
Chapter 16

Chapter 16
What I pulled out of the pig's stomach was the black hair of a willow woman.

I looked at that willow with icy hair, and I felt nausea in my throat. The incident of "eating" mermaid and getting my hair spit out by a wronged ghost suddenly came to my mind again.

Immediately, I shook off those hairs like an electric shock, and regardless of Wang Hou's surprise, I immediately squatted on the ground and vomited.

The stewed noodles I ate at night were all ruined
During the whole process, I only looked up at the pork!But just that one glance almost made me faint again!
In the middle of the white pork, there is a hole cut by Wang Hou, and a woman's hair "flows out" from that hole.

And when I looked in along the woman's hair, I saw a blood-red eye!
I suddenly lowered my head and vomited even worse!

"There is a man in the pork!" I suppressed the taste of bile in my throat, and shouted at the king, and at the same time I stretched out my hand and made a "scissor" movement.

Wang Hou understood, and used a knife to pick all the guts from the pork!

When he picked up the last thread, the pork opened with a "crash" like two pieces embracing a gate!
A naked man fell out of the pork and spread out on the cold ground.

Wang Hou took a step back, while I wiped the bile from my mouth, barely brave enough to look up.

I just discovered that this is a young woman. The woman has a beautiful face, but her skin is extremely pale. She is surrounded by an unknown oily liquid, and ice is still mixed in her face and hair.

Between the woman's hair, a pair of blood-red eyes, big and lifeless, stared at me.

The most annoying thing about this woman is not her naked body, but her blood red eyes. I don't understand why she keeps her eyes open even though she is frozen like this!

I can't bear to watch it any longer.So I quickly put the jacket I took off earlier on her body.One is to hide shame, and the other is to keep warm.

Looking at the woman wrapped in pork, Wang Hou was first startled and then angry. Then, he stretched out his knife and cut open the other pieces of pork.

With just a small mouth, the same strands of woman's hair and skull were exposed there.

All young and beautiful girls.

Wang Hou was astonished and wanted to continue to cut, but I forcibly stopped him!

"Stop rowing! You will kill them like this!" I stood up and shouted softly.

"I, I'm saving people! Why did they put people in pork!" Wang Hou couldn't restrain his emotions. He even forgot the occasion, and even forgot that he came in "lurking".He actually yelled at me loudly.

I staggered a few steps, and while beating the pork that fell in mid-air, I answered Wang Hou: "These things are called oil-sealed ice shells, but they add a layer of pork on the outside of the 'ingredients'." Keep warm."

"What?" Wang Hou said in astonishment: "The woman in the pork is the food?"

I don't know how to answer that because I don't know either.

The so-called oil seal is a very special storage method invented by the Japanese in the early years.

In the cook business, some food needs to be stored at low temperature, but the surface of them cannot be frozen, so a thick layer of grease will be applied to those ingredients, and they will be packaged with tin foil or other materials, and the outside will be watered , In this way, because oil and water are incompatible, a relatively sealed oil layer will be formed between the ingredients and the ice shell for long-term storage.

Although this storage method is cumbersome and not commonly used, it can preserve the freshness of ingredients to the maximum extent, especially the freshness of meat and aquatic products. It is the preferred storage method for super high-end cuisine.

I feel that these women in pork are "preserved" by a principle similar to "oil-sealed ice shell".As for whether they are ingredients, I don't even dare to think about it!
At this moment, I looked at these zongzi-like pork, and suddenly remembered something that Xian Hongye once told me.

"Old Wang!" I immediately shouted to Wang: "How many of the colleagues who ate with Hongye can't be contacted now?"

"Four!" Wang Hou replied, "I found out during my investigation today."

"These four are all women, right?" I asked as a matter of course.

Wang Hou nodded, and then he looked at my dark face as if suddenly enlightened.

I turned around and pointed at these "pork bags" filled with people. I didn't know whether it was anger or fear.

I said: "If my guess is correct, the people who pretend to be here used to be the female diners of this yin shop. They will be packed here until the end. The red leaves you like are almost turned into One of the members here!"

Silently, I remembered the words of the old squad leader: Being sucked out of money and life by the Yin shop, even... life is worse than death.

Wang Hou didn't speak anymore, but I could see the shock on his face.It was an unprecedented shock!
He rolled up his sleeves, wanting to save someone.

"I've already said, don't save them!" I stopped and told him, "If you save them now, it's no different from killing them!"

"Why?" Wang Hou asked.

I didn't answer right away, but stretched out my hand and touched the carotid artery of the woman who fell off earlier.

The man's arteries were very slow, but regular.

Same as I thought.

My heart calmed down a little, and I told Wang Hou that these people were not in danger of life, they just took some kind of sedative, coupled with the low temperature, they entered a state of "fake death".But if you take them out of the pork, because they lack the protection of pork fat, their blood flow in the body is slow in the low temperature of the freezer, and they will definitely die.

I know that the most important thing right now is to call the police as soon as possible. This time, the problem of this store is serious.As long as the police come, this "illegal detention and slavery" incident alone is enough to shoot all the main criminals.

So, I immediately took out the mobile phone that Wang Hou gave me, and called 110 to call the police.

But as soon as I took out my phone, my heart suddenly turned cold.

There is no signal? !
"He's meowing! No signal!" I yelled, and wanted to drop my phone with a look of disappointment.I couldn't help thinking that this was too cheating, and I was afraid of what would happen.

But at the last moment, I held back.

Because I suddenly thought of another level of worry.
After thinking about it for a while, I threw the phone back to Wang Hou and told him to "take pictures to collect evidence" and get out as soon as I'm done.

"Aren't you going to save people?" Wang Hou asked me.

"Save Hongye first! Take a picture with your mobile phone! Let's go after taking the picture." I simply answered him.

But Wang Hou obviously didn't understand my thoughts, and even complained that I "wouldn't help me". In desperation, I wasted some time and told him my thoughts and plans.

In fact, my idea at the time was very simple, I just wanted to use the photos on the phone as evidence to threaten that boss Bai first.When he tells me how to cure Xian Hongye, I will take good care of him.

Of course, I didn't do this because I was interested in Hongye, but because I was afraid that once the police arrested Boss Bai, there would be nothing left to ask.

After all, the "public security" has to follow procedures in everything they do, but once the procedures are followed, I'm not sure whether Hongye and these half-dead girls can wait.

After Wang Hou and I briefly explained our thoughts, although he felt that I was a bit selfish, he still acquiesced to my opinion.

So, the two of us took off our sunglasses and "pretended" in private.He planned to leave the cold storage and go straight to Boss Bai.

With the sound of "slap".I was stunned to hear that the door of the cold storage suddenly closed by itself.

At that moment, Wang Hou and I suddenly realized that we were locked in this narrow cold storage.

Is it a trap?I asked myself in astonishment.

At this time, I suddenly remembered a problem that I had overlooked. We entered here, didn't it go too smoothly?

It went well. I didn't even feel normal.

Originally, when Boss Bai had an abnormal smile on his face, I was still very vigilant.And before coming here, I also asked myself, why no one followed us, why there is no extra lock in such a weird cold storage, why did we enter the core of Yindian so easily, why, are we so stupid?

In the next series of visual blows, I quickly relaxed my vigilance.So that we are controlled by others, but we are at a loss.

However, I don't have time to regret anything.

"Wang Roar!" In the crisis, I shouted instinctively.

But Wang Hou's answer made me even more frightened.

"Shut up!" Wang Hou ordered me anxiously.

Immediately afterwards, I suddenly heard Wang Hou say to me in a low voice: "Something has entered this cold storage."

"You~listen!" Wang Hou said.

What can I listen to?I have no idea.

But since he said so, he naturally has his reasons. After all, he used to be a scout and had experience in encountering enemies.

In the dark, according to the strategy of defending against the enemy when I was a soldier, I squatted down halfway and listened carefully to every possible trace of Tokyo.

But unfortunately, I heard nothing except the sound of the refrigerant speeding up.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and as time passed, the temperature in the cold storage was getting lower and lower.Soon, my nerve endings were buzzing with danger warnings of hypothermia.I knew that if I stayed so still, I would freeze.

And once frozen, I will be slaughtered like fish on the chopping board.

In my anxiety, I called out to Wang Hou, "Wang Hou! What are you doing?"

What answered me was silence, Wang Hou, who seemed to have turned into a sculpture.

"Wang Hou? Washing machine? Don't scare me."

Before I could speak clearly, the light in the cold storage suddenly went out.

(End of this chapter)

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