Chapter 546
Not long after Ma Mu went out, he came back slowly, with a calm expression on his face, it was obvious that the matter had been settled.

Seeing the expression on his face, Ding Hao couldn't help laughing and cursing, and said, "Old man Ma, you are so proud of such a trivial matter? Is it necessary?"

Ma Mu sat down, proudly picked up the teacup and continued to drink tea, "Although this matter is a small matter, I feel very happy when I think of Cai Hua's old boy, grandma, this old boy wants to take advantage of it." Me? If such a thing really happened in front of me, what’s the matter? If it gets out, I’ll lose my old cheek.”

Ding Hao nodded. Ma Mu's words are indeed very reasonable. This matter is like this. In this matter, it was indeed Cai Hua who first used shameful methods. Naturally, it is no wonder that Ma Mu would do this.

"Old man Ding, let's not talk about it. The old boy Cai Hua has already talked to someone. Those old men who are close to us really think that this matter is what I mean. They also said that I will be the assistant President."

There was a trace of anger on Ma Mu's face. This is clearly Cai Hua's fooling people. It is really disgusting to do such a thing by himself.

Ding Hao raised his eyebrows, and a tinge of anger arose in his heart.

It's not right for Cai Hua to use this gathering called by Ma Mu to do such a thing. It's fine to lobby others, and it's really disgusting to say that Ma Mu wants to be the vice president.

Vice president?
Which one is the president?
Taking advantage of Ma Mu, and being such a disgusting person?
Whether it's me or Ma Mu, I don't want to quarrel with Cai Hua. If I really want to quarrel, are I afraid that Cai Hua will fail?

Cai Hua has a good relationship with some high-level people by seeing a doctor, so is it that he and Ma Mu are not as good?

When Cai Hua did such a thing, he really didn't take himself and Ma Mu seriously. Did he really think that with the support of those two people, he would be able to pass without hindrance?
This is really stupid and naive!
"It seems that Cai Hua really didn't even care about face in order to establish this association."

Ding Hao had a cold face, thought for a while, and continued, "It's fortunate that we realized this matter early, otherwise it would be really troublesome."

"Well, yes, Cai Hua can do such a thing, so don't blame me for not giving him face."

Ma Mu himself has a fiery temper, so it's strange that he still has a good face after knowing this.

Cai Hua had breakfast and was walking slowly. This is also a habit he has developed for many years. As a doctor, especially a very good doctor, he is very clear about the way of keeping in good health. his side.

"Teacher, I think it's almost time? Wait a little longer... Once Ma Mu realizes something is wrong, we..."

Mao Shi was very clear about Cai Hua's purpose for coming here this time, and it could even be said that he came up with the idea this time.


Cai Hua nodded lightly. He knew that Mao Shi was right. The time was almost up, and if he waited any longer, there might be changes.

"It will be a special meeting in a while, and everyone will come. At the meeting, I will propose the establishment of an association. I hope everything will go well."'

Cai Hua showed a worried expression on his face. In fact, with his own status in the circle, there is no problem at all in establishing an association. The crux of the problem is whether there are enough people in the circle for such an association. People with high status, such as Ma Mu and Ding Hao, if they don't participate, the association he established will be meaningless, and even if it is established, it will not be convincing enough. This is not what he wants.

Although Ma Mu's temper is very hot, his popularity in the circle is good. This time he recruited a lot of people, which is the fundamental reason why he will take advantage of this opportunity. One is full of people, and the other It is in such an opportunity to set up an association. Many people think that this is what Ma Mu means, and this is what they want. To finalize, otherwise there will be problems.

"Teacher...what if something unexpected happens...I mean, what if Ma Mu jumps out to object?"

Mao Shi is very aware of Ma Mu's position in the circle, especially he is very aware of Ma Mu's character. If it is an ordinary person, even if he knows that he has been used, he will not turn his face on the spot, but Ma Mu is really uncertain. Nine out of ten times it is possible to do such a thing.

Cai Hua's face became serious, and what Mao Shi said was also very possible.

"The old man Ma Mu is indeed able to do such a thing, but we don't have to worry too much. I think he hasn't reacted yet. Even if he does, it should be just his idea of ​​not participating. After all, this time I invited When people come, he has to take care of it. It doesn’t matter whether he participates or not. The important thing is whether his old friends will participate. As long as those few people express their opinions and participate, our goal will be achieved. gone."

Mao Shi thought for a while, and realized that this was really the case.

In fact, in such an association, no matter what, it is unlikely that Ma Mu will join, or he would not have opposed it before. In fact, it is enough for Ma Mu not to make trouble.

"Okay, it's almost time, I have to go to a meeting."

Cai Hua stopped, looked at Mao Shi after thinking for a while, and said, "Mao Shi, that Zhao not easy to provoke, if you have nothing to do, don't provoke him, the most important thing is that even if you want to provoke him, you have to find a good one. Opportunity, otherwise it will not benefit me at all."

Mao Shi blushed. He knew that the jealousy between himself and Zhao Tian these days had fallen into Cai Hua's eyes. Cai Hua's meaning was very simple. It was not impossible to deal with Zhao Tian, ​​but He had to win, otherwise it was not only himself who lost face, but also Cai Hua.

"Teacher, I see...I just saw him with Chuoma, so..."

Mao Shi has been by Cai Hua's side for many years, so he naturally knows how to deal with his teacher. At this time, he must admit his mistakes with a correct attitude.


Cai Hua nodded slightly, he was very satisfied with Mao Shi's attitude, "Chaoma is a beautiful woman, man, especially at your age, it's very normal to be like this, but what you need to know is that if you Always being at a disadvantage in front of Zhao Tian, ​​it will be even more difficult to catch up with Chuoma. What you have to do now is to find the best chance to kill him with one blow, otherwise, don't do it. This is very important , you have to remember."

"Yes, sir, I understand."

Cai Hua glanced at Mao Shi, turned around and left without saying anything more.

Mao Shi didn't leave right away. After Cai Hua left, he still stood there, carefully recalling his activities in the past few days, and found that Cai Hua was right. He was indeed a little too impulsive, because he saw Chuoma and Zhao Tian stayed together all day, burning with rage. Once they saw an opportunity, such as Zhao Tian's bone-setting incident, they rushed forward. In the end, he was the one who lost face in the end. At the same time, Chuoma watched himself make a fool of himself , If this kind of thing happens a few more times, I will definitely withdraw from the ranks of competing for Traoma automatically.

What Cai Hua said is not wrong, the best way for him now is not to rush to take a bite at every opportunity, but to find a suitable opportunity, hit it with one blow, and then make a move.

In fact, this is also the policy and strategy I have set up before, but when I saw Zhao Tian and Chuoma together, I was so angry that I forgot about it.The result is good, without exception, you will make yourself ashamed, and you will not get any benefits, especially the impression left in front of Chuoma is getting worse and worse. If this continues, there will be no benefit at all. Here's the chance.

"Grandma! You really need to pay attention to this speed."

Mao Shi shook his head lightly, he realized that he was actually at a disadvantage in pursuing Chuoma now, and he must not make any more mistakes, otherwise he would really have no chance at all.After thinking about this problem clearly, he left slowly. However, what he didn't expect was that he ran into Zhao Tian and others head-on after walking for a while.

"This is really a test for me."

A smile suddenly appeared on Mao Shi's face, and then he walked directly towards Zhao Tian and the others.

"Zhao Tian, ​​Wu Zhong, Chuoma, where are you going?"

Wu Zhong was taken aback for a moment, looking at Mao Shi in disbelief, a little unable to react.

When Mao Shi saw Zhao Tian and Chuoma staying together, when was he able to be so calm?
Haven't you always been angry before?Even if he can control his emotions and not get angry, he won't have a good face, and now he is laughing?

Wu Zhong couldn't help raising his head to look at the sky, he wondered if the sun was going to come out from the west.Chuoma also looked at Mao Shi with a surprised expression, this was not the Mao Shi she knew, it was like a completely different person.

This is too unexpected.

What is going on here?

Although Chuoma was a very smart person, at this time he was also confused by Mao Shi's move.

At the beginning, Zhao Tian couldn't react a little bit, but he reacted very quickly. Since he couldn't figure it out, then don't think about it. Didn't Mao Shi greet him with a smile?He also made it like this, so he just went back, so he also laughed, and nodded, "There is nowhere to go. The teachers are all going to a meeting. We have nothing to do, so we just want to find a place to sit. Have a cup of tea and chat, do you have anything to do? If not, let's go together."

(End of this chapter)

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