
Chapter 23 The Man Who Can't Die

Chapter 23 The Man Who Can't Die

The sound of the explosion and the smoke quickly dissipated, and I immediately smelled an unpleasant smell of phosphorous smoke, which was too exciting...

But in the next second, my mentality changed from fear to surprise, apprehension, and bewilderment.

Because at this time, the suffocation and burning sensation on the skin that I had imagined after the explosion did not exist at all.

What came to my mind was the weirdness of the last moment on Wang Hou's mouth.

What the hell did this kid do?I can't wait to find out all about it.

With this in mind, when my eyes, which were damaged by the orange light, gradually regained my vision, my ears stopped ringing, and I could barely discern the direction of things, I got up immediately, and saw a blurred shadow of Wang Hou, still standing in the original place. land.

I immediately said, "Are you all right, boy?"

Wang Hou told me very conceitedly: "He is alive and well, but I don't know if he is still alive!"

As soon as I heard Wang Hou's tone, I knew at that time that he had won again this time.As expected of being a scout.

So I feel emotional again!

This guy is a tiger in front of the enemy!Why do you turn into a worm when you see a woman?It's really incomprehensible, his coquettishness in front of the beautiful women just now and his current "wiseness and martial arts" are completely different...

Of course, I didn't care about thinking too much, after my sight was completely restored, I also saw clearly what Wang Hou was doing!
I was dumbfounded.

At this moment, Wang Hou stood on the spot, motionless, facing the room where Boss Bai was guarding.

But at this time, the door of that room was closed!From the gaps around the door, puffs of green smoke are slowly coming out.

Seeing this, I understand how ruthless Wang Hou is and how calculating he is.

This five big and three rough guy is a born king of soldiers!
According to my analysis, from the very beginning, Wang Hou had already figured out how to get rid of the flare gun on Fatty Bai's phone.

When he went to exit the private room guarded by Boss Bai, he had planned it long ago, and his reckless words afterwards were also intended to provoke Fatty Bai to shoot him.

As long as Fatty Bai shoots, Wang Hou will look at the right time and quickly close the door of the private room, giving Boss Bai a "boom".

Afterwards, we didn't need to take action at all, the oxygen in Fatty White's room could be quickly depleted only by the signal flare, and the poisonous phosphorous fume could also make him completely lose his fighting power!

I am more and more admire this big man.

The trick of closing the door seems simple, but it is very skillful. Just think, who can analyze calmly in such a situation, and close the door just at the critical moment?

In short, Wang Hou is worthy of being the second in the military competition in the whole military region!There are several brushes.

At this time, with a triumphant smile, I walked over and patted Wang Hou on the back and said, "Washing machine, you have done a great job!"

But who knew that Wang Hou's answer made my eyes wide open!
At this time, Wang Hou suddenly turned his face away, and said to me with a blank expression: "Old Tian... What's wrong with your head? There's still Buddha's light on your head..."

When I heard Wang Hou's words, I was taken aback for a moment, and then I looked at his pair of demented eyes that didn't focus, and I completely understood.

This guy was also blinded by the bright light of the signal flare just now, and he is more serious than me, and now everyone looks like a phantom.

I smiled helplessly, pointed at the door and shouted at the king: "Platoon leader Wang! Don't study whether we bring Buddha's light or not. If we don't go in and save that white fat man, then he can ask the Buddha to consecrate him." Already!"

After my reminder, Wang Hou completely woke up from the shock of light and shadow just now.He yelled that he was not good, and rushed into the private room one after the other with me.

To be honest, we wish that his fat white man would suffocate to death there!But I can't!

If he dies, who will undo the white food Gu, and who will catch Xiao Jiu'er?

In short, there is too much useful information on him, and he is dead. Who will fill in such a big hole like us?

So, Wang Hou and I felt uncomfortable, found a tablecloth as a filter, covered our faces, opened the door of the private room, and touched the fat boss Bai against the poisonous gas in the door.

Wang Hou was at the head of the stage, and I was at the foot of the stage. It was only by forceful pulling that he got the fat white man out of it.

After removing the fat man, Wang Hou took off the tablecloth on his face, patted Boss Bai's fat body and said ruthlessly: How did this bastard eat such a big one!When we were transporting pork before, we had never seen such dead meat! "

I also panted heavily, and responded with a helpless smile. Then, while fanning the wind to disperse the white smoke around the fat white man, I stretched out my hand to touch the fat white man's face.

Let me see if he is dead.

At this time, I kept praying in my heart, don't you die, you fat bastard!You haven't accepted the justice of the people yet!At worst, you have to tell me how to undo the white food Gu to die!

But when I completely dissipated the lingering mist around Bai Wei's body, my heart was still half cold.

At this time, the fat man was already unconscious, his mouth was full of foam, and in my opinion, at most he had only half his life left.

Wang Hou and I can see clearly that this ram is lying on the ground now, his facial features are black and purple, obviously he is suffocated due to lack of oxygen.The most frightening thing was that he was still spitting white foam at the corner of his mouth, and the foam was blowing like washing powder bubbles.

Wang Hou scratched his head slightly and stood up and said: "The tail flame of the signal flare is poisonous, this product may be poisoned!"

When I heard it, I was speechless.Hurry up and rescue this one!If he didn't rescue him, he would have gone to see the Buddha, but what about Hongye and the others?

I stood up and looked around, trying to think of something that could detoxify me.

To be honest, I am a cook, although I am not as good as a doctor, but I also know many herbs, especially the medicinal properties of dietary herbs.For example, red beans, pumpkin, honey, etc., are all good things that can detoxify in an emergency.After all, this is also a very important function of ingredients, and it is also very important if there is a chance to make medicinal food.

But the key problem is that the knowledge I know is completely useless now!

Right now, what we need is not those slow medicines that can be safely adjusted, but the "ruthless move" that can quickly stimulate and bring him back to life!
But very fortunately... I really found this kind of ruthless trick!
Just when Wang Hou and I were at a loss, my eyes suddenly fell on the small waterfall-like humidifier at the entrance of this private kitchen!

An "evil" inspiration flashed through my mind quickly!

At that time, I asked Wang Hou to drag Fatty Bai under the humidifier, and specially put Fatty Bai in a strange posture with his head down and his back facing the sky.

After confirming that he would not choke on the water, I stretched out the water delivery hose of the humidifier, and poured it on his mouth, nose and back of the head of the fat man!
The cold water, which was close to zero and still emitting white smoke, was so exciting to him at that time!
My "first aid" in desperation really worked!

The fat man who was foaming at the mouth and had a gloomy expression before suddenly came back to life.

Boss Bai's obese body shook a few times, a "fat catfish standing upright", turned around by himself, and slowly got up. After vomiting a few mouthfuls, his face became much more normal.

I watched Fatty Bai come back to life, and my heart was so sour!
At that time, I pointed at his nose and teased him: "You continue to resist! I tell you! Even if you hide with one foot to Lord Hades, we have to catch you alive! Do you know why?"

At this time, Boss Bai had lost his last capital, and he was terrified of me and Wang Hou in his wilting expression, so he detoured at that time: "Sheriff! Why do you have to arrest me? You can't be flexible!"

It's been a while, and he thought we were policemen!
Hearing his words, Wang Hou was not happy at that time!
Wang Hou kicked the fat white man to the ground, and told him word by word: "Let me tell you why! Because this is a responsibility! Order! Soldier! Honor!"

Wang Hou's words made me a little unbearable.It's a bit too fake, it's not catchy!

Who ordered him? !It was clear that he wanted to make love to Xian Hongye, and that's why he got involved in this mess.Of course, I'm also to blame for fanning the flames... But I'm at most joint and several responsible!

However, the Fatty Bai at this time was obviously scared out of his wits by Wang Hou's righteousness. He was stepped on the ground by Wang Hou, kept begging for mercy, and repeatedly asked us what we wanted to know. He must have endless words, Just ask the government to be lenient.

As soon as I heard this, I immediately asked Wang Hou to let go of him, and asked him what was going on with this "free food Gu"!How can we cure these girls infected with Gu.

But Bai Wei's answer was not as happy as that of the dwarf Ah Si!

My question may have touched some sensitive "privacy" of Bai Wei.

As soon as Bai Wei heard what I said, his face suddenly changed drastically, and he couldn't help shaking his head, saying that he didn't know anything, and these were all "Xiao Jiu'er" ideas.Playing Gu and undoing Gu all depended on Xiao Jiu'er's mind.Only the guests she likes, Bai Wei dares to tamper with their meals.He only knew that the free eating Gu was made to be eaten by the guests through the "bird's nest tremella soup", other than that, he knew nothing about the principle and the real body of the free eating Gu.

When Bai Wei answered my words, his face suddenly became pale and frightening... It seemed that he had remembered something terrible.

I feel that his expression is somewhat similar to that of Batulu who also planted the white food Gu and went up the mountain with the old squad leader to relieve the Gu.

That expression carried a kind of doom-like fear.

The only difference is that the fat white man's face does not have the relief after Batulu's relief.And only hopeless fear.

In that fear, Wang Hou and I looked at each other, almost unanimously said: "It's this little Jiuer again?"

So we asked the fat man again, "Who the hell is Xiao Jiuer! Where is he now?"

These words are like a bomb thrown in Fatty Bai's heart!It made this man who had already become a frightened bird suddenly become even crazier!
He kept shaking his head and said, "Don't dare to say it! You can find it yourself! She hates others for betraying her the most! If I tell you...she will make my life worse than death...!"

Afterwards, the fat man began to beg for mercy and kowtow unceasingly.

Looking at the fear of that fat white man, I was completely sunk, and while I was sinking, I was imagining the origin and background of this little Jiu'er!
What kind of woman is this?It can make a black-hearted man who dares to open a yin shop so frightened...

At this moment, the impatient Wang Hou obviously didn't want to listen to these useless noises anymore.

Wang Hou grabbed Fatty Bai's plump elbow, with a sullen face, and told Fatty Bai viciously: "Who the hell is Xiao Jiuer? Tell me quickly! Otherwise, I will let you often say what is life?" Better to die!"

Bai Wei didn't seem to understand Wang Hou's words, but Wang Hou didn't give him any chance to talk nonsense!

"Trash!" Wang Hou yelled, reaching out to grab the fat man.

His actions were completely beyond my expectation!
(End of this chapter)

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