
Chapter 11 Host

Chapter 11 Host
What Hongye handed me was a B-ultrasound photo.

I've seen that B-ultrasound no less than ten times. Although I can't see what's in it, the doctor marked "everything is normal" next to it.I still know it.

"No problem! Don't be too sensitive." I said.

But Hongyezhi was still looking at the photo, and said in a horrifying tone: "You, turn the photo upside down and look at it!"

I did as she said, and slowly turned the photo upside down...

Then, I saw a baby's grimace.

That face seemed to be smiling with satisfaction, and on that smiling face, you could see dark pupils and sharp canine teeth.It is hidden between the intestines and stomachs of red leaves.

This is clearly a hungry ghost!
Finally found the problem.I know that this small grimace is the source of all disasters.As long as you get it done, everything will be peaceful.

Then, the three of us hurriedly found the doctor who took the B-ultrasound.

But the doctor's answer disappointed us to the extreme!
At that time, the bald old man looked at the B-ultrasound and told us that it was just an ordinary shadow and fold on the abdomen.Patterns that happen to form are rare, but not without precedent, so let's not worry about that...

This scoop of cold water made the three of us fall into confusion again.

There is no way to say it!Obviously know that thing is the culprit, but there is no scientific explanation?

"Go back and take your medicine!" I patted Miss Hongye on the shoulder and said, "Observe for a while before we talk!"

Hongye nodded and returned to the county with us.

But on the car back to the county seat, I didn't stop thinking. I tried to sort out the things I provoked, and at the same time find out the cause and effect.

First of all, what is in Hongye's belly is not something that can be explained by science, or what current science can explain.

Secondly, the accident this morning was all caused by my method not being correct enough. Although I have been comforting Xian Hongye, I know best in my heart that my medicine may not be able to completely cure her illness, and if she Relapse, I don't know what to do.

Things are getting more and more complicated.

As I put this information together, I suddenly felt like I was missing one of the most important issues.

How on earth did Xian Hongye get into such an "unclean" thing?
I thought of Baturu back then. He was "parasitized" by bugs after eating wild pork.But what did the girl Hongye eat to get this disease?

I suddenly discovered that I had overlooked this most critical question, and I haven't asked it until now.

I am so confused!

In the bumpy car, I immediately pushed the tired Hongye and said, "Hongye! Can you think about it carefully, have you eaten any game recently? Such as wild boar, pheasant, sea bass, in short, more individual and dirty things .”

But her answer gave me a wide eye.

Hongye supported her head with one hand, and shook her head with difficulty.

She told me that she usually pays attention to hygiene when eating, and she has never eaten game. She has not worked in the county for a long time, so she often eats in and out of restaurants.But I never ordered anything too much. Generally, it is just a home-cooked dish, an egg soup, and there will be no individuality.

Hongye's words made me feel a little bit lost.But I let her keep thinking.Nothing is missing.

After that, I said a few words of relief, and then I turned my head and looked at the night gradually coming out of the window.
At this time, I looked at the scenery of the setting sun sinking into the mountains, and suddenly thought of my old squad leader.

I think back then, the old squad leader carried a bottle of rice wine into the dense bamboo forests and mountains of Guizhou in such a sunset, and took Ba Tulu to find the wild boar carcass and the method to control the insects.

Suddenly, I remembered the dark, crumpled piece of "dried meat" that the old squad leader had in his hand after returning from the back mountain.

What the hell is that dark meat?I have no idea.

I only know that after the old squad leader and Baturu returned to the barracks, the first thing they did was burn the piece of "black meat" they found on the mountain.Afterwards, Batulu recovered.

So I thought, if I can find similar dark meat, I am afraid I can completely cure Xian Hongye's disease
At this time, my direction gradually became clear, and I felt that two things must be done!

First, try to let Xian Hongye recall whether she had eaten anything unclean before she got sick, especially raw and cold wild food.

Second, contact my old squad leader and ask him to come out of the mountain. Even if he can't come from Shandong, at least let him know the situation here!
I realized that my treatment method based on the gourd painting is far from solving the immediate crisis.

I have to admit that my ability and knowledge are far behind the old squad leader.I don't even know what the name of the worm in Xian Hongye and Ba Tulu's stomach is, is it a ghost?Or some kind of unknown parasite!

Ever since, I took out my mobile phone and prepared to call my monitor.

But just when I'm about to broadcast the number!Xian Hongye suddenly took my hand, opened her eyes wide and said to me:

"I remember! I remember! It must be that meal! I ate the hungry ghost!"

As Xian Hongye spoke, she seemed to think of something she regretted or was afraid of.She retracted her body while speaking, and finally curled up on the car seat, shaking her head slightly.

Seeing her strange appearance, Wang Hou and I couldn't help opening our mouths in astonishment.

Afterwards, Xian Hongye told us about her meal that day in the dark car.
It happened last month, when she was just transferred to our county.

Xian Hongye is the supervisor of a state-owned enterprise transferred from BJ to our county. This little girl is very capable, and she became the sole supervisor of the unit when she was less than 24 years old. But because of this, some people are not convinced.

When Hongye first arrived at the unit, her personnel relations and work were not going well.

After all, she was too young, so it was inevitable that some people would doubt her ability.There are even many people talking about how she came to power behind her back, and those rumors full of unspoken rules and relationship background made this little girl with little experience in the world feel like she was sitting on pins and needles.

Later, Hongye thought of a way to alleviate his personnel conflicts. He took the initiative to invite three middle-level executives and several business backbones from the county to dinner.I want to take the initiative to attack, start to break the ice of my personal relationship, and win people's hearts.At the same time, I sincerely hope to make some good friends or girlfriends.

But where to eat?But Xiao Hongye was in trouble.

After all, Xian Hongye is new to other places, and she is not familiar with the tastes and hobbies of our county people, and she has no idea what local dishes are delicious or what restaurants are high-grade.

Later, a female staff member who had a good relationship with her gave her a trick.

The female employee told Xian Hongye that a new private restaurant has recently opened in the county. The decoration is good. It is said that there are super chefs from BJ, and the taste is good. As for the name, it should be called "True Private Kitchen", and I advise her to consider it. one time.

At that time, Xian Hongye fell in love with this "True Private Kitchen".

After all, Xian Hongye is a girl in a big city and has seen many things in the world.When she was in BJ, she had seen the wonders of private kitchens. Those hidden restaurants in the folk alleys gave people a mysterious feeling.And according to her eating experience, the decoration and environment of private restaurants are often unique and unique.

Hongye believes that although this kind of private cooking is very rare in the county, it is not too bad if you think about it!

And the most important thing is that anyone who dares to call it a private kitchen must have a unique skill that is not exposed. After all, in this highly competitive world, a restaurant that has no special features cannot support a restaurant, especially "the quantity is sold, but the quality is better." "'s private cooking is even more difficult!

Afterwards, through the introduction of his colleague, he became a member of the Zhenwei private kitchen restaurant, and started a banquet to break the relationship.

And this private restaurant did not disappoint Xian Hongye.

According to Hongye, the private restaurant has a unique decoration, and it seems to specialize in Huaiyang cuisine, with a strong water town style, which is very high-end.

The most important point is that the food there is very delicious, light but not too greasy, even the simplest "Yangchun noodles" can be cooked very uniquely and tastefully, and the six colleagues he hosted were all full of praise.

All in all, it was a successful dinner, although they ate only Huaiyang-style home-cooked dishes.

But just when they were full and about to leave the table, the owner of that restaurant suddenly walked into their private room and served a plate of dishes with a smile.

At that time, the boss was holding a cup of very unique sweet soup in his hand, which seemed to be called "wolfberry blood swallow soup".

The boss told Xian Hongye that she was the first batch of customers who signed up for membership in the private restaurant, and as a sign of welcome, each diner could receive a cup of bird's nest soup after the meal.

The boss also specially emphasized that this "blood bird's nest" is the secret of their BJ super chef.This dish is not in the menu of this private restaurant at all, it is only given as a gift to VIP guests, it is a standard limited food.

As soon as Xian Hongye and the others heard it, they became interested and felt that this was a rare opportunity to experience it.After all, this kind of dish at the bottom of the box cannot be tasted at any time.

And Hongye knows that this kind of "super chef" who runs a private restaurant often has a weird temper. Being able to eat it this time does not mean that he will have a chance next time.

Afterwards, they couldn't wait to watch the boss divide the bird's nest soup into several small bowls.presented to each diner separately.

At that time, everyone looked at the small bowl of bird's nest and couldn't help admiring it.

According to Hongye's recollection, the bowl of blood-red bird's nest showed an amber-like halo against the backdrop of wolfberries and crystal bowls.After watching it too much, it seems like I was hypnotized by it, and I am very reluctant to take my eyes off this crystal delicacy.

Everyone smelled the faint fragrance of the bird's nest, and the appetite that was originally satisfied was inexplicably aroused, and even the index finger moved wildly, but cautiously.

All of them sipped their mouths, afraid that they would spoil a good thing like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, and they hadn't tasted it yet.

Kexian Hongye just took a small bite of bird's nest, and had to stop enjoying it.

Because at this moment, her cell phone rang.

This call saved her life!
(End of this chapter)

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