Kuai Chuan is saving the mad villain every day

Chapter 558 The Disciple Always Wants to Kill Me 7

Chapter 558 The Disciple Always Wants to Kill Me 7
"Master, you never take a lunch break!" Li Xun said, "You say lunch breaks are a waste of time, and it's better to practice kung fu than lunch breaks."

Master is the only female elder of Qingyun Sect.

Because her skills are not as good as other elders, she has always been strict with herself and her apprentices.

Anyone who dares to take a lunch break will be fined to wash the latrine for a month.

Now, my master doesn't practice qigong and has to take a lunch break, so Li Xun feels like he is dreaming.

"Cough cough!" Gu Meng coughed unnaturally with his hands behind his back, "That's because the master was ignorant and ignorant before, and it's better to combine work and rest when practicing."

The master who has always been aloof will even say that he is ignorant one day.

Li Xun expressed a little doubt, but her silly brain can't think that much.

She looked at Gu Meng with bright eyes: "Then master... can disciples also take a lunch break in the future?"

"It's up to you, it doesn't matter if you don't practice." Anyway, no matter how hard you practice, you will still be hindered.

Li Xun cheered happily.

But soon, her joy was gone.

"This time your senior brother was injured, as a teacher, I already know the truth." Gu Meng looked at her coldly, "It was you who dragged your senior brother back and caused him to be injured."

"Master, how could I drag senior brother back, it was obviously fifth senior brother who hurt senior senior brother!"

Look, what a no-brainer.

Gu Meng knew that it would be useless to explain again, so she could only wave her hands: "As a teacher, you are too thin, and you still need to strengthen your body."

"From now on, you can clean the hut."

"Don't think that being a teacher is punishing you, being a teacher is training you."

"As long as you can stand this test, you will definitely become a proud disciple of your master just like your elder brother."

Li Xun's expression changed from disbelief at the beginning to joy at the end.

She really thought that Gu Meng was testing her, and when she thought that she could sweep the latrine as well as the elder brother, her mind suddenly fell into the latrine.

"Thank you Master, I'm going to clean the latrine right now."

Li Xun walked away.

Tsk tsk, Gu Meng couldn't help lamenting that the heroine's IQ was too hasty.

She even doubted that she would go without hesitation when she said that letting her eat Xiang would improve her skills.

After Li Xun left, Gu Meng planned to lie down, but saw the clothes left by Li Xiu beside the pillow.

Her eyelids moved, thinking of something, she got out of bed with her clothes.

After Li Xiu left Gu Meng's room, he met Li Yun not long after.

Li Yun deliberately blocked the road and refused to let him go.

Li Xiu didn't even frown, and turned around to walk up the next steps, but Li Yun blocked him again.

"Li Xiu, has Master healed your injuries?" Li Yun hugged his chest and stared at him viciously.

Li Xiu looked back expressionlessly.

His attitude completely annoyed Li Yun.

Li Yun relied on his own skill to be stronger than him, so he immediately grabbed his collar, "Li Xiu, I'm talking to you, don't you understand?"


"Did Master really heal you? What did you tell Master? Why did she suddenly favor you?"


"Speak, are you dumb?" Li Yun slapped him across the face.

But this time, he didn't hit Li Xiu in the face.

The wrist was severely restrained, Li Yun gritted his teeth in pain, and felt that his wrist bones were about to be crushed by Li Xiu.

"Okay, Lixiu, you are so courageous that you dare to touch your brother, right?"

Li Yun's movement force shook Li Xiu away, gathered his spiritual power, and swung his fist to smash Li Xiu's face.

(End of this chapter)

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