Chapter 262
At this time, Li Dequan came back and replied, "Your Majesty, here's the snow cream." The Emperor nodded and called me to sit on the seat next to me. careful.Li Dequan opened his eyes wide, with an expression of surprise on his face, as if it was the first time he had seen the emperor treat others like this.It is indeed a little inappropriate for the majestic king of a country to serve others in person...

"Your Majesty, let the slaves do it?" Li Dequan couldn't help but ask.

Now, I can't sit still anymore. "Your Majesty, Mulan will apply the medicine herself."

"Okay, after you go back, remember to wipe it every morning and evening, don't get wet. For these two days..." The emperor paused, and I thought with anticipation, could it be that he wants to give me a few days off?Unexpectedly, the following words poured cold water on my head. "... Come to the Hall of Mental Cultivation as usual."

ah?I looked at the emperor in disbelief, hearing his tone of voice clearly intending to let me rest, why did he change his mind when he spoke?I was somewhat disappointed.

After saluting, I couldn't wait to exit the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Walking along the long corridor, I walked briskly and anxiously thought about the countermeasures. If I can't leave the palace, I can't send a letter to Zhang's house. So who should I ask for help at this time?
Suddenly, a thought flashed into my mind, and I suddenly stopped and said in surprise, "Oh, how did I forget this?" I remember that in the history class, the teacher clearly said that Ting Lu was beheaded in the Yongzheng era. Yes, that means he couldn't have died during the reign of Emperor Kangxi...then the so-called literary inquisition incident won't affect him, right?Thinking of this, my flustered heart suddenly calmed down a little.That's right, there must be a turning point in this matter!

If you can't go out of the palace, you can find someone to let you out. Apart from the elder brother, I really can't think of anyone else who can help you.But waiting for the chance to meet like this is not an option, is it?

"Miss Mulan, just ahead is Chuxiu Palace..."

Xiao Shunzi, who was leading the way, said something, which interrupted my thoughts.The emperor knew that I had always wanted to visit the palace, so he sent Xiao Shunzi to accompany me around.

But I know very well that having Xiao Shunzi with me has another meaning.Where I've been, who I've talked to, Xiao Shunzi will report back one by one, maybe the emperor is preventing me from revealing the news. "...It turns out that the girls who live here are drafted, and they will be assigned to the other six palaces when they decide where to go. Now the girls who live here are all older court ladies, and they will be concentrated outside next month. let go."

He introduced him, and I was thinking about my own thoughts. After visiting the West Sixth Palace, we walked towards the East Sixth Palace. On the way, we passed the Imperial Garden. , Concubine Ding's voice talking and laughing, it turned out that they were visiting the garden inside.

Not long after, we came to the gate of Yuqing Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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