Chapter 194 Worry
Chapter 194 Worry
Pearl brought up the last fried egg, and said with a smile, "The warlord left at midnight last night, as if there was something urgent."

In the clean and immaculate white plate, there is a well-fried fried egg. The white egg white wraps the light golden egg yolk, and it looks extra delicate with the pink chrysanthemum petals specially used for decoration.

To live life, of course, the more exquisite the better, you have to live with gusto!

Ye Jiao shrugged her shoulders when she heard the words, and it was just right to leave. Anyway, this man often has various urgent matters, and sometimes he left in a hurry before he even had a bite of food.

It's pretty pitiful to say the least.

In the eyes of others, the majestic warlord is actually as tired as a grandson every day.

tsk tsk!

After Ye Jiao finished her meal, she belatedly remembered something.

"But isn't he going to tell me the answer today?"

It was the result of arson and assassination!
"Did he say when he would be back?" Ye Jiao asked again.

The crowd shook their heads.

Ye Jiao: "..."

Forget it.

If you can run to the monk, you can't run to the temple, just wait.

The inside of the school is still the same, but as the weather turns cooler, the windows and the like are not often opened.

Ye Jiao didn't really miss the class these few days, Jin Qi would come over every day, explain what she learned during the day, and then lend her notebook to Ye Jiao.

The additional time was not long, but it didn't delay anything.

Everyone was curious about Ye Jiao, and they all carefully asked about her situation at that time,

This is an assassination!

For these little flowers growing in the greenhouse, they are just like the legends in movies or storybooks, which are enough to make people yearn for!

The corner of Ye Jiao's mouth twitched, but she still told everyone about the situation at that time very seriously.

Ye Jiao didn't tell the truth, she didn't want to expose her strength too early, so as not to be targeted by others and send more killers.

Ye Jiao only said that the people around her were strong, and she was lucky enough to meet someone like the patrol battalion.

These little girls didn't doubt it at all. After all, in their view, being protected is normal. Someone like Ye Jiao who can punch and resist twice is already quite admirable!

Fortunately, it was time for class, and Ye Jiao was able to breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise, according to the posture of these little girls, they really planned to continue to dig something in Ye Jiao's mouth!
Only then did Ye Jiao realize something.

Jin Qi didn't come!

The desk was empty, and its owner didn't come until after school in the afternoon.

Ye Jiao couldn't help frowning, to be honest, she was really not used to it, especially the emptiness when eating, and the lack of that mellow milk!

After Ye Jiao returned home, she sent Manao to Jin's house to find out.

It's best to be fine.

Gu Yuanyu still didn't come back.

Ye Jiao looked at this familiar house, she knew everything was the same, but it always made people feel inexplicably uncomfortable, and always felt that something was missing.

After nightfall, Onyx came back and shook her head.

"The Jin family looks the same as usual. I asked someone to inquire, but I didn't find much useful information. I just heard that the Jin family invited a doctor today."

"Chinese medicine, Western medicine?"

"It's an old doctor."

Ye Jiao, who was sitting by the desk, was silent. She closed the book in her hand, and said in a concentrated voice, "Maybe it's just uncomfortable. Let's not be too nervous. You are tired too, go to sleep."

Having said that, after Manao left, Ye Jiao didn't feel at ease at all.

According to Yang Wei'an, Jin Qi didn't even ask for leave, and the girls' school sent someone to inquire, but they didn't find anything.

Ye Jiao's brows were furrowed more and more, her eyes darkened.

The sky is dark during the day, but the moon is bright at night.

The silver-white moonlight shone in the courtyard like flowing water, and also enveloped the whole body of the little girl kneeling on the ground, draping her body like the most beautiful dress.

Her shadow was drawn very long by the moonlight, and because of kneeling for a long time, even the shadow reflected on the ground trembled slightly.

This girl is none other than Jin Qi who disappeared all day and didn't go to the girls' school.

She hadn't eaten all day, and she didn't remember how long she had been kneeling, only that she had lost feeling in her legs.

His stomach was making low noises, as if afraid of disturbing others.

Not far away, there are a few women who are gambling under the veranda. They yell loudly, and occasionally find time to eat two mouthfuls of meat buns.
The night wind was very cold, and it blew on the person, making him shiver involuntarily.

Jin Qi secretly gritted her teeth and persisted, but even so, her body was still unable to hold on.

She felt that the world in front of her was a little indescribably wobbly, especially the house was spinning in a circle.

She was like a dead leaf in the winter wind, as if she could be swept away in the next moment.

She braced herself, but finally collapsed on the ground, the excessive coldness pierced every nerve of her like ice blades!

A sharp-eyed woman saw it and immediately walked over and kicked Jin Qi.

"My wife said, four hours, less than a quarter of an hour will not work!"

Jin Qi shook her head, she supported her body with her hands, climbed up with great difficulty, and knelt down again.

The stinging pain from that knee seemed to be stabbing her heart silently, it was so painful!
She could feel that the strength in her whole body was almost exhausted during the whole day of kneeling, and now, to put it bluntly, she was just relying on one breath to hang on!

The woman was still not satisfied, and said lightly: "Miss Six, you stand up straight! Otherwise, if the wife asks, I will not be able to explain it!"

Jin Qi's eyes dimmed, and she said softly, "Ms. Qing, please tell your wife that I want to rest and kneel tomorrow. The Bodhisattva probably won't mind. Just in case, just in case..."

Jin Qi took a breath, her pale face was almost bloodless, and even her lips were bitten with a dark purple tooth mark.

She struggled to squeeze out a few words: "If you really hurt your knees and become crippled, I'm afraid it will be difficult to marry in the future."

This mother-in-law named Qing rolled her eyes, and felt that this was really the case.

Sixth Miss is good-looking, the reason why the master sent her to the girls' school was to be gilded, so that she can marry in the future and bring glory to the Jin family!
If this really becomes a lame person, that would be too bad, it's been a waste of years!
The more the old woman thought about it, the more she understood the truth. She didn't care about gambling anymore, and hurried to the wife's room...
When Gu Yuanyu came back, it was already midnight.

After simply washing up, he didn't rest, but went to Ye Jiao's room,

The little girl who was lying quietly on the bed was soundly asleep.

The curtains were only half drawn, and the moonlight shone in through the glass windows, illuminating the entire room very warmly.

The man walked by the bed, gently touched her small face with his hand, and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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