
Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Zhao Shuihe's words shocked me.

She was almost right.

"Yunsi Soup" was born out of "Wensi Tofu" in Huaiyang cuisine.Shandong cuisine, especially Jinan cuisine, is also absorbed by northern cuisine because it is good at spooning.

It is slightly simpler to make than Wensi Tofu, but it is similar.This dish is famous for its regular knife work, delicious taste and elegant color.

Most importantly, this soup is indeed the best dish I have made so far.

Because the ingredients of that dish are very simple, but it is very skillful.

To put it simply, it cuts a piece of tofu 36 times horizontally and 72 times vertically, using the technique of Tiangangdisha to make tofu filaments comparable to reed sprouts, and then add starch, chopped green onion, thin meat and other seasonings to make soup into the pot .

After being out of the pot, the tofu in the soup is as silky as clouds and fluffy, and it looks very good, just like the words "Yangchun Baixue", and the taste can be adjusted according to the requirements of diners. With the words "Lower Riba People".

This connects up and down, which corresponds to the "golden mean" of our Confucius Temple, so I like it very much.

This soup is the first dish I have on hand, and it is also the signature soup of my Bayi Restaurant.

I was very puzzled, how did Zhao Shuihe see this from me?
In desperation, I immediately asked Xian Hongye, "You didn't tell him... what kind of food do I know?"

Hongye shook her head helplessly.

"I'm not convinced!" Zhao Shuihe reprimanded me triumphantly, "Then I'll let you understand how you 'died'!"

While speaking, Zhao Shuihe simply repeated her "eyesight" and reasoning process with me.

Speaking of which... I still overlooked the details.

Very early on, Zhao Shuihe knew who I was, and knew that I was the apprentice of his "grandson" Zhao Haipeng who hadn't saluted him.

But even so, she doesn't know my craft and inheritance.

After all, I have been separated from the old squad leader for three years. During these three years, no one knows whether I have made progress or made progress.

At this point, Zhao Shuihe said proudly: "...I have already seen through your skills until you killed Huo Weilian with the sword. Your best skill is the 'sword skill'."

While speaking, she made me realize suddenly.

At noon today, when Lei Ren performed the "Ritual of Five Sons Moving the Mountain" to my old squad leader and asked about the "Divination of the Dead", we were about to know the real cause of the old squad leader's death.

But at the last moment, that Huowei Lian that I fought with in Shirengu and suffered both defeats appeared again at an inopportune time.

Its appearance destroyed the psychic ceremony between us and the old squad leader, and it also made me very angry.

When the enemy met, I got up angrily and drew my knife, wanting to destroy it directly, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

Although at the last moment, I missed the shot due to a miscalculation, I still cut off a part of the beast's tail, which slightly vented the anger in my heart.

My series of movements, although fast, must have been clearly seen by Zhao Shuihe standing on the mourning hall.

My unique skill of drawing a dagger back was indeed evolved from the knife technique of cutting vegetables under the guidance of the old squad leader, so it is not surprising to be seen.

But if you want me to believe that she, Zhao Shuihe, can tell what kind of dishes I will make from a few simple knife moves, I still can't easily believe it.

After all, this is too mysterious.

So, I asked Zhao Shuihe expectantly: "How do you judge my craftsmanship from these?"

Zhao Shuihe smiled triumphantly and said, "Isn't that simple? Those of you from the Confucius Temple have good sword skills, but your brains are generally not very good."

Later, she told me that when I used the knife on Huowei Lian, she keenly saw that I was using the strength of my wrist, and coincidentally, it belonged to the deformation of the "slaughter knife" that comes first. .

The sloughing knife is a knife method learned by "Shuitai chefs" who remove scales from fish. Fish scales are hard and protected by mucus, so it is difficult to remove them. Shuitai workers specialize in killing fish, dozens of them every day. It is very difficult to remove a fish without a professional knife.

For a long time in history, this has become a major problem that plagued cooks.

This problem was not solved until the end of the Northern Song Dynasty by Song Wusao, the "ancestor of fish making".

Song Wusao was born between Song and Song Dynasties, and she is as famous a chef as Xiao Meiren in later generations.There are many legends in her life, and she has left two precious heritages in Chinese cooking.

One is her famous dish "Vinegar Fish", and the other is the "Scaling Knife Technique" used by Shuitai craftsmen to remove scales in the Wu Zang Temple.

When I removed fish scales in the cooking class, I used the sloughing knife taught by the old squad leader.

Speaking of this, Zhao Shuihe said proudly: "Knife skills are nothing more than the three words 'strength, precision, and speed', and the shedding knife also pays attention to ingenuity and calculation. You have done a good job. Except for my brother, I have no I have seen others surpass you in knife skills."

I chuckled lightly, as if I had done my part.

Afterwards, Zhao Shuihe reasoned logically: "You know such a good knife skill, would you use it in cooking? So your best dishes must be the ones that test your knife skills the most."

In the cook business, the most exquisite "famous dishes" are squirrel mandarin fish and Wensi tofu (yunsi soup).

"How do you know I can make Wensi tofu instead of squirrel mandarin fish?" I continued to ask.

"It's not easy?!" Zhao Shuihe sneered and said, "Sister Hongye already told me, there are only two people in your poor Bayi restaurant, who will eat the squirrel and mandarin fish! Even if you know how to do it, you have no chance Experience. On the contrary, it is down-to-earth Yunsi Soup. It is more suitable for your grade."

This made me feel sour in my heart, but it was indeed the case.

Relatively speaking, squirrel mandarin fish is taller and more expensive, and small restaurants generally do not serve it.But the raw material of cloud silk soup is tofu.So it is very suitable for working class.Moreover, Yunsi Geng is much simpler than Wensi Tofu in Zhengerbajing.It is also in line with the principle of "efficiency is king, small profits but quick turnover" in small restaurants.

As for the rest, there is no need for her to say.

I am good at knives, so I naturally like to shred and slice.Among mainland dishes, shredded fish-flavored pork and hot and sour potatoes are the most delicious.Although these two dishes are Sichuan dishes, there are too many people eating them, and the recipe is relatively simple.So every cook will.Because of knife skills, if I do well, naturally the guests will eat more, and if they eat more, I will naturally cook more.

So far, the truth has come to light, and I have to admit that this girl Zhao Shuihe is really good at "seeing the leopard in the tube, which can be seen".

I lost, but I'm still not convinced.

For it was evident that the course she had plotted for me had been planned as early as noon.Although I also ate half of her Yangchun noodles, but she came prepared.How can I compare it.

Therefore, I was not convinced: "You won, but you counted me as early as noon. not fair!"

"I knew you would say that!" Zhao Shuihe proudly took out the coin again, and while playing with the coin, she said to me: "I can give you an extra chance, as long as you say it .What if you win?!"

I have no choice but to agree.

(End of this chapter)

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