
Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Lei Ren made a move of "Hand up to the sky", and walked out with three rice bowls filled with rice soup in one hand, which amazed the audience at that time.

Any one of the three bowls can only be grasped in the hands of ordinary people, and it is impossible to take five steps with two, but in his ridiculous hands, it is as stable as a mountain, and it is even worse when walking. Everything is stable.

No matter how his body swayed, the three bowls seemed to stick to his palms with glue, and the sticky rice soup would never spill out.

I could tell at a glance that his unique skill of "three tricks against the sky" could never be mastered without five years of experience serving others.

From this point, I can even deduce that Lei Ren definitely worked for others before, and the one who has endured hardship is obstinate.

Relying on his own efforts, he climbed to the position of abbot of Wuling Temple step by step. For some reason, he became so cunning and cunning later.

After Lei Ren showed his unique skills, he walked up to the Lingtai very proudly, and he swiped the three bowls of "rice soup" with one hand!Neatly placed on the incense table full of tributes.

Immediately, the big, two small and three bowls of rice soup were neatly arranged.From the appearance point of view, it looks like one big, two small and three mountains.

So far the "Three Mountain Dou" has been formed.

I looked up and looked at the food that was said to be able to attract wronged souls, and I was a little dumbfounded at the time.

So...there are actually three bowls of the ordinary "glutinous rice and eight treasures rice", right? !
"These three mountain buckets are actually... eight-treasure rice?" I looked at the three bowls of rice soup and asked in amazement.

Eight-treasure rice is something that a cook can make. Every cuisine in the country has different recipes, but it is basically the same. It is nothing more than glutinous rice, with longan, lotus seeds, candied dates, barley, hawthorn and even yellow rice. Steamed seasonal dried fruit etc.

This dish is a combination of food, sweet and sour, and can be used as a dessert or as a main meal. It is also used in many places in Qingming Laba, the custom of offering sacrifices to gods.

However, this is still just a bowl of eight-treasure rice.I have never heard of the saying that this thing can attract souls!

Facing my question, Lei Ren obviously refused to accept it. He shook his head arrogantly and criticized me: "You young man! You open your mouth and say it's eight-treasure rice. How much do you know...Since you know so much, then you say Do you know the origin of my eight-treasure rice?"

I shook my head, naturally I didn't know.As long as you know how to cook this meal, who cares so much?
This time, Lei Ren finally found a chance to fight back against me. He first scolded me for not "respecting the teacher", and then in broad daylight, he said that Babao Rice is the "Sanshandou" that can summon souls. There are "famous dishes" and "yin food" with origins.

Lei Ren even said that the tradition of using eight-treasure rice to worship and summon souls has existed since ancient times, and it is inseparable from its long history and related special meanings.And behind the Eight Treasure Rice... there is also a bloody story.

... He told us that the history of "Eight Treasure Rice" is very old. When this dish was created, the four major cuisines were still in the womb, and even Chinese cooking was just in its infancy.

And its appearance is closely related to a very important military event in Chinese history, "King Wu's defeat of Zhou".

According to legend, after King Wu succeeded in overthrowing Zhou, he feasted all his ministers.Before the banquet, the eight meritorious ministers unanimously requested that the corpse of King Zhou should be divided and eaten according to the ancient ritual of "the Yellow Emperor crusade against Chiyou", and the remains should be handed over to other places to reassure the people.

This suggestion was firmly opposed by "Emperor Master" Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya said, "My Great Zhou Dynasty governs the country with rites, and we should treat the princes with gentleness and recuperate."This national policy should be fundamentally different from Shang Zhou, who was prevalent in witchcraft and used law to disrupt the country. Using torture to flog corpses and eat meat is against the actions of benevolent people.

King Wu of Zhou understood, but he couldn't ignore the suggestions of the eight heroes, so after thinking about it, he quickly came up with a compromise.

King Wu ordered the chef to use glutinous rice as the base, add "longan, barley, lotus seeds, preserved fruit and other auxiliary materials that the eight ministers liked to eat, and red hawthorn to represent the meat of King Zhou who was sold on the terrace, and made a dish. The "eight treasures and eight points" meals are distributed to the officials.

The eight humerus ministers were very happy after eating the eight-treasure meal, because each of them could find their favorite ingredients in the meal.

Because of this, the eight meritorious servicemen all understood, thinking that King Wu of Zhou remembered his achievements in destroying Shang Zhou, so he was satisfied for a while, and became more loyal to the Zhou family.

Later, the eight ministers were entrusted to various places and became princes.When these princes offered sacrifices to the ancestral temple, they would offer the eight-treasure rice made by King Wu, because the ancestral temple believed that this meal symbolized the merits of the Yin spirits in the past, and it was a gift from the king, which could more easily summon the souls of the ancestors back to enjoy.

Since then, Babao rice has become one of the dishes for celebration and sacrifice. Every Laba Festival, many places use it to call the ancestors.

The stories are bizarre, but the meals are ordinary.What matters is the human heart.

...Although I said so, Lei Ren boasted that such a very ordinary meal was amazing, and I still felt a little cheated in my heart.

If I had known that this thing could be used to "count death", I would have done it myself, why bother begging Lei Ren.

Facing the suspicious expression on my face, Lei Ren didn't take it seriously, and he continued to boast: "...Besides, my Sanshandou's eight-treasure rice is very different from ordinary ones!"

What he said made me a little curious, and I hurried to see how his meal was different from what I usually cook.

Moreover, I do not believe it from the bottom of my heart, a bowl of broken rice, adding or subtracting a few seasonings can bring back the soul of the dead?It's so mysterious that it's not called "Five Sons Mountain".

And there is a mountain, what about the five sons?

With this question in mind, I looked into the bowl, stared wide-eyed for a long time... still didn't see anything.

"What the hell was added! Don't tell me it's the bottom of the pot." I said impatiently.

The three bowls of eight-treasure rice were no different from the ones in memory, except for some gray-black things like ashes on the bottom of the pot, there was nothing more.

Those ashes were probably just rubbed on by Lei Ren accidentally when he was out of the pan.

But at this time, Lei Ren nodded unexpectedly: "It's the ashes! It's just that the ashes are not the bottom of the pot... but Jin Zhuyi's meat powder.

When the cooks present heard the words "Jin Zhuyi", they were taken aback for a moment, then their eyes widened and their jaws widened, as if they saw a panda.

Hongye didn't understand our surprised expressions, she tugged at me and said, "What is a Jin Zhuyi?"

I told her in a low voice: "Zhuyi is a 'puffer fish'. Jin Zhuyi is a species of puffer fish. It is said that that thing can be psychic, but...that thing was extinct as early as the end of the Qing Dynasty!"

Hongye said in amazement: "Extinct?!"

I nodded and said: "Since the Republic of China, there has been no report of this thing reappearing. The last one... I remember it was discovered in the first year of Xuantong, from Wujue River in Guangxi. It was sold for three thousand oceans!"

After saying these words, Lei Ren nodded at me more proudly and said: "The younger generation has insight! The reason why you can no longer use the five sons to move mountains is because the main ingredient 'Jin Zhuyi' used for psychic psychics has been extinct. the dried fish my father got from a Guangxi warlord when he was a soldier."

When I said this, I admired Lei Ren even more, he really came prepared!Moreover, in order to get close to Zhao's family, it seems that they really paid a lot of money, even willing to use non-renewable "extinct" ingredients, just to take a look at the kitchen knife?

Regarding the current situation, I suddenly realized that either Lei Ren really wanted to make amends with the Zhao family, or the Zhao family's kitchen knives were too attractive.

But when I continued to think wildly, Lei Ren suddenly coughed and reminded us: "Everyone pay attention! Five sons move mountains to invite soul art! It's about to begin!"

(End of this chapter)

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