Chapter 423 Is it his breath?
Chapter 423 Is it his breath?
The man came to the bed, and quietly looked at the girl in front of him through the hazy moonlight.

Ye Jiao slept soundly.

The small round face the size of a palm, and the pink and tender cherry lips like flowers, are so beautiful that people are reluctant to look away.

Gu Yuanyu's originally stern face suddenly softened a lot.

The color of his eyes also softened, which was extremely gentle and tender.

The man sat on the edge of the bed, gently groping Ye Jiao's cheek with his somewhat rough fingers.

It seemed that at this moment, the longing for those days finally eased a little.

Gu Yuanyu sighed softly, he didn't know how long he sat there, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

It seems that only in this way, sitting quietly beside her, accompanied by her peacefully, that strong longing, will not torment myself too much.

It wasn't until the sky was approaching the dawn, and the sound of rooster crowing faintly sounded in the distance, that Gu Yuanyu came back to his senses, and he left quietly.

Ye Jiao woke up after dawn.

When the curtains were opened and a large amount of sunlight shone in, she felt warm all over her body.

Suddenly, Ye Jiao's complexion changed slightly, she sniffed the air vigorously, and only then realized that the situation was not that simple at all!

Why does it smell so much like Gu Yuanyu's breath!
But very light!

It's so light that it's doubtful whether it's an illusion or something.

Ye Jiao frowned slightly, she sighed in her heart, and her contempt for herself deepened.

Really speechless.

Could it be that this man has reached such a point that he even has problems with his sense of smell!
Or, did he really come last night?

Ye Jiao was not sure, her emotions were indescribably complicated.


There are some things that Ye Jiao doesn't want to continue thinking about, she doesn't want to think too much.

Just in response to the words of the people, let everything follow the fate.

Ye Jiao finished packing up and went to Dr. Lu's clinic to visit the patients.

After treatment and recovery, Fourth Aunt's condition improved significantly.

She looked much more energetic, her sallow face had become more hydrated, and the smile on her face had increased a lot.

Since the holiday, Jin Qi has basically "soaked" here, taking care of her mother tirelessly every day.

Look, at this moment Jin Qi is seriously peeling apples for Fourth Auntie.

A large piece of white sunlight shone from the almost transparent glass and fell on the two people in the ward.
At this moment, the atmosphere between the mother and daughter was extremely warm, especially the smiles on their faces, which were extraordinarily sweet and warm.

They are as beautiful as a painting, as if they can warm Ye Jiao's heart.

that's nice!

Speaking of which, when the fourth aunt was young, she was also a super beauty!

It's just obvious that her life has not been easy all these years.

The ruthless years and the hardships in the Jin family, like a pair of invisible hands, squeezed this beautiful woman dry little by little, turning her into the vicissitudes of life she is today.

Ye Jiao knew how many women like Si Yiniang were hiding in this era, especially in those deep houses.

But in the end, everything can only be turned into a soft sigh.

After all, Ye Jiao is not a savior, she is just an ordinary woman.

"You look much better." Ye Jiao put the fruit basket over and said softly.

Fourth Yiniang was flattered, she was about to stand up to greet her.

Ye Jiao quickly waved her hands and helped him up.

"Don't be like this, you just need to rest alive."

How could Fourth Aunt agree, she still looked a little scared.

In these years, she has never let down her vigilance in front of the two wives at home. Even when eating, she has to stand and serve vegetables and rice for the two of them.

This is the rule of being a concubine.

Ye Jiao waved her hand: "We don't like that. Jin Qi is my good friend, and you are her mother. In my eyes, you are the elder!"

Where are the elders saluting the younger generation?

Under the double comfort of Ye Jiao and Jin Qi, this matter was finally given up.

After Ye Jiao chatted here for a while, she went outside to find Dr. Lu, so she should spend more time with the mother and daughter!

Ye Jiao knew that even at home, Jin Qi didn't get close to Si Yiniang much.

However, the matter of why the fourth aunt was killed and who poisoned her food still did not continue.

Even if everyone half-knows, but Fourth Yiniang herself keeps silent, even if Jin Qi asks, she will muddle through.

Until now, that matter is considered to be frozen.

Ye Jiao also understood that Fourth Aunt herself didn't want to, and she didn't dare to pursue this matter.

If the parties involved are still like this, then Ye Jiao, an outsider, will naturally be even more difficult to say anything.

From the current point of view, Ye Jiao can still keep herself, what face does she have to ask others.

It sounds more like a little joke.

Doctor Lu is busy.

In other words, it is always busy here, even the two little nurses are always busy.

Looking at these, Ye Jiao felt quite happy.

Dr. Lu had just performed a bone grafting operation on a patient. He was so tired that he drank two sips of water before coming over.

"I kept you waiting." Doctor Lu, who was still wearing a white coat, looked more and more clean and elegant.

Ye Jiao shrugged her shoulders and sat beside her: "No, I just sat inside for a while. I didn't expect you to be able to connect bone surgery, you are amazing!"

Dr. Lu also shrugged like Ye Jiao, he smiled helplessly, and said bitterly: "Stop talking, this is not all forced by reality."

Most of the people in Ningguo don't believe in western medicine at all.

In the past few years, under Gu Dujun's deliberate promotion, the situation has obviously improved a lot.

A few years ago, when the common people were officially ignorant, they thought that Western medicine was a scourge, and it was rumored that they could eat people.

Most people only believe in Chinese medicine.

However, not all Chinese medicine practitioners have a benevolent heart, and not all of them are rejuvenated.

There are always some bad apples, bluffing and cheating in various names, and really harming some people.

Of course, there are many such Western medicines in foreign countries.

At present, the situation in China is relatively better. After all, most of those who can study abroad are from wealthy families, and many of them also have the benevolence of doctors for a moment.

Dr. Lu "coughed" twice, and quickly pulled back his thoughts: "If you accidentally talk too much."

Dr. Lu's heart is bitter, but it's hard to find someone to complain about, and it's rare to have a chat with Ye Jiao, so he can't help but make people complain more.

Just like the surgery he had just now, it was typically delayed.

You know, the original situation would not be so bad!
At the beginning, the patient only broke his leg.

(End of this chapter)

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