issued by the imperial court to prepare for the bandits in Guangdong. Yu and Tang, the generals, will be sent to guard, and their salaries will be fined."

Zhou Xing paused and said, "Chen Qianhu won't be fighting alone."

"Besides, there are a few other matters in the county, and Chen Qianhu is required to help Zhou Mou."

Chen Mu raised his eyebrows, cupped his hands and said, "Brother Zhou, please tell me."

"First, Qianhu promised Zhou to expel Buddhists and seize the farmland. Now that the harvest is approaching, Qianhu won't break his promise in just a few days?"

Chen Mu waved his hand and said, "Collect the fields when they are ripe. Chen's flag army is also waiting for the army to survive. The county magistrate sent someone to draw a picture, and Chen led troops to escort the people of Yu Ding. They collected all the fields in a few days. It’s nothing, and I’m not planning to kill anyone.”

His bannermen had new farm implements that made harvesting fields much easier than farming.

But this matter is obviously not easy to resolve in Zhou Xing's eyes, he said: "If there is a conflict with the monk, what should Qianhu do?"

"Temple monk? We take our fields, what do we care about them?" Chen Mu shook his head with a look of stinginess on his face, "No matter how big the Six Banyan Temple is, how big can it be? Report to the governor's office, if the governor's office is not enough, Chen will sue to the Ministry of War... It's okay for no one to expose the military field, if it is exposed, it will be too big!"

The more he complained to the police, the less afraid Chen was. It might not be a good thing if the matter really happened to him in the capital of Guangdong, but if he reported it to the Ministry of War.

Wu Guifang, the left servant of the Ministry of War who just transferred from Nanjing to Beijing, if he knew that Xiaoqianhu, who was guarding Haojing in Xiangshan, was responsible for the flag army because the army field was taken away and there was no food to support the soldiers, what would his expression be?
"By the way, how big is your county jail, brother Zhou?"

Chen Mu pinched his fingers, "Is two thousand acres of military land enough for monks? I don't have a big prison here."

"Besides that, there is another thing. There is very little fertile land in Xiangshan Mountain, but the good land and fertile land are all in the hands of big households. In order to evade taxes, they use the name of officials from other places to send the village to the village, so that the taxes are transferred to the poor people. Most of the officials are Shunde County officials, those who should be accepted cannot be accepted, and those who should not be accepted must be accepted!"

"If things go on like this, except for the Huangliang thief today, Chen Qianhu will get rid of the Dalan thief and the Yellow Banner thief tomorrow because of the civil uprising caused by taxes. They are all people under Zhou's rule, and they are all ancestors. Don't starve to death!"

Zhou Xing arched his hands and said solemnly: "Zhou wants to appeal to the imperial court to promote Xiangshan County to Xiangshan Mansion, and Shunde County must be a hindrance. Please ask thousands of households to speak to the governor on Zhou's behalf."

 Zhou Xing has done this in history, promoting Xiangshan as a mansion, but it failed because of Shunde County's obstruction.

  Good morning!
(End of this chapter)

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