Chapter 542 Extra Story 7
Shangguan Jingyi started his morning journey on the second day under the thoughts of his wife.

Originally, he wanted to sit on the throne for a few more years, and when Shangguan Junhao passed his 15th birthday, he would pass the throne to him directly.

Unexpectedly, halfway through the morning, he wished he could retire on the spot.

The reason is this.

The ministers wrote letters as usual, and some ministers received letters from foreign envoys and reported the contents of the letter to Jing Yi, saying that Bingguo had learned that the empress had given birth to a daughter, and had already prepared generous gifts. The Japanese will set off for Beijing with their children.

Shangguan Jingyi knew the intention of Emperor Bingguo when he heard it. It was not because he heard that the empress of Liguo gave birth to a son. They gave birth to a daughter. They thought they were going to get married and wanted to fight for their son's chance.

They had a pretty good idea, it was absolutely impossible for his daughter to marry into Bingguo!
It’s just that Bingguo has been dispatched, and other countries are naturally not to be outdone, so he asked again, “Are there other countries besides Bingguo who also have letters delivered? What about Rongguo, Tulu, and Koryo? Can someone tell me when they will come here?” ?”

As soon as Shangguan Jingyi finished speaking, the entire hall fell silent, and even taking a breath in silence became extremely embarrassing.

Shangguan Jingyi asked puzzledly, "Could it be that there are no newborn princes and grandchildren in these countries?"

He also thought that when the time comes, let the children of these countries play more together and bring their children together, so that no one will dare to miss his daughter.

After a long time, a minister stepped forward and reminded, "Your Majesty, you forgot that Rong Kingdom was destroyed two years ago."

"That's right, Tulu Kingdom and Koryo Kingdom were also destroyed three years ago!"

Ministers have reminded.

Shangguan Jingyi was silent, he really didn't know about this.

"Rong Kingdom was destroyed two years ago? Tulu Kingdom and Koryo Kingdom were destroyed three years ago? Who did it?"

Shangguan Jingyi felt that it was most likely destroyed by Li Kingdom.But as soon as this question was asked, all the ministers present looked at him like a god.

Of course, Shangguan Jingyi noticed these strange gazes. He touched his reddened handsome face and couldn't help but ask, "We couldn't be the one to hit him, could we?"

The minister below said softly, "Why not?"

Hearing the voice below, Shangguan Jingyi stood up abruptly, and left the court without even saying retreating.

The Empress of the Li Kingdom is right, this Shangguan Junhao is really capable, he destroyed the three kingdoms at a young age, so why does he still keep Bingguo?
Coming out of the court hall, he asked someone to call Shangguan Junhao to the imperial study room, but the maid said that at this time the three princes were accompanying the empress in the Taikun Palace.

Shangguan Jingyi thought for a while, and went directly to the Taikun Palace. As expected, except for the Empress of Li Kingdom, all three of his sons were there.

Lan Ruqing had just given birth, her body seemed to have almost recovered, and she was sitting at the table chatting and laughing with her sons, and the Empress of the Li Kingdom would also say a word or two from time to time.

Shangguan Jingyi came in, and his three sons came up to salute him. Shangguan Jingyi waved his hand and asked them to sit back.

Sitting on Lan Ruqing's left is the Empress of the Li Country, and the one on the right is probably his eldest son.

Shangguan Jingyi sat down and stared deeply at Lan Ruqing's son next to him, "Junhao, I heard that you have destroyed all other countries except Li Country Bing?"

As soon as the words fell, Yuanyuan stared at Shangguan Jingyi in a fuss, "You only know about this! Your son not only wiped out the Three Kingdoms, but also helped me get rid of the Xingyue faction, forcing Jiyue to fall into my hands." superior!"

Lan Ruqing also stared at her three sons in shock, "No way? When did it happen?"

The empress of the Li Kingdom looked proud, as if she was her son, "Why not? He brought the Tulu Kingdom and the Koryo Kingdom together when he was five years old, and destroyed the Rong Kingdom when he was six years old. In fact, there is no problem at all passing the throne to Jun Hao, he can handle it!"

Shangguan Jingyi asked in puzzlement, "Why did you destroy the Three Kingdoms?"

Everyone looked at Shangguan Jingyu beside Lan Ruqing, Shangguan Jingyu pointed at herself and asked suspiciously, "Father, are you talking to me?"

"Otherwise, my father arranged for you to go to court to test your ability, but you are talking about why you want to destroy the three kingdoms?"

Shangguan Jingyu glanced at Lan Ruqing, and said weakly, "Father, my son is Jing Yu!"

"Cough cough cough..." Shangguan Jingyi choked on his saliva and coughed continuously to cover up his embarrassment.

Lan Ruqing couldn't stand it anymore, "Shangguan Jingyi, I just woke up, it's normal to not be able to tell the children apart, but you've been with them day and night for eight years, so it's a bit unreasonable not to know each other!
Have you ever cared about my son? "

Shangguan Jingyi pushed Shangguan Jingyu away and coaxed Lan Ruqing, "Don't be angry, they look so much alike, I really can't tell them apart, let alone me, even the queen mother can't tell the difference, you Don’t worry about blaming me, if you don’t believe me, ask the Empress of Li Country if she can tell the difference clearly, if she can, I will really admit that I was too negligent to the three of them!”

Yuanyuan waved her hand quickly when she heard that, "Please forgive me, look at the appearance and listen to the voice, it's like a child who was pasted and copied, the gestures are so similar, I can tell the difference clearly!"

Lan Ruqing really didn't believe it. There are no identical leaves in the world. She asked her three sons to say who they are.

After the three brothers reported their names, Lan Ruqing asked them to hold out their hands.

"I'll go, these three are really pasted and copied, the fingerprints are all ten circles, and the palm lines of this big ingot, oh, I'll go!"

Lan Ruqing supported her head with a headache, "How can you tell the difference!"

Shangguan Junhao chuckled, hugging Lan Ruqing's arm coquettishly, "Mother, there will be plenty of time in the future, take it easy!"

Lan Ruqing patted Shangguan Junhao's little head and nodded.

Shangguan Jingyi was a bit apprehensive, and found fault with dissatisfaction, "Shangguan Junhao, you haven't said why you want to destroy the Three Kingdoms?"

"Royal father, I don't see you every day, so I just want to attract your attention, but your heart is always on the queen mother!"

Being sued by his son, Shangguan Jingyi obviously felt a little guilty, "Father admits that he has neglected you all these years, but even so, this cannot be the reason for you to be bloodthirsty and destroy other countries at will!"

Shangguan Junhao hurriedly exonerated himself, "Actually, my son served in court for two months, and after that, my second younger brother served as my son's court. The order to attack the Three Kingdoms was also given by my second brother!"

Seeing that Shangguan Junhao pulled the matter away and left himself clean, Shangguan Jingyu quickly dragged Shangguan Junhao and Shangguan Yuze into the water.

"Father and queen mother, it was my eldest brother who forced me to go to court, and the third younger brother approved the memorial in the imperial study room. The two of them teamed up to bully me. Not only that, my eldest brother also sneaked out of the palace all day to see a little girl named Jinruo. girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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