Dreaming back to the Qing Dynasty: Die Luo Chuchen

Chapter 483 Sequel: Negotiation and Breakup

Chapter 483 Sequel: Negotiation and Breakup
The doorman's voice interrupted my contemplation, I nodded and said calmly, "Close the door."

"Yes, it's really unlucky to encounter this on a sunny day! It's pure if you can't see it, so keep it locked up." The porter said.

Back in the dorm, I fetched the wine jug and glasses, and lay down on the rocking chair in front of the window.The window was originally very small, but I really like the huge French windows in modern times, so I asked someone to open the window a little bigger, so that more sunlight can come in.

While drinking the wine, I squinted slightly and looked at the flowers and trees in the courtyard, thinking quietly like this.Gradually my head started to feel heavy, the alcohol was anesthetizing my consciousness, and I felt like I wanted to sleep.

The jug rolled to nowhere, the wine in the glass was empty just now, and I raised my hand to put it on the desk, at this moment, a hand reached out to take it over, and put it gently on the desk. a few.Then, that hand reached out and pressed it on my forehead, and Ting Lu leaned over and squatted down beside the chair. "Why did you drink? You smelled very strong when you came in. How much did you drink?"

"I don't know. I don't know where the jug is going, and I don't bother to look for it."

I lazily responded.He took a deep and long breath, patted the seat next to him to signal him to sit down, "Let's chat for a while, I have something to say."

Ting Lu pulled the chair and sat next to me, still holding mine. "Except for children's affairs, you can talk about anything, and I will obey you."

In the soft eyes looking at me, apart from pity, there is also a touch of unshakable firmness.

I smiled wryly, Ting Lu really knew me, like a roundworm in my stomach, she even guessed what I was going to say.I looked at him sideways, and slowly stretched out my hand to touch his face, and then he stretched out his hand to hold it. "I just want to talk to you about the child." My stubbornness was beyond his imagination, and he frowned slightly.

He looked at me firmly, as if he had nothing to do with me. After a moment of silence, he said something resolutely in a low tone. "No, I will obey you in everything, but you have to listen to me for this matter!"

"Since you don't agree, we have only one way to solve this matter..." I withdrew my hand, hardened my heart: "Let's break up."

Suddenly, the pair of clear eyes looking at me suddenly shot an extremely angry light, and stared at me firmly.He never expected that I would say these words. In an instant, those handsome faces were completely covered by anger, the bulging veins on his forehead twitched, and his breath became more and more heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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