Chapter 644 Don't be afraid

Chapter 644 Don't be afraid

Inside the hospital, there was an obvious smell of disinfectant, which made people frown inexplicably and subconsciously.

Ye Jiao's heart flustered inexplicably, her face was solemn, she tried her best to make herself look nothing strange, but the subconsciously clenched hands revealed her emotions.

Gu Yuanyu could only hold her tighter and tighter, and the two walked side by side, the sound of pattering footsteps, in this quiet environment, seemed more and more quiet.

"Don't be afraid." The man next to him whispered, his voice full of comfort.

Ye Jiao rolled her eyes straight away, and she still straightened her back, showing her super arrogant side.

"Who is afraid? Not at all!"

As Ye Jiao spoke, she quickened her pace and walked in front.

Gu Yuanyu was funny, as soon as he retracted his long arms, he pulled the person over.

Ye Jiao's body hit his chest heavily, it was as hard as a soldering iron, it was completely painful, and she let out a subconscious exclamation.

"What are you doing!"

Ye Jiao was a little angry, what time is this, this guy actually still has these thoughts.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yuanyu leaned over and kissed Ye Jiao's brow, and said in a low voice: "Later, no matter what you see, don't be afraid, understand?"

Ye Jiao's heart skipped a beat!
When getting off the car just now, someone whispered something in Gu Yuanyu's ear, Ye Jiao thought it was about the Governor's Mansion, and didn't take it seriously.

Now it seems that things are not so simple.

"Did you know something?"

Ye Jiao felt a little flustered for no reason, she fixedly looked at Gu Yuanyu, worked extremely hard, trying to see something from the man's face and eyes.

It's a pity that this is like a deep ocean in front of you, and it's completely hard to see too many clues.

Even so, Ye Jiao became even more flustered.

"Man, is he dead?" She asked immediately.

Gu Yuanyu rubbed her little head and said with a smile, "No. Let's go."

The closer they got, the stronger the smell of disinfectant became, and it even reached a pungent feeling.

It was the first time Ye Jiao knew that such a thing already existed in this era.

This is the best hospital in Yucheng. It was just built and put into use in the last two years. Many doctors in it also came back from studying abroad.

"This means it will be safer." Ye Jiao silently warned herself in her heart.

Ye Jiao subconsciously covered her chest, she wanted to work hard to cover up her panic, and looked inside!
It was a small glass, square and square.

People's eyes looked in, and saw the person lying on the bed, his whole body was wrapped in glaring white gauze.

It is said to be a human being, but it is wrapped in layers so that it looks more like a small mummy, and it is even impossible to see the real appearance.

Ye Jiao's tears fell down with a "click!"

Although it is not a life-and-death relationship, but it is also a friend who really cares about it. When he left, everything was fine, and it became like this when he came back.

No one is allowed to enter the treatment room casually.

Ye Jiao and the others found the attending doctor and asked about the specific situation.

"The patient fell from the third floor and survived. It was originally considered a small miracle. We are currently doing our best to treat it. It was originally a miracle that he survived.

Of course, as for the follow-up, further active treatment is needed, depending on the specific situation. "

After coming out of it, Ye Jiao was a little lost.

She sighed softly, but she quickly pulled herself together.

What I have to do now, apart from fully cooperating with the doctors in their treatment, is to investigate clearly what is going on!

The first thing, maybe Ye Jiao can't do too much.

But this second matter can be regarded as her duty.

"There is news."

Onyx came with a gloomy expression.

"It is said that Ms. Xia's mood has not been very stable recently, and she also has a feeling of nagging. When she is emotional, she will beat people! Therefore, everyone doesn't like her very much,"

Ye Jiao frowned even deeper.

She has been in contact with Xia Ran all the time, why doesn't she know this.

At least in the relationship between the two, except for Xia Ran feeling a little melancholy, everything else is normal.


Manao was a little nervous, and under Ye Jiao's persecution, she had no choice but to whisper; "It is said that it is because Mr. Han has someone outside."

Ye Jiao! !
"How come I don't know at all!"

Ye Jiao continued to pick it up, and sure enough, she heard many very interesting "secrets".

Perhaps speaking, it is similar to an open secret!

It turned out that during the six months that Ye Jiao was away, Han Feng was already quite arrogant.

He went from doing some things secretly and quietly, to the point where he directly put it on the bright side, and even humiliated Xia Ran in public!

If it was a little reserved at the beginning, it was already very blatant in the end!
However, in order not to lose Han Feng, Xia Ran has always been the kind who endured silently.

But poor silly girl, for some people, your patience and your retreat will not make the prodigal son turn back. On the contrary, it will make him feel that you are easy to bully, and will become even more unscrupulous!


Ye Jiao slapped the table violently, she was so angry that there was smoke on her head!
Manao and the others were taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Pay attention to your body, don't get angry."

It is not a very stupid thing to punish yourself for the mistakes of others!

Ye Jiao shrugged.

Why doesn't she understand this truth? The point is, this girl can't control how much she sends!

A good girl, she was also charming at the beginning, and had thousands of fans. Who would have thought that after just a few years, she would become like this.

Lying on the bed like that, it looks like a human, a ghost!
This gave Ye Jiao a strong urge to kill someone!

"Where's Han Feng! Where's the others!" Ye Jiao suppressed all her anger, almost forcing out a few words from her throat.

"He's outside the ward, keeping watch."

Ye Jiao hehehe.

It seems a little late, even if it's a faux pas.

Shouldn't it be that when Ye Jiao and the others first arrived, they were showing an extremely affectionate appearance?
After all, scumbags have always been very good at disguising, and all kinds of posturing!
"Okay, then go meet him!"

Ye Jiao left as soon as she finished speaking, wishing she could walk with the wind!

She wanted to see how Han Feng described black as white this time, but she wanted to see how amazing this man's acting skills could be!

Manao and the others felt that their young lady was so handsome that they almost forgot to keep up.

(End of this chapter)

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