Monster Rush

Chapter 181 The Insects Strike

Chapter 181 The Insects Strike
"Everyone, disperse and escape!"

At this moment, Captain Mi could even smell the bloody smell from his throat due to the broken sound.The alveoli compressed and expanded rapidly, and a piercing pain suddenly spread to the vocal cords.

But this pain is nothing compared to the current situation.

Four whistling military spears sliced ​​through the sky and tore through the air flow. Compared with it, even the shooting of the bed crossbow was nothing. Once hit, the body would explode instantly.

Captain Mi watched with red eyes, and the four scouts under him were locked by the spears, and their bodies were blasted into pieces.After hitting the target, the military spear still charged forward with undiminished momentum.

Everyone was just scouts, only equipped with light equipment, and there was no way to stop them. Captain Mi was bleeding in his heart, but he had no choice but to use this method to reduce the team's casualties.

Simply everyone had dispersed, staggered in twos and threes, no one was within the hit range of the four military spears, and fell to the ground weakly after flying for a period of time.

"Taking advantage of this time, disperse and escape!"

Captain Mi knew that this was not the only attack by the army spear beemen.Although they are extremely slow, they have [Needle Throwing], the only long-range attack skill.Unlike ordinary beemen, their pincers are not connected to the heart and can be thrown infinitely.

After the blow was over, seeing the prey being killed by their own attack, the army spear bees screamed excitedly, their abdomen felt like a wave, a new army spear protruded, and immediately shot out again, and there were four more Blood flowers bloom.

Seeing this scene, Captain Mi's face became extremely distorted in an instant.


After the self-healing of [Devil God Physique], Lei Chuan was resurrected in full condition soon, and at this moment, Godzilla's evolution has finally come to an end.

"Is it finally time to enter the growth period?"

Slightly squinting his eyes, Lei Chuan muttered to himself.

Finally, the light dissipated, and a huge figure ten stories high appeared, screaming wildly to the sky, proving to the world the arrival of the King of Monsters.

Previously, Ridor Godzilla (commonly known as Baby Godzilla) had a ferocious appearance, but he still retained his immature side.But Godzilla II is infinitely close to the original Godzilla both in size and appearance.The scales are as hard as steel, and the dense thorns on the back carry a high concentration of uranium energy, which further strengthens the nuclear energy reaction in the body.

Samsung Godzilla II

Length: 40 meters

Weight: 15000 tons

Life: 52000
Mental Power: 1170
Bloodline: Godzilla, King of the Monsters

The next level of evolution: Godzilla II
Talents: Deterrence, Terror, Strange Power, Dragon Killer, Nuclear Transformation Furnace

Skills: Fighting, Tail Whip, Earthquake Stomp, Ripping Claw, Hot Wire (circle), Radiant Hot Ray, Superheat Ray, Uranium Ray, Incandescent Light
Comprehensive combat power rating: 599
Should it be said that it is Godzilla? Even the youth version is stronger than Ghidorah at the same time, but Ghidorah is a monster that needs to go through the years. Modern time is also close to [-] million years!And it took Ghidorah a hundred million years to truly mature and become the five-star demon king Ghidorah who can fight against the God of Darkness and Godzilla at the level of Godzilla!
However, after fighting side by side with Lei Chuan, Ghidorah has greatly shortened this process with the help of Leonix's power. Although the attributes have not changed at all, the combat power has also broken through the [-] mark, becoming a three-star monster.

Three Star Cretaceous King Ghidorah
Evolution branch 13000: bloodline evolution value 220000/[-]
The next level of evolution: King Ghidorah (first generation)

Evolution branch 13000: bloodline evolution value 3800000/[-]
The next level of evolution: Demon Lord Ghidorah
In short, there is no need to worry about the evolution of Ghidorah. The most important thing now is the next level of evolution of Godzilla.

"My lord, the time limit is almost up, we should go back and return!"

At this moment, the cover of the battlefield had long since dissipated, Zige Qingyue ran into the battlefield immediately, and saw Lei Chuan sitting on the ground thinking.

Lei Chuan was not surprised by the arrival of the twins. After counting the time, Lei Chuan stood up, nodded to the twins, and immediately shouted:

"Little ones, it's time to return to your life!"

Where are you from, King of the Mountain?

The twins smiled wryly.


On the other side, Captain Mi and others managed to get rid of the hunting of the Army Spear Beemen and returned to the alliance garrison, but 30 of the original 12 people died, and only five prisoners were left alive.

"You have worked hard, go down and rest first, the sacrificed soldiers, I will go to their families and tell them, all condolences!"

Faced with the elder's comfort, Captain Mi and others left silently without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, the elder also sighed. The sacrifice of the twelve scouts is enough to hurt the alliance.

"The scouts came to report and found the traces of the insects. They have confirmed their identities. They are scouts of the Scarab Empire!"

When this piece of information was placed on the table of the leaders of the alliance, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.Knowing that the enemy will return, but not knowing when, and now we know.

After all, the unknown is the most dangerous.

Yan Xingluo turned his head and asked the elders beside him in a low voice:
"Is there any news from the deputy leader?"

The elder replied:

"An hour ago, a scout brigade came to report that the deputy leader and his party had returned from the underground world and joined the scout brigade. They are currently on their way back."

Yan Xingluo nodded when he heard the words, and stopped worrying about this issue, and began to make strategic deployments against the enemy's pursuers.

"I think, first send a small number of soldiers to escort the ordinary people on the road first, and scout the three parties to patrol and open the way. All the soldiers stay behind and fight the insects!"

An old man from the Iron God Department put forward his own proposal. In his opinion, if you don't deal with this group of pursuers first, you won't even feel at ease on the road.

"I don't think so. What should I do if it's like last time when the wolf is in the front and the tiger is in the back?"

The two-sided attack of the giants and the Zerg last time cast a shadow on everyone's minds. If there were no extraordinary performances by Concubine Yanhuang and Lei Chuan, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

"I think we can..."

With regard to this issue, the elders hold different opinions, and the arrival should not be underestimated, and any preparations are necessary.

"Don't be so troublesome, I have a plan, please listen carefully!"

A long laugh came from outside the tent, and everyone turned their heads to look.

"Vice President, you are back!"

It was Lei Chuan who came.

After smiling and nodding his head as a response, Lei Chuan said directly:
"According to the plan of the Scarab Empire, it is to send chasers to drive us away until we enter the territory of the Tyrann Kingdom and kill us with the Tyrann army. According to the previous plan, the alliance diverted to another place in the Tyrann Kingdom. The "Heart of the Holy Flame" at the intersection, but it started to change lanes only after arriving at Yinshuihe, and the journey still has more than [-] miles. According to the safest way, it is to snipe and kill the leadership core of the alliance, that is, everyone present here!"

As soon as he said this, everyone suddenly felt a piercing chill.What Lei Chuan said made some sense. Without the core of leadership, the alliance would collapse in an instant.

After seeing everyone's reactions, Lei Chuan continued to talk eloquently:

"Therefore, we must first get rid of this wave of chasing soldiers!"

"But we don't know the enemy's strength, so what should we do?"

Soon, some elders raised their concerns.

"Didn't the scouts catch five prisoners? I believe they have already provided us with some useful information!"

(End of this chapter)

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