Chapter 439

When she got off the plane, she saw the car that came to pick her up. Chu Yun raised her sunglasses and looked carefully before getting in the car.

During this period of time, Chu Yun was already very tired and had arranged a lot of announcements, preparing for today's premiere.Sitting in the car, she took the water from the assistant, took a sip with a straw, and handed the glass back to the assistant.

She leaned on the back of the car, squinted for a while, and then went to the place where the event was held.With a long skirt in one hand, she greeted the media with a smile on her face.They greeted each other with long guns and short guns. If it was a newcomer, she might be shy. While thinking about it, she took the pen handed over and signed her name on the background board.

Just as Chu Yun was about to move forward, she heard the host's voice, probably just introducing the movie, and then giving the media time to take pictures.

She stood in the middle of the team, standing straight, allowing the media to take as many pictures as she could.The director introduced the whole movie and handed the microphone to her. She was in a daze when she heard the reporter ask: "Chu Yun, we want to ask, as a newcomer, is there any pressure to film with so many big shots?"

Chu Yun seemed to be thinking, lowered her head, pursed her lips and smiled lightly, and then raised her head: "It's impossible to say that there is no pressure. As a newcomer, you should ask your seniors for advice, especially so many good seniors."

She paused, and then said, "If you find that Chu Yun's acting skills are terrible while watching a movie, then please bear with me, after all, there are so many seniors who are compared to her!"

When the media asked her again, she also solved it easily. After the end, she had a few pleasantries with the director and seniors, and then she sat in the car.

It's like a mission, and it's a relief when it's over.She turned her head to look and smiled, and asked, "Is my performance today okay?"

Smiling for a moment, she nodded again, "Sister's performance is top-notch."

Seeing Xiaoxiao's flattery, Chu Yun laughed out loud, not knowing whether to say that she is innocent and cute, or that the child is stupid.

The driver sent her to the front of the house, and she said a few more words with a smile, "Go back to bed early at night. If you have nothing to do, don't call me too early tomorrow. I'm tired during this time, and I should have a good night's sleep."

"Got it, ma'am."

Chu Yun got out of the car, looked at the rear of the car and sighed softly, she was tired and it was time to take a good rest.

But the next day, when she was sleeping soundly, she received a call, and she hung up casually, but the phone kept vibrating.She sat up abruptly, saw the caller ID on it, sighed again, and pressed answer immediately.

"Chu Yun, I have something nice to tell you." Han Qingmei's voice was so loud that it made people...want to hit her.

"Hurry up if you have something to say, so I can go to sleep after I finish." Chu Yun's voice was lazy, and she looked very sleepy.

Han Qingmei on the other end also knew that she was tired during this period and should take a good rest. She wanted to tell her the good news directly, but she still got playful, "Guess."

Chu Yun showed a lack of interest, "If you like to talk about it, you will die if you don't talk about it."

She was about to hang up the phone when she heard the other end say: "I said I said, you hang up later."

Only then did she put the phone to her ear again, only to hear Han Qingmei cough a few times, as if clearing her throat, but she was really serious.

"There are high-end luxury brands that have offered us an olive branch, but I haven't accepted it yet, so I can't wait for you to pick and choose."

Chu Yun only felt that her voice was pleasant at this moment, making her physically and mentally happy.

Chu Yun hung up the phone, feeling completely drowsy from being disturbed by Han Qingmei. She sat on the bed and calmed down. In order to make sure that what Han Qingmei said was not a lie, she called again to confirm.

Until the other end confirmed that she was telling the truth.And after confirming her intention to sign a contract with her over and over again, she threw down her phone and screamed a few times in excitement, and rolled on the bed a few times before she calmed down.

It can only be said that she feels that her fate is good, and she is very, very good, so she can get the endorsement of a high-end luxury brand.

(End of this chapter)

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