Chapter 437 What a stinky problem!

Chapter 437 What a stinky problem!

Ye Jiao is heartbroken.

Oh man.

"It's a charity ball, and some money will be raised for the elderly and orphans." Gu Yuanyu gently stroked her soft long hair and explained patiently.

From his point of view, it happened to be Ye Jiao's side face, with a delicate and small chin, a perfectly curved nose, a pair of long eyelashes, thick and brush-like, and she looked like a Barbie doll.

I don't know what's going on, Gu Yuanyu seems to never get enough of it, if he adds permission, he hopes it will be forever, forever and ever!

"Oh! In the next life, and in the next life."

Gu Yuanyu's expression became softer and softer. He looked at the little girl in front of him dotingly, and sometimes he really wanted to hide her, where no one could see her.

In this way, there will be no situation of being coveted by others.

This is not the first time that Gu Yuanyu has this idea, of course, in the end it is still just a thought.

"Then go!"

Ye Jiao agreed without hesitation!

Ye Jiao is very aware of the difficulty of the situation of those who are lonely, widowed, old and weak in this era.

For a long time, Ye Jiao has also made efforts in this regard, but in the end, she just helped some little beggars.

Now that there is a better opportunity, Ye Jiao naturally has no hesitation.

Even knowing that she may meet some people she doesn't like, Ye Jiao will still go there as always!
Gu Yuanyu squeezed her little hand, since he found out last time, he liked to touch her hand even more.

Small and soft, but also very elastic, people can't put it down.

Ye Jiao? ?
You meow what kind of problem is this.

Either touching people's faces or touching people's hands, you have to touch your own!
Gu Yuanyu shrugged, with an innocent face: "I don't feel anything when I touch it."

Ye Jiao: "."

After Dr. Lu came out of the police station, he specially brought a gift and brought his son to visit.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Dr. Lu came to Ye Jiao's house in a real sense, and the little Lu Yifan also expressed his curiosity.

The child obviously likes this place very much. He started jumping upstairs, downstairs and outside the yard, and soon played with a few little beggars temporarily adopted by the family, laughing and playing back and forth. The little guys are very happy. Gaomi's appearance.

"Soon, there was a burst of laughter outside, giggling and laughing, passing through the window, it made people feel a lot more relaxed every minute.

Ye Jiao's eyes looked through the glass, and she saw those bouncing figures outside, and those smiling faces that were too bright, these are too bright!
"It's nice to be young."

No, more precisely, it should be childhood.

People are always strange animals. When I was young, I always felt that it was good to be an adult, and I always hoped to grow up faster, as if I could experience the beauty of society that way.

Only when I grew up did I realize that childhood is so precious!
Unfortunately, there is no going back anyway.


What Ye Jiao said made Dr. Lu laugh.

"Looking at the way you sigh deeply, I don't know, I'm afraid I thought you were seventy or eighty, or at least my age!"

Ye Jiao shrugged, if she added her age in her previous life, she would not be considered young.

And sometimes, a person's maturity and vicissitudes, to some extent, are not all due to age, but also the number of books he has experienced or read.

However, Ye Jiao thought it was a little funny.

It does look like a little old lady. If coupled with this immature body, the pair of hands will form a strong contrast. It is no wonder that Dr. Lu laughed.

Shi Yan returned to his thoughts.He turned around and said: "Okay, let's talk about business first, the family didn't go to your Macheng place again."Dr. Lu shook his head and laughed: "I'm afraid that if they don't dare, they will be powerless."

After those people confessed, the situation completely changed.

The woman was immediately left at the police station and imprisoned.

Even if she didn't kill her husband with her own hands, the name "Bang X" can't get away. What awaits her is naturally a very severe criminal law.

Fortunately, it is now Ningguo. If it was placed in the old dynasty, this kind of woman who killed her husband would often be cut into pieces, soaked in a pig cage, and thrown into the river! +
Arriving in Ningguo, and in Yucheng, where the laws are quite strict and complete, it is basically impossible to escape.

and many more.

Obviously, Gu Yuanyu knew about this matter, and Ye Jiao was involved in it, that woman might be punished several times more severely than others!!
Doctor Lu didn't ask any more questions. In his opinion, they were more like clowns.

Dr. Lu would not sympathize, not to mention, when he was framed so tragically, how could that woman have softened her heart?
If that woman had a conscience, she probably wouldn't have done such a thing in the first place!
You know, Dr. Lu performed the operation on that man for free!
At the beginning, they came to the door crying, looking like they were dying. Dr. Lu couldn't bear it, so he agreed to consult for free, even without charging some symbolic fees.

Unexpectedly, after some kind-hearted treatment, a white-eyed wolf was finally saved.

Or the kind that almost gave myself a bite!
Doctor Lu felt a little scared when he thought about it!
Ye Jiao understood Dr. Lu's mood very well, it was chilling!
I hope he will not be hit, lest he stop doing good deeds in the future, it will be a great loss to the people of Yucheng, and even the whole Ningguo.

Tujiao looked at the man in front of him worriedly, but he suddenly laughed: "Of course not. Just like people will inevitably get sick, the process will be very painful.

Are we going to stop living because we worry about this?
More generally, some people will choke because of eating, so it is possible that they will stop eating in the future?
Whatever happens in the future, Dr. Lu will still be the same as before.

"I always believe that there are still many good people in this world."

Ye Jiao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

As for the rest of the family?

Although they did not directly participate in the crime, they could not escape in this matter.

After the news came out, it was not only spread among the common people, but also published in some newspapers in Yucheng.

Those people nowadays are like mice crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats them.

To be able to do such a thing is simply devoid of conscience!

Now I don't even dare to leave the door~
Ye Jiao laughed out loud!
And those common people who were pointing at Dr. Lu behind their backs all changed their tunes one after another, and started to praise Dr. Lu instead.

Ye Jiao shook her head.

After Dr. Lu left, Xiaowen came in with a cheerful voice!

"Master, there is an important breakthrough in Zha's news!"

(End of this chapter)

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