Chapter 339
Every time Jiang Guo Jiang Jingfudong came back from work, the sun was almost setting, and he couldn't rest after a day of exhaustion.

As an important labor force in the family, he has to go to the mountains to cut firewood every day, and at least he has to carry a few loads of firewood back.

In order to reduce the burden on their parents, Jiang Ziteng and Jiang Ziwang, the two teenagers followed their example and went to the mountains to cut firewood every day.

Jiang Zijian and Jiang Zikang also imitated his two elder brothers and went to pick up firewood with them.

Ever since Mr. Li was severely criticized by the principal, although his teeth were itching with hatred in his heart, he never dared to target Jiang Zijian Jiang Zikang in an open and aboveboard manner.

The homework in their class is also normal, and Jiang Zijian and Jiang Zikang can spare more time to help each day.

But it's a pity that the two of them are still young and can't do the work of cutting firewood, but the two of them are also very good at collecting firewood. The four children work together and can collect a lot of firewood every day.

Seeing that everyone in the family is working so hard, Zhang Yueru is more generous. She usually cooks chicken soup, pork ribs, or braised pork from time to time.

The Jiang family can eat meat almost every day. They are so tired these days, and the few men in the Jiang family have not lost weight, and they are still so strong.

Zhang Yueru was also thankful that the yard of their house was big, otherwise the smell of the meat would have wafted out along the wind, and the neighbors would have smelled it clearly.

Zhang Yueru is not afraid of being known by them that their family eats meat, mainly because at this time, it is very rare to be able to eat meat, even if a family with a little money can't eat meat every day.

This matter is going to spread, maybe it will develop into something.


Ginger carp leaned against the window and watched the scenery outside. In autumn, a leaf on the poplar tree began to turn yellow and fall off.

Originally viewed from this direction, it used to be a face of lush vitality, but now at a glance, except for the bare tree trunks, there are only green leaves.

There was a pile of leaves floating in the Jiang family's yard, and Zhang Yueru had to sweep it several times a day to clean it up.

Ginger carp chatted leisurely with the injured birds. To survive the winter, the birds also need to strengthen their nests. In winter, there is heavy snow, and they also need to survive the winter safely.

If it accidentally freezes, it's not good.

The Jiang family has been chopping firewood these days, and Jiang Li is too young now, but even if she grows up, Zhang Yueru probably won't allow her to go to the mountain to see the household, which will affect the image of the princess too much.

Although she can't help, the small animals in the mountains can.

When Jiang Jingfu, Jiang Guodong, Jiang Guomin, and a few older brothers went to cut firewood, Jiang Li would let the small animals break off those tree trunks early on that route and throw them on the ground.

In this case, Jiang Jingfu, Jiang Jingfu and others will be much more relaxed.

The weather is getting colder and colder, Zhang Yueru is also more and more not letting Jiang Li go out casually.

Before, Jiang Jin didn't know if it was because he didn't cover the quilt well at night, or because he got cold when he went out to play wildly, and coughed for half a month before he could go.

This time, Zhang Yueru was frightened. In the past, Jiang Li would go out for a walk to relax, but now she can't wait to let Jiang Li stay in the house all day.

It’s okay if you don’t go out for a day or two, if you don’t go out all the time, Jiang Li will be bored.

Jiang Li can't go out to play casually. It was already the limit to venture to find Cheng Yuan before. If he dared to go out for a stroll again, Zhang Yueru would probably be really angry and hit her this time.

The elder brothers are all in school, parents, second aunt and uncle are supposed to go to work, and Zhang Yueru is also very busy all day long.

Jiang Jin was the only one left, and Jiang Li couldn't chat with him yet.

Jiang Jin is just an ordinary human child, three and a half years old in the true sense, usually very naive.

Although little Jiang Jin is usually so cute, his personality is actually a bit withdrawn.

He seldom goes out to play, stays at home all day, and can play in the house all day with just a toy, a standard otaku.

This is not to say that other children are unwilling to play with him, or isolate him, but that he himself is too lazy to talk to other children.

Jiang Jin is good-looking, with twinkling peach eyes, a raised nose, red lips, and a standard beauty appearance.

In the entire Xiangyang brigade, and even in several nearby brigades, except for Jiang Li, who was born in the same birth as him, who was on par with him, the other children were simply far behind him.

Because of her young age and the fact that she usually eats very well, Jiang Jin's little face is a bit plump, but she can still see the appearance of a beautiful woman.

Children of his age, or children a few years older also like to play with beautiful children.

Jiang Jin's appearance can be said to be extremely popular. He usually plays with children, and he is definitely a group favorite and the center of the team.

But it's a pity that Jiang Jin is too lazy to talk to these children, he just thinks these children are annoying, chattering non-stop in his ears, he can't even play games with peace of mind.

So, Jiang Jin is not only in front of his family, but also in front of other children.

Jiang Jin, who appeared so cold and mature in front of other children, was still a naive child in Jiang Li's eyes.

Sometimes what I say is so stupid that it is hard to understand why a person can think of such a thing?Is this the imagination of children?

So when Jiang Li was bored, he would lie on the window sill and listen to the chirping birds on the opposite tree talking about what they heard and what happened in the brigade.

The little birds are scattered everywhere, so if something happens in the brigade, they can be obtained immediately.

For example, a daughter-in-law got into a fight with her husband, and the husband got scratched several times on his face, and the daughter-in-law went back to her mother's house angrily, and the money borrowed from the West family by the owner a few years ago has not yet been repaid. Angry, the two families fought vigorously.

The beating is called fierce!
Jiang Li was sitting by the window, and listening to the narration of the little birds, he felt that the scene at that time must have been extremely exciting.

It's a pity that she couldn't go to see such a wonderful scene in person. If she moved a bench and brought some delicious food to watch, it would be a very comfortable group.

Normally, apart from listening to the narrations of the birds, Jiang Li occasionally chats with Cheng Yuan to enhance their relationship.

Since the previous incident, the relationship between her and Cheng Yuan has eased, and Cheng Yuan has also taken the initiative a lot, knowing that Jiang Li can't always go out to play.

Cheng Yuan will take the initiative to spare time to come to Jiang's house to look for Jiang Li.

Jiang Li can also clearly feel the change of Cheng Yuan's mood, from the previous indifference to now occasionally acting like a baby to herself, it's so cute!
(End of this chapter)

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