Dreaming back to the Qing Dynasty: Die Luo Chuchen

Chapter 285 Life and death parting, heart is broken

Chapter 285 Life and death parting, heart is broken

"Ting Lu..."

"Brother, please take care of her for me! Go!"

"No!" Without waiting for me to say anything, Yinti stepped forward and grabbed my arm and walked out, while I struggled and shouted: "Let go of me, Yinti, don't take me away. Ting Lu!"

The last time I saw Ting Lu, he was slowly squatting down along the railing with his back to us. He was crying and didn't want us to see him... He wanted to go through this difficult period alone.Seeing this breaks my heart...

Walking out of the prison of the Ministry of Justice, Yinti couldn't bear to watch my grief, and couldn't help but stretch out his arms to hug me, and comforted me repeatedly: "Mulan, don't do this, let him be quiet, the most uncomfortable person at this moment is him... "

I tried my best to hold back my emotions and raised my head, passed over his shoulder, a familiar figure appeared in my blurred vision, wiped away my tears to distinguish, I blurted out in surprise: "Tingyu?" I saw him standing not far away Looking at us, satisfaction and surprise were written on the haggard face.I didn't expect to meet him here, and I should have come to see Ting Lu, but why didn't I go in?
"Mulan, what Ting Lu said is correct. I also hope that you will not beg the emperor. Would you like to think about it again?"

On the way back in the carriage, Yinti seemed to guess that I would go to ask the emperor, and couldn't help comforting me.I lowered my head and remained silent for a long time. All I could see were Ting Lu's affectionate tears.When I think of him, my heart is always so painful that I can't help it. I have to bite my lip tightly to control the churning emotions in my heart.Ting Lu... how can you do this?Don't let me go to the emperor to beg, but also entrust me to others, don't you know that the person I really want is you?Why are there such stupid people in the world!

When he came out of the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, he met Ting Yu.He also came to visit Ting Lu, but was stopped by the warden.Seeing Chen Shilang coming, and seeing me, Lihua, walking out of it with tears in my eyes, I faintly felt something was wrong.

Knowing from Yinti's mouth that Ting Lu will be executed tomorrow, Ting Yu's body trembled, and her face became paler and paler. "Tomorrow? I thought the emperor...how could it be so fast..."

"If I'm not mistaken, Chen Shilang played a trick to trick the emperor into ordering him to be beheaded." I said with trembling lips and gritted my teeth. "I'll go to the emperor and tell him about it, there will be room for redemption."

"Mulan!" Yinti stopped.

"It's okay, I know what to do, don't try to persuade me anymore." I whispered stubbornly.Seeing that he couldn't persuade me, Yinti pulled Tingyu aside and told me what had happened. Tingyu looked at me in horror. "What, are you going to ask the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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