
Chapter 55 The Martial King's Dream

Chapter 55 The Martial King's Dream

Later, Zhao Hong told me a legend about the 72 caves in Yimeng Mountain that he knew when he was young.

It was a legend about "landslides", "yin soldiers" and "fairies".

He said that Yimeng Mountain 72 Gu is also called 72 Fang Mountain or 72 Table Mountain. There are many legends and descriptions about the origin of the 72 Mountains. Among them, what people don't understand the most is why these mountains do not have "mountain tops", but look like tables. Or buckle the bottom of the washbasin as flat.

For this, the ancients had many explanations and associations. Some people said that these mountains were the broken stone pillars supporting the sky in ancient times, some said that they were the relics left by the Eight Immortals when they benefited, and some said that they were the relics left by the Taishan Empress and the Jade Emperor. And so on, and so on.

But Zhao Hong's grandma told him a very different story about 72 Gu.

Zhao Hong's grandmother said that there are several landslides of moderate size every few decades in the Yimeng mountainous area.And those landslides... were caused by the fox fairy when he crossed the catastrophe.

"What? A vixen?" I scratched my head.

It is simply impossible to imagine why Zhao Hong would tell me these things at this moment. What does he mean by telling me such a ghost story in such a sudden situation?

Zhao Hong ignored my reaction, but continued his story during this cigarette time.

The story is very old, so old that it starts with King Wu of Zhou destroying Shang...

In the pre-Qin period, the father of King Wu of Zhou was the successor of his son, and after the First World War destroyed Zhou and ruled the world, he once captured the stunning demon girl "Daji" transformed by the sky fox.

The demon concubine Daji is stunningly beautiful, sexually promiscuous (harmonious) chaotic yet ruthless. It is said that she likes to study torture for fun in her whole life, and she has also invented tortures such as pots and cannons by herself. Vicious, and only a thousand years later, Lu Zhi, the empress of Henkel, can slightly compare.

Such a femme fatale, captured by the Zhou army, naturally has no chance of surviving, but what King Wu never expected was that the order to show off to the public was issued three times a day, and this Daji was stunned to fail!
why?According to the executioner's report later, the reason was not other than that Su Shi was too seductive, especially those soul-stirring eyes, no matter which man he looked at, he would feel numb and itchy all over his body, and his strength was slackened, as if The three souls and seven souls were all absorbed by the woman's gaze.

In short, no one can do anything.

As soon as King Wu of Zhou heard the report, he became a little flustered. Procrastination like this is definitely not an option, and he can't do it just because of the woman's eyes. Speaking of it would also insult King Zhou's majesty.

In desperation, King Wu had no choice but to seek advice from Prime Minister Jiang Shang, who was also his teacher and minister.

Jiang Shang is Jiang Ziya, who is known as the "Grandmaster of Hundred Schools", but he is a man who is better than a god!Dealing with a vixen is naturally a no-brainer.

Therefore, Prime Minister Jiang gladly accepted the order and personally supervised the beheading. He first used the "five tigers and dragon locks" to penetrate the vixen's charms, and then used the "four locks to lock the soul cover" to poke Su Daji's autumn eyes blind. Finally, according to the gossip Deduction, order the executioner to cut off the vixen's "three souls, nine souls and twelve lives" at three o'clock in the afternoon when the yang energy is at its peak, and then send the remnant soul into the hell of impermanence, where he will never be able to stand up again.

Since then, the world has been peaceful, the king of Zhou has unified virtue, and the practice of executioners has also left behind the custom of "heinous criminals" who must be executed at three o'clock in the noon.Because at the time Jiang Shang calculated, the yang energy was extremely strong, and all ghosts and monsters would cut their souls with a single blow.The soul can never be reborn...

But even so, on the seventh day after Daji was operated on, King Zhou Wu still had a demon dream, a dream about the demon girl Daji.

In his dream, King Wu dreamed that he was fully dressed in military uniform, with a sword at his waist, and was traveling around the countries, accepting the pilgrimage of the princes, and suddenly came to the guest of the East China Sea. It was at noon, and the sun was scorching. But I couldn't find a tree or rock for shade.

In desperation, King Wu took off his robe and patrolled the sea, trying to find a shade to escape the summer heat.

Not long after, King Wu of Zhou really found such a cool place.

Just as King Wu of Zhou was patrolling the sea and walked 270 six steps, he suddenly found a rare shade on the beach.King Wu of Zhou was overjoyed, and hurriedly got into the rare shadow to escape the summer heat.

But as soon as he sat down, King Wu suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because he suddenly noticed that this shadow was very strange, it seemed to have only shadows, but no "entity" that formed the shadow.

As the saying goes, "Immediately see results", where there is a shadow, there must be a "pole", and this is the first time King Wu has seen a shadow that can be formed without a "pole".

Surprised, Wang looked around blankly, trying to find out what the thing that formed the shadow was, but after searching for a while, King Wu found indifferently that he really couldn't find any physical thing that could form the shadow.

Just when King Wu was at a loss because of this, he suddenly heard a gloomy female laughter resounding above his head.Wang immediately looked up following the laughter, and finally saw the "thing" that formed the shadow.

It was a pink skull the size of a millstone, with a cold light in its eyes, hanging in the air and sneering at King Wu.

The appearance of the skeleton surprised King Wu a lot. He was so anxious that King Wu knew that he had encountered a monster, so he hurriedly drew his sword to chop it.

But before he swung his sword, the skeleton suddenly burst into red light, shrinking and changing into the head of a beautiful woman.

That woman's head is stunningly beautiful, but it's a pity that she has no eyes, but even so, she is as beautiful as a fairy, without diminishing her elegance.Seeing this situation, King Wu was also surprised, and the sword in his hand slowed down because of this.

Just when King Wu was about to chop it off, the woman's head suddenly said: "You killed me once seven days ago, do you want to kill me again now?"

The woman's words made King Wu immediately understand that it was her demon soul of Su Daji who came to take revenge.But King Wu is definitely the Son of Destiny, he faced the evildoers but he was still in danger, without saying a word, he suddenly regained his strength and slashed down the sword, just like that, he really killed the nine-tailed fox again in his dream one time.

After the woman's head was chopped in half, it immediately turned into a puff of green smoke and drifted away.In the leisurely way, a cold and serious voice floated from the Nine Heavens and said: "You ruined my cultivation, and I can't charm you, but don't be too happy! King Zhou's retribution will come to your descendants sooner or later." body, I will definitely make your ancestral temple extinct..."

Later, King Wu of Zhou woke up from his dream, and suddenly found that he had pulled out his sword in his sleep at some point and beheaded a bloody fox head.

Then, the Zhou Dynasty suddenly changed again and again.

On the second day, a soldier reported to King Wu that the "Daji head", which was hung on the city gate seven days ago, suddenly disappeared at night.What's more, some palace people saw a group of foxes howling at Dongfang Yueye outside the east gate, and the sound was extremely miserable.

All of this connected King Wu of Zhou with his previous dream.Moreover, he was also sincerely afraid of Su Daji's prophecy:

"After six steps in 270, the sacrifices of the Zhou clan were cut off," isn't this a sign of the country's subjugation?

Even if the Zhou family is now in charge of a virtuous king like himself, and even assisted by the minister Jiang Shang, what will he do in a hundred years?At that time, if there is another "Daji" who corrupts the government, what can he do?

In desperation, King Wu of Zhou invited Jiang Shang again and asked him to advise him.

After Jiang Ziya heard about King Wu's dream, he smiled, and first comforted the king, saying: "It's just a trace of resentment. I cut off three souls, nine souls and twelve lives of the demon fox, and I can no longer recover. But her Fox sons and grandchildren should be suppressed..."

While speaking, Jiang Shang explained the question asked in the dream for King Wu.

He told King Wu that the 270 five steps he walked in his dream was in 270, "on the coast of the East China Sea, the sun rises and the sky is in the south", which means the ancestral temple goes eastward. The head of a beautiful woman is naturally a fox like Daji. Disorderly politics.

If these messages are combined, the meaning of this dream is that God is warning King Wu that after 270 years, there will still be beauties incarnated from the fox tribe who will disrupt the government. At that time, the Zhou Dynasty will collapse. , then Zhou Si can still move eastward, and there is a slight turning point in the ground. If the time master is stubborn, then there will only be an heir to the point of extinction.

Jiang Ziya's words shocked King Wu, and he immediately asked the prime minister to plan a solution.

In response to this situation, Jiang Ziya thought of two suggestions, internal and external.

Internally, Jiang Shang suggested that King Wu greatly cultivate literature and virtue, spread favors to the world, practice the rule of courtesy and filial piety, and obey the destiny.

Externally, he suggested enfeoffing feudal vassals of concubines and dispatching capable ministers to practice the method of defeating victory, using the power of gods and ghosts to exterminate the ghosts of the fox tribe and restore humanity to the world.

Jiang Shang's suggestion made King Wu overjoyed. On the one hand, the king cultivated benevolence and morality and enfeoffed the princes.

In the end, the demons and ghosts from all over the world were either wiped out or surrendered by Jiang Ziya, leaving only the demon fox clan hiding in Yimeng Mountain, who would rather die than surrender because of the "same love" with Empress Daji.Relying on their familiarity with the terrain of Yimeng Mountain and their ability to dig holes, they fought with the king of Zhou to death and did not surrender for a long time.

Facing this anxious situation, Jiang Shang also made the same ruthless move.

Although Jiang Shang is not a god, nor does he have divine power, but he has two treasures, the "Fengshen Bang" and the "Shen Whip". Bixia Yuanjun and Tufu Xingjun who are Sidi.With the "magic power" of these two people, Jiang Ziya flattened the entire 72 caves of Yimeng Mountain, and searched out every lair of the fox spirit.The "Yin Soldier" was moved from the underworld to completely seal the soul of the fox spirit.Forever pacified the fox demon clan.

So far, all 72 peaks of Yimeng Mountain have been cut off by Tufu Xingjun.Bixia Yuanjun moved the stone of Mount Tai and suppressed it forever, so that those demon foxes would never be reborn.Later, King Wu was still not at ease, and entrusted Jiang Shang and his clan to Qidi in Shandong Province as king, and asked him and his descendants to guard the "suppression" of the demon fox for the Zhou family forever...

After Zhao Hong finished speaking, he completely exhausted a cigarette.He wiped out the cigarette butt, watching the black dog Dudu digging hard under the white stone.

Looking at his deep expression, I couldn't help asking him: "So, your grandma told you that the stones in Shirengu were moved by Bixia Yuanjun from Mount Tai to suppress the demon fox?".

Zhao Hong nodded and continued to say to me: "Grandma also said that every 33 years, a landslide will occur in Yimeng Mountain, which is caused by the demon fox breaking through the seal and escaping. At that time, Yin soldiers began to gather at the landslide. They are responsible for capturing the escaped goblins.

I frowned and said: "The Yin soldiers gather?!"

Zhao Hong nodded and said: "Grandma said that when she was young, she also met foreigners who blocked oxcarts at night, saying that they lost their way, but when she took them to the predetermined place... those people would inexplicably become Stones or dead rats. After that, landslides, plagues, howling ghosts and howling foxes"

Zhao Hong's words became more and more vague. I don't know if he didn't want to say anything, or he didn't know the specific details.

However, I continued: "So you think that those people who took taxis to Shirengu are actually... Yin soldiers who hitchhiked by?"

Zhao Hong nodded, but I was speechless.

At this time, Zhao Hong became a little emotional. He held his head with his hands slowly, and said half to himself: "I don't believe it, but the current situation is like this... Grandma also said that when I met the Yin soldiers crossing the border You must avoid it, otherwise the whole place will become very weird, and even stones may kill people!"

But just when Zhao Hong wanted to tell me about the weird method, the two of us suddenly heard the dog desperately digging the soil, and uttered a long roar at Zhao Hong!

Zhao Hong looked at the dog's performance, and suddenly his face twitched!Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the tunnel dug by the dog: "It dug something!"

(End of this chapter)

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