Chapter 156

This is the stone statue that Zhao Tian bought at Wei Cailan's auction before. According to the introduction, it is a stone statue of Gonggong.Later he checked this one on the Internet, and it was indeed Gonggong's in terms of its appearance and characteristics.

There is a true spirit on this stone statue, which plays a vital role in witchcraft. I hate the tiger teeth, and whether it is a thousand-year-old mahogany, the reason why they can work is actually because they all have powerful true spirits.

Theoretically speaking, if something with a powerful true spirit can be found, Sima Rui can be cured without a thousand-year peach tree.

This is actually another way for him to treat Sima Rui.

When he first bought it, he wanted to study it carefully, but a lot of things happened next, and now he has time to study it carefully.

"How can the true spirit in this thing be used?"

Zhao Tian frowned slightly. The real spirit in the stone statue in his hand was different from the one in the tiger's tooth, which he had discovered before.

The true spirit in Huya is like soft toothpaste. Although it is said that it will evaporate in the air, under the perspective, he found that as long as he moves quickly, he can actually use it before it evaporates. The real reason why it could be used to draw symbols before.

But the real spirits in the stone statue in front of me are different, they are like gas. If you look closely at the stone statue, you will find that the real spirits are like mist wrapped around the whole stone statue, and you don’t see the toothpaste like the toothpaste in the previous tiger teeth. state.

If the true spirits in the stone statue were really Qi, would they disappear into the air immediately if they opened their mouths?

Zhao Tian was worried about this, which was why he had such a headache.

The stone statue was tossed and played in Zhao Tian's hands. Under the perspective ability, everything in the whole stone statue was clearly seen in his eyes. After hesitating for a long time, he still couldn't figure out how to use the stone statue. The way of the true spirit.

"Grandma, this matter is really difficult to handle."

Zhao Tian shook his head lightly.

When Master Jiu used peach wood nails to force the centipede out of his body when he was treating Tiedan's illness, it was a very complicated witchcraft method.

He has already learned this method. To be honest, it is really a very complicated method. When he first came into contact with it, he was shocked. He really did not expect such a miraculous thing.

Regarding Sima Rui's illness, Zhao Tian actually studied it carefully. Apart from Jiu Ye's method, he also thought of another method, which is Fu.

Although he has not been learning witchcraft for a long time, Zhao Tian has mastered a lot of talismans, which is related to his amazing memory, especially the mastery of the true spirit makes him have an extraordinary ability to draw talismans. Li's ability to kill all the bugs in the entire river with a single insect repellent talisman is enough to prove this ability.

Because of this, Zhao Tian thought of another way to treat Sima Rui, which was to draw amulets to see if he could force the skull out of her body.

However, to draw a talisman, one had to find a real spirit, and since the skull in Sima Rui's body was too weird, it would take a lot of real spirits to draw the talisman to be useful.

This is why Zhao Tian must get the Gonggong stone statue in front of him when he sees it, and he will not sell it no matter how much others pay.

But the problem now is that although there are real spirits in the stone statue, and there are more than those in Huya, the problem is that the state of the real spirits inside is different from that in Huya.

This is a real headache.

This is the problem that Zhao Tian wants to solve now, but after much deliberation, he still can't think of a proper solution, which makes him very depressed.

Although it is now possible to get the thousand-year-old peach wood from Wei Cailan, he still hopes to find out the true spirit on the common stone statue in front of him, and see how it can be used, and prepare with both hands. greater certainty.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Zhao Tian even forgot how long he had been sitting, how many times the stone statue was spinning in his hands, but he still had no clue.

Standing up, Zhao Tian walked slowly in the room, frowning tightly, but he stopped after half an hour.

"Clap clap clap!"

Zhao Tian patted his head lightly, but he still couldn't think of a way.

"It seems that there is really no good way to think about it."

Zhao Tian looked at the stone statue he had placed on the table just now, dazed in a daze, and suddenly realized that he had made a big mistake.

The true spirit in the stone statue looks like fog, but it is not really like that, or even if it is fog, it is not certain whether it will disappear as quickly as the place in the tiger's tooth after opening.

It's impossible to think of a way if you think about it like this, isn't it?
The best way is to open an opening and try to see what kind of situation the true spirit inside is, so that we can come up with a solution.

But... if, as I had guessed, the true spirits evaporated immediately after opening the opening, wouldn't that be a big problem?

At that time, the entire stone statue will be of no value.

Zhao Tian hesitated.

This is not a small matter, once he made a hole in it, the final result is very likely to destroy the entire stone statue.

Ask Master Jiu for advice?
Zhao Tian immediately denied his idea.

If you find Master Jiu, you have to tell him how you can see the true spirit. In this way, isn't it the same as telling Master Jiu that you can see through?

This is my biggest secret, let alone Master Jiu, I absolutely cannot tell anyone except myself.

try it!
Zhao Tian finally made a decision, and he knew that he could only rely on himself for this matter.

Zhao Tian sat back again, picked up the stone statue and looked at it carefully for a while, and soon found the thinnest place, and then took out the key, he planned to scratch it with the key to see if he could scratch the hole.


There was a slight sound, which was very clear in the silent room.

I don't know whether the stone itself is relatively soft, or it has been weathered after years of wind and rain. In short, when Zhao Tian scraped it with a key, some powder was quickly scraped off.

Zhao Tian concentrated all his energy, and his attack was even lighter.

Under the clairvoyance, he "sees" that he will soon blow to the place where a trace of the true spirit mist is.


Zhao Tian's eyes were wide open, and his attack was more gentle. At this time, he must be careful. He just wanted to make a small hole to see how the situation was, and he deliberately chose a place where there was only a small piece of true spirit mist to scrape it open. .

The true spirits in this place and other places don't seem to be connected together, even if it is really blown away and evaporated, the loss will not be too great.


Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes, leaving only a gap, raised his right hand, and gently swiped down the key.


A touch of stone powder fell, and a burst of true spirit flew out of the opening, and disappeared into the air suddenly.

Zhao Tian sighed. He knew that what he was most worried about had happened. The true spirit in the stone statue was gaseous, completely different from the one in Huya before. It disappeared so fast, almost in the blink of an eye. No, it's impossible for me to move so fast, that is to say, I can't use the true spirit in this stone statue to draw amulets!
Zhao Tian was very disappointed. He knew that in the current situation, unless he found a better way, the true spirit in the stone statue could not be counted on.

Shaking his head, Zhao Tiangang was about to put the stone statue on the table, but suddenly his face changed drastically. He found that the scratched hole became bigger and bigger at some time, and the most important thing was that the hole was constantly escaping from the hole. come out.

This is how the same thing?

Zhao Tian's eyes widened. He deliberately chose a place where the true spirit exists alone. Under normal circumstances, the true spirit should stop after it is sprayed out. It may be that the real spirit in that hole is spraying continuously. When it comes out, it feels like a small fountain is erupting.


Zhao Tian knew that he had miscalculated. It seemed that if he didn't do something, all the true spirits would be wiped out.

In desperation, he didn't bother to think too much, and directly pressed his fingers on the cut made by the stone statue, and then exerted force.

Zhao Tian's idea is very simple, just press and hold it like this first, even if it can't be blocked, at least it can slow down.

What he didn't notice was that when his fingers pressed down hard, the cut on the stone statue cut his skin, and a trace of blood gushed out. The cut was not big, so it just gushed out at first. There was a little bit of blood, but in the blink of an eye, the blood that flowed out suddenly increased, as if something was sucking it.

Zhao Tian finally realized something was wrong. The stone statue in his hand was slowly heating up, and it became hot in the blink of an eye. When he looked down, the stone statue turned red at some point, as if it had sucked blood.

Zhao Tian shook it vigorously, trying to throw the stone statue out, but the stone statue seemed to be stuck to his hand, and it didn't move at all.

The stone statue turned red in the blink of an eye, as if it had been burnt to the brim, and the true spirit inside seemed to be boiled as if it had been boiled, and continued to swim.

No, they are running for their lives!

Zhao Tian suddenly discovered that the true spirits in the stone statue were not wandering at all, but running desperately as if being chased by natural enemies.

How could this be?
Zhao Tian had forgotten to be afraid at this time, instead he stared at the stone statue with wide eyes. What happened in front of him was really unbelievable!However, he soon knew why those true spirits escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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