Dreaming back to the Qing Dynasty: Die Luo Chuchen

Chapter 447 Sequel: Happy Crazy Expectant Mother

Chapter 447 Sequel: Happy Crazy Expectant Mother

Xuelian and Yinglan don't doubt that they have it, and happily continue shopping with me.In the afternoon, we crossed three avenues and visited all the shops along the street. Finally, we were too tired to walk, so we sat down in a teahouse not far from Zhang's mansion to rest.Xue Lian happily said that this was the first time she had had such a good time since she came to the capital, and I couldn't believe it and asked: "Could it be that Ting Yu never took you shopping?"

"He's busy with business all day long, so he doesn't have time to accompany me, but I'm too lazy to go out alone." She said regretfully, "So I heard that Ting Lu often went shopping with you, I really envy you sister. If Ting Yu treats me I'll be satisfied if Ting Lu treats you half as well."

My heart moved, and I asked tentatively, "Is he still treating you badly now?"

"Compared to the past, it is much better. He takes good care of me, but his attitude towards me is always indifferent, very polite, making people feel intimacy." Xuelian smiled embarrassedly: "I hurt him too much before, It is not easy to improve the situation now. However, I am very content, at least he allows me to enter the study, and he will not refuse to bring tea at night."

I stared blankly at her, and thought: Xuelian is so easy to be satisfied, this small improvement makes her feel extremely happy.Alas, when will this twisted couple get along so cordially and naturally like me and Ting Lu.When it was almost noon, I sent them back to Zhang's mansion, had dinner there by the way, and then went back to my own home.

The unexpected pregnancy brought great surprises and continued. After playing for a long time, I was still in high spirits. On the way back, I used my hands to caress my abdomen from time to time to accompany Meimei’s smirk. I was so happy that I didn’t know what to do.Walking into the house, I took the initiative to greet them one by one without waiting for the servants to salute, and then walked over with a smile.The servants looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing where the madam had gone, as if she had changed herself.

Passing in front of the main hall, I suddenly found someone inside.Taking a closer look, it turns out that Ting Lu is back!Usually he would come back when it was getting dark, but today unexpectedly he came back early.Besides him, there was an elderly minister in the hall, maybe they had just entered the door, Ting Lu didn't even bother to change into the court clothes and was chatting with the guests.Seeing that I was back, Ting Lu raised her hand to beckon me in. "Mulan, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Shang, the oldest person in the Imperial Hospital."

Why is another imperial doctor here?Didn't Mr. Cao have just been diagnosed yesterday?I said suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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