The group pet koi she is still a baby

Chapter 313 Ingenious workmanship, hazy fairyland

Chapter 313 Ingenious workmanship, hazy fairyland

Cheng Yuan frowned, why did he appear in this place...

Cheng Yuan can be sure that in the past seven or eight years he has lived, he has never been to such a place full of immortality, but why is he dreaming of this place at this time...

Before Cheng Yuan could think about it, he found that his soul, which had been standing still, began to float up.

Cheng Yuan had no ability to stop his body from floating, so he could only passively follow the force and drift towards the place it wanted him to go.

Maybe this place is really a fairyland, but in the blink of an eye, Cheng Yuan has already stopped at the destination.

In the blink of an eye, Cheng Yuan found that he had changed from being outside to staying in an exquisite and elegant palace, and there were various scenes around the rooms of this palace.

And the place where I was staying at this time was a table and chair.

When Cheng Yuan lowered his head, he could see that the table was covered with various volumes, with densely packed words written on them.

But for some reason, Cheng Yuan couldn't see any of the densely written words on it.

Cheng Yuan lowered his head and tried hard to read the words clearly, but he still found himself confused.

This is obviously...

This dream does not want him to see clearly, what is written on it...

Before Cheng Yuan could think about why.

His soul began to move uncontrollably again, but this time it was not floating, but walking.

Cheng Yuan can also have more time to observe the surrounding scenery.

In fact, there is nothing strange in the room, exquisitely carved vases and some green plants are placed all around.

This vibrant color immediately added a different kind of beauty, and a touch of vitality to the palace that was originally hazy and delicate, not like a residence.

Cheng Yuan casually looked around, the scenery of this place is very good.

But at this moment, he really didn't have the slightest mood to appreciate it.

His soul drifted past following the whereabouts of the owner of the body.

During the action, I met a few people, but they are not human beings. These people's bodies are surrounded by a hazy fairy energy, including their faces, Cheng Yuan can't see any of them clearly.

He couldn't see any of them clearly, so he was naturally not qualified to make a conclusion.

But looking at the way these people saluted the owner of this body, the owner of this body should have a certain status.

Walking with the owner of the body is not as flashy as before, and Cheng Yuan also saw a corner of the palace.

This palace is really exquisite and luxurious, every place is exquisitely designed, and every place is carved with exquisite workmanship.

Moreover, the appearance of this building, coupled with the ancient costume worn by the original owner, Cheng Yuan has some doubts about where this is... Did he appear in the fairy world after his death...

Cheng Yuan laughed at himself and dismissed the idea.

A person like myself must be going to hell, not a hallucination after death, so where is he...

Cheng Yuan never thought about this place or the world at all.

After all, in the age he lived in now, it was a problem for the poor to have enough food and clothing.

Even if it is a rich family, in this special period, everyone will not choose to use it to modify this exquisite and gorgeous palace.

not to mention……

Cheng Yuan recalled the scenery he saw when he first came here...

Such a large palace, with so many exquisite, perfect and ingenious details, presumably no matter how rich you are, you can't make it at all...

Because according to the current craftsman's technology, no one can achieve such ingenious workmanship, such exquisite details that seem to be integrated.

What's more, in this day and age, if someone really dares to build such a construction site, it is estimated that the construction site will be gone before it is completed.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Cheng Yuan continued to follow the owner of this body. Just now, he didn't pay attention and found that the owner of this body had already walked towards a house.

This house is also very exquisite, with carved patterns and useful jade, both of which are very exquisite.

I don't know who the owner of this house is...

Cheng Yuan followed the owner of this body and opened the door, only to find that the exquisite and beautiful room was empty, without any furniture.

The most conspicuous thing here is a very large pool, Cheng Yuan frowned, a little suspicious.

In such a large palace, there are not many furniture and the like, but such a large pool is placed.

Could this be the bathroom?But there should be no furniture in the bathroom.

Cheng Yuan noticed that the owner of this body took a step or two forward and then backed away, just when Cheng Yuan was curious about what he was going to do.

But seeing him come out of the house without looking at him, he continued to walk forward with strides, and it seemed that the route he was advancing at this moment was not entering the palace, but walking outside.

After falling into a coma for such a long time, Cheng Yuan especially wanted to find someone to ask him where he was now, could it be that he was really dead...

But it's a pity that after he came here, he couldn't see the faces of the few people he saw except his own master.

The only thing I could see was a hazy, indistinct appearance, and after Cheng Yuan tried it out, none of these people could hear his voice...

But if he is dead, he shouldn't be in this state... Even if he goes to hell, he will be greeted by bull-headed and horse-faced, black and white impermanence, but now he doesn't even seem to know where he is...
Cheng Yuan was very restless in his mind. At this moment, Cheng Yuan found that the owner of this body took him to a place full of plants.

In addition to the bamboo forest, there are some peach trees in this place. I don’t know what season it is, but the peach trees are blooming very beautifully, exuding a faint fragrance.

—What is he doing here.

Cheng Yuan was a little strange, he tried his best to suppress the impatience in his heart, and followed the owner of this body to float forward.

The place not far away surrounded by immortal energy became clearer today, and it was only now that Cheng Yuan could see clearly what was in this place.

It was a spring, and this area was bigger than the previous pool in the house.

The owner of this body seems to like building water pools...

Just as Cheng Yuan was thinking, he suddenly saw the owner of this body wave his sleeves, and then heard a few loud "crash clatter" coming from the pool of spring water in front of him.

Something is coming.

Cheng Yuan didn't pay much attention to it. According to what happened before, even if the visitor really came, he probably saw it in a haze and couldn't see anything clearly.

"Emperor Qingyuan! Why are you here!"

——this voice.

Cheng Yuan opened his eyes wide.

(End of this chapter)

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