
Chapter 2 Doubt

Chapter 2 Doubt
After the man let go of me, he took off his hat and said at the same time: "Do you still remember! Who taught you the unique skill of drawing a dagger back? Who gave you your Swiss Army Knife?"

"Damn it!" I suddenly raised my head, looked at the man's handsome facial features, and couldn't help but blurt out: "You are Wang Hou!"

"Hahaha!" As everyone looked at each other, the two of us let go of our suspicions and hugged each other tightly!
"Wang Hou! You are still alive!" I shouted from the bottom of my heart!
"Tian Buer! Are you still cooking, kid?" The man replied with the same enthusiasm.

Afterwards, I turned around, patted Wang Hou on the shoulder, and shouted to Ye Xiaohong, who was on duty: "Xiaohong, it was a misunderstanding, this is Wang Hou, and he is my comrade in arms. Leave it alone, we have to drink well. "

After that, I found a spacious table to sit down with Wang Hou's friends and prepared to drink to our heart's content.

Wang Hou is my comrade-in-arms and my fellow countryman.

When I joined the army, he was one of nine people from our village who took the same rank as me.

This kid's life is better than mine, because of his excellent physical fitness, so after the military training was over, he was assigned to the most elite mechanized infantry regiment of our division. Later, I heard that after a series of selections, he joined the best scouts even.It is said that when the whole army competed, he also won the second place in the whole military region. He was the key training object of the whole division, and he could be promoted immediately.

Later, I returned from the military.For nearly a year, there was no news of him and the other eight comrades in arms.

I didn't expect that fate would play tricks on people like this. When I was most disappointed, I met my comrades in the big barracks again. How could I not be happy.

At that time, I just sat down for a while, opened a bottle of beer for each of him and his three friends, and asked him about his recent situation while laughing.

Later, Wang Hou told me that his experience in the past year was far more tortuous and painful than mine.

At first, he was the favorite of the division headquarters, and he was about to be promoted.Unexpectedly, just the day before the Tigan order was issued, the order to disarm the army was suddenly issued.

Soldiers must obey the general environment, and this proposed task was also ruined because of the restructuring and reorganization of the division.

Later, the reconnaissance company he was in was dismantled. Except for a small number of technical backbones who were assigned to the Army Aviation Brigade, all combatants, whether they were conscripts or volunteers, were all discharged early.

In just half a month, Wang Hou turned from a reserve cadre to a volunteer soldier, and from a volunteer soldier to a veteran.This gap made him at a loss at first.

But soldiers are like this, orders are everything, there is no need to explain too much, if he does not obey, he must obey.

However, fortunately, Wang Hou is a man who can afford to let go.

After he returned to his hometown, he quickly got rid of the psychological shadow and began to cheer up.He found a few former friends to partner in vegetable transportation.According to his enthusiasm in the army, he plans to break out his own world in the local area.

"We are soldiers! We have to be worthy of our conscience wherever we go! We are worthy of the military uniform we wore before! Let's look like an upright human being!" Wang Hou said, raising his glass of wine to me.

I was also moved by Wang Hou's high-spirited words. At that time, without further ado, I drank the whole bottle of beer in one gulp. After wiping my mouth, I stood up and walked to the back kitchen.

"Why are you going!" Wang Hou couldn't help asking when he saw my sudden departure.

I rolled up my sleeves, pointed at the door of the back kitchen and said, "I'll prepare some dishes for you, so that you can taste the taste of the army! You don't mind what you want to eat, don't be polite! I'm the host!"

"Then we won't be polite!" Wang Hou shouted at me with a flushed face: "My friends just came back from out of town tonight, but they are all very hungry! Let's order, don't tell me when the time comes. I cheated on you!"

I waved my hand, and then asked Ye Xiaohong, who was on duty, to order the menu for my comrades, and at the same time hummed a little song into the back kitchen of the hotel.

To be honest, I'm very happy today, otherwise I wouldn't be too lazy to cook for others at night.

After I arrived in the back kitchen, I immediately started cooking and preparing dishes. At the same time, I thought that this Wang Hou’s life is really good. The boy came out to look for food so late, and he was lucky to meet me. I can squat at the door and eat the wind.

Just after I prepared the seasonings in the early stage, Xiaohong, who was on duty, gave me the menu for the three of Wang Hou.

"Wang Hou ordered this dish? Is it so substandard?" I said half-jokingly, while looking at the recipes on the portable ordering machine: "Roast chicken, sauced duck, roast goose, rice wine white meat, braised pork knuckle "

As I read the dishes one by one.My smile froze suddenly.

I could hardly believe my eyes when I went through the entire menu they ordered.

"Eight dishes of roast goose, sauced duck, roast chicken, rice wine white meat, braised pork knuckle, beef tongue, steamed carp and small rapeseed?!"

As I spoke, a thin layer of cold sweat immediately appeared on my forehead.The joyful mood when I met my old comrades in arms before was completely replaced by fear.

Seeing my expression, Xiaohong thought I was joking, so she echoed: "Almost all meat dishes, your comrade-in-arms is the reincarnation of a hungry cat! No taste."

I was shivering in my heart, and I couldn't help muttering: "It's tasteless, but it's these eight dishes. The order of this meal is really evil!"

There is a problem with this menu, every dish that Wang Hou and the others ordered has something wrong, and if these eight dishes are served together, the consequences will be disastrous!

Finally, I handed the menu to Xiaohong, and asked tremblingly: "Xiaohong, are the eight dishes on this menu ordered by Wang Hou?"

"No!" Xiaohong answered me puzzled, "It was ordered by your comrades-in-arms friends! Only those three in suits."

What?My heart skipped a beat.A huge sense of crisis welled up in my heart.

"The eight dishes are passed on to suits. Could it be that they have already" I immediately recalled the appearance of Wang Hou's friends.

Just now, I was only interested in making out with Wang Hou, and I almost ignored the performance of Wang Hou's friends. Now that I think about it, I suddenly found that these three friends are almost wearing the same, very decent black suits, and the inside is neat and tidy. The white shirt, which is worn in a daily environment, looks very stiff.

And, strangest of all, the three seemed to speak very little.From the moment I entered the door until now, I haven't said a few words.

When I put all these information together, a terrifying idea came to my mind!

That thought hit my heart like an alarm bell, so that I trembled and broke out in cold sweat.

Seeing my strange appearance, Xiaohong couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Brother Tian, ​​what's the matter?"

As soon as I heard Xiaohong's delicate voice, I suddenly came back to my senses.

"Me? It's okay!" I pretended to be calm and shook my head and said, "Xiao Hong! I'll be in charge here! You give my comrades a few more bottles of beer! Make it ice cold, and then you go back to the dormitory. Get some sleep and wait. My comrade-in-arms left, and I will pay the bill."

Xiaohong didn't quite understand my arrangement, but the good thing was that she was very obedient. After nodding, she took a cold beer and sent it to Wang Hou and the others.

At this time, I didn't cook immediately, but gently pushed open a crack in the kitchen door and looked in Wang Hou's direction.

In the cold wind of the night, I saw Wang Hou and his three friends sitting around a square table.

Among the four people, except for Wang Hou who was wearing sportswear, the rest were all wearing black suits, their faces were as gray as wax and lifeless.

Then, feeling apprehensive, I opened the door a little wider, just in time to see the lower body of one of Wang Hou's friends.

I saw that the man's trousers were empty, with neither shoes nor feet.

Now, I understand everything! ! !

After that, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Instead, after confirming my thoughts, I felt my heart suddenly calm down.

Because I know that there are many things I still need to prepare, and I still have to wait for the opportunity to save Wang Hou's life.

So, I suppressed my fear and apprehension, and opened the door again. I was relieved when I saw Ye Xiaohong closed the store door and went into the dormitory to sleep again.

I know, at least Xiaohong is safe, the rest is to save the life of this idiot Wang Hou!
After that, I quickly made a sauced duck.Then he hurriedly turned his head and continued to watch every move of Wang Hou and his friends.

I am waiting, waiting for something that is about to happen to Wang Hou.

(End of this chapter)

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