Monster Rush

Chapter 655 Zhou Da's Resurrection

Chapter 655 Zhou Da's Resurrection
After repeated blows, Beria was finally killed in battle. Before he died, the roar almost caused the entire Dark Star City to tremble.

After Beria's death, his empire fell apart immediately, and the Gazi stars invaded the highest system, fully controlled the remaining troops of the empire, and integrated them.

At the same time, all the monsters in the Belial Galactic Empire were captured and sent to the Dark Sun Nebula for training.

With the end of this battle, the overall combat power of Dark Star City rose instead of falling, annexing most of the territory of the Galactic Empire. Now, Dark Star City's strength spans five unit universes, and the surroundings are all desolate small universes, and there is nothing powerful Even if you look at the entire multiverse, Dark Star City is a well-deserved emperor-level force.

However, there are nine-star powerful enemies such as Hei Zhaji lying in front of him, and there is a mountain of mysterious old enemies at the top, so there is no time for Lei Chuan to be complacent.

For the same four items, the corpse of the necromancer Reboldus was also sent over, and all of Reyblad's stray bloodlines had arrived, ready to complete the inheritance.

When Lei Chuan was about to recall Huang Xiu's avatar, he didn't expect a shocking news to come from Huangxiu's avatar first.

This news forced Lei Chuan to temporarily stop all work at hand, and rushed to the monster cemetery with the Dark Demon God without stopping.Counting the time now, there is still more than half of the time before the resurrection time of 5 years, but now there is a sudden change, which is puzzling, but no matter what, this is indeed a formidable enemy.

Zhou Da!


Huang Xiu's avatar clenched the "Angel Weeping" tightly with both hands, and the eighteen wings on the back swayed gently, and strands of dark golden sharp edges surrounded the whole body, making a clear trembling sound.

The Demon King Zhou Da held his shoulders with his huge sword, his eyes turned from dazed to full of evil spirits, until he looked at Huang Xiu's avatar with a presumptuous smile.

"Come on, boy, in order to celebrate my resurrection, please let me feel the supreme joy!"

There was a burst of laughter, a laughter that confuses the mind, there is a danger of losing one's mind, and at that time, whether to become a lunatic or a puppet is only in Zhou Da's thought, which has existed since ancient times His life, a heritage longer than that of Leibrad, Gua, a mysterious force; Zhou Da, a terrifying demon king.

Huangxiu's avatar inherited the extremely strong will of the main body, without wavering, he looked at Zhou Da with a blank expression, and said slowly:

"It's been less than 5 years since your death, how did you come back to life?"

To the aloof king of the universe, Huang Xiu's clone's words are undoubtedly extremely rude. If it was in the ancient Ah Empire period, he would undoubtedly be sentenced to the cruelest death penalty.

However, perhaps because he was in a good mood just after being resurrected, Zhou Da didn't feel angry, and stared at Lei Chuan with another strange smile:

"A mere Raybrad, how do you understand my existence?"

"Gua is about to recover, cry, flee, or die!"

As soon as the words fell, before Lei Chuan could reply, Zhou Da swung his big sword and slashed heavily. It was just a slashing movement, and his figure teleported and appeared in front of him, appearing out of thin air. Fortunately, Lei Chuan was prepared and fluttered his wings , immediately flew away dozens of light-years away.

The demon king Zhou Da followed closely behind, and the giant sword swept layers of ripples, covering the sky over the entire cemetery, with shocking power.

"Super Dimensional Slash!"

Lei Chuan slashed with the giant sword, and Lei Chuan hurriedly dodged, but was shocked to find that Zhou Da used the giant sword to cut a huge gap in the sky above the entire monster cemetery, and the transparent cracks continued to rise, causing a huge fault in the universe. The scenery of another dimension universe.

What the giant sword cut was not a person, but the entire universe. It would be useless for Lei Chuan to flee anywhere. The huge fault spanning millions or tens of millions of light years was enough to exile Huangxiu's clone into a different dimension universe.

It wasn't until this moment that Lei Chuan realized that there was a gap like a gap between the eight stars. Zhou Da was undoubtedly the top eight-star god of war.


Lei Chuan no longer resisted, and let the pull of the universe pull him into a different-dimensional universe, and Zhou Da entered with him.

The scenery in this universe is very different, surrounded by desolate and dilapidated scenes, and the only few planets are scattered in all directions like broken watermelons.

"here it is……"

With a thought in Lei Chuan's mind, everything here is also a projection of the multiverse. It is not the ruins produced during the battle between the mysterious old enemy and the previous generation of Leyblad, but left behind from an earlier era. In other words, This universe has been broken for millions of years, even tens of millions, hundreds of millions of years!

Zhou Da slowly stepped into the alien universe, his expression was reminiscent, and he said to himself:
"It's back again."

"Since I'm resurrected, Gu'a will surely reappear, come out, the long-sleeping Gu'a army!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Da held the big sword obliquely in both hands, and slashed fiercely on the void wall.In an instant, layers of ripples swayed out, sweeping all directions, as if the canvas of the alien universe was lifted, the scene has changed drastically.

Dense mechanical metal planets emerged, shaped like a demon head with a fan-shaped helmet, and a huge horn on the top of the head, like an antenna.The face is quite similar to Zhou Da.

Gua Legion!This is the ancient universe!

Lei Chuan's complexion became serious. The reappearance of the Ancient Ah Empire will definitely impact the old structure of the multiverse, and will inevitably lead to a reshuffle of major forces. Dark Star City has just joined this class, so will it face such a severe challenge? ?
Rumbling sounds came from all directions, and after the mechanical planet, more space battleships emerged one by one, manned by ancient soldiers. Composed of silver metal, there are very obvious traces of fitting.

It was Zhou Da's former car - Chieronia, a mechanical monster battleship with self-awareness, and its combat power level was in the realm of pseudo-eight stars.

On the other side, dozens of Goland Kings also appeared at the same time, the leader being the Super King Goland with seven-star combat power.

Lei Chuan believed that what he had seen so far was just the tip of the iceberg of the Gu'A Legion.Can't let it go any longer, the Ancient Ah Empire must never appear!
After making up his mind, Huang Xiu's avatar suddenly launched an attack.

"Chaos is destroyed!"

Huangxiu's avatar is currently the strongest ultimate move, a steady stream of chaotic power rushes from the sword body, and evolves into a chaotic wheel of destruction, everything is destroyed here!
Zhou Da looked disdainful, and slowly picked up the big sword. Chieronia, who was seated, came through the air in an instant. The cosmic demon king swung the big sword. It was still [Super Dimensional Slash], but this time it was not the universe, but the sword. people.

Seemingly foreseeing the scene of Lei Chuan's death, Zhou Da couldn't help laughing, but the next moment, his laughter stopped in his throat, because it wasn't just Huangxiu's clone, Lei Chuan's body and the Dark Demon God were at the same time. Appeared, the three split into three directions, and also came to kill Zhou Da.

(End of this chapter)

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