Dreaming back to the Qing Dynasty: Die Luo Chuchen

Chapter 451 Sequel: Sleepless Night

Chapter 451 Sequel: Sleepless Night

"You don't want a baby?" I murmured in an extremely soft voice.

"In no mood……"

I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and shouted: "You are talking nonsense, who wouldn't want their own flesh and blood? People of your age have children, Yinti's child is more than a week old, Princess Heshuo and Xuelian are pregnant , friends around you will have their own children one after another, don’t you envy them, don’t you want them? Even if you go back to Zhang’s mansion, you will see Tingyu’s children running around, I don’t believe you will be indifferent! "I tugged on his clothes tightly, buried my head in his arms and wept, crying until my heart was broken. "I really want to have a child for you. Ever since I witnessed Concubine Tong's passing, this idea has become very strong. If I leave one day, at least I will leave you with a child. He can prove that I was once in this world. I have existed in the world... Ting Lu, you can't understand my feelings at all. I am afraid of death, and I am even more afraid of leaving you one day. I want to leave you with a thought... And you, how can you bear to let me drink that A bowl of medicine! How can you bear it..."

My stomach hurt so badly that I curled up into a ball.Ting Lu hugged me tightly, her heart ached beyond measure. "Does it hurt? Mulan, God, if possible, I wish I could take this pain for you..."

"How could you be so cruel..." I gritted my teeth and said the last sentence, and then I couldn't speak anymore, and my body trembled uncontrollably.

"You can beat me and scold me whatever you want, but I don't want to lose you just to have a child!" He kissed my forehead and said regretfully, "Hey, hold on, it won't hurt so much after tonight, I will Will always be with you!"

After tonight...there will be no more children...a mere bowl of decoction ended the little life in the body in a blink of an eye. . "Go, I don't want to see you again, go away! Don't hug me!" I suddenly pushed him like crazy, trying to get rid of his embrace, and even didn't want to have any physical contact with him.As a result, the more I struggled, the tighter he tightened his grip, refusing to let go. "Mulan, don't do this, please don't!"

"You shouldn't have lied to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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