Chapter 300

His eyes were wet, and he lowered his head in grief and anger, not daring to look at me.

"Lu'er! Mulan!" The shouts of Zhang Ying and Tingyu also came from the crowd. Looking back, they were stopped by the Qing soldiers, all of them looked anxious and sad.It turned out that they also came to see Ting Lu off.Zhang Ying hugged Mrs. Zhang, whose face was full of tears, and couldn't hide the grief on her face.Tingyu looked at me with surprise and anger, and seemed to want to step forward to pull me back, but unfortunately, the Qing soldiers next to me pushed me back and could not move forward.Xue Lian kept trying to persuade him to say something, while she looked at me with sympathy and some complaints.

Although I'm not married to Ting Lu yet, I'm still his closest relative, so why not come.

The person in charge of the prison sentence is Chen Shilang.Seeing the movement here, I raised my hand to let the guard let me in.I finally came to Ting Lu as I wished.Ting Lu looked at me for a moment, her red eyes were filled with tears, her lips trembled because of her emotions, and she was speechless.I tried my best to put on a relaxed smile to let him remember my most beautiful appearance, but the tears fell down uncontrollably.

I slowed down my voice and said softly: "I went to ask the emperor, but I didn't agree to his conditions... We agreed to protect each other for the rest of our lives, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon. Don't worry, I will live well for you Go on, live happily forever..."

He nodded vigorously, glanced in the direction of Tingyu with misty tearful eyes, and then looked at me, "...Although I feel a little wronged...but the second brother likes you, I can rest assured that I entrust you to him...Now, I can Walking without worries...

There was a large bowl full of water and wine in front of a group of criminals. I held the bowl in front of him and brought it to his lips, "I have been looking forward to the day I marry you, and this wine will be our cup of wine. I hope that in the next life , I can still find you...One life is not enough for us to fall in love, so let's pray that God will grant us three lives and three lives to meet."

His face couldn't help being moved, and he suddenly lowered his head and gulped down his drink to cover up his overwhelmed emotions.I smiled lightly, and wiped the wine stains on his lips with a handkerchief, "You know, I like listening to the Mongolian song you sang the most. After listening to it so many times, I have learned it now. I will sing it to you in a while." Okay?" As he spoke, he took out the small bottle of wine mixed with medicine from his sleeve.He looked at me strangely, and I smiled relaxedly: "Isn't it a pity that I don't have wine to drink? The bottle of Taibai wine you gave me last time has been reluctant to drink it. Now I can drink it with you."

I brought it to my lips and was about to drink it, but at this moment, a loud shout came from behind: "Stop!"

(End of this chapter)

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