The struggle of the eight blessings of rebirth

Chapter 328 Parents' Beloved Son

Chapter 328 Parents' Beloved Son

After receiving the news, Minzhi couldn't sit still, and brought all the doctors in the mansion and Hong Ye to Cai's courtyard.As soon as he entered the room, he saw Mrs. Cai lying on the bed. There was nothing unusual on the surface. There was a steaming medicine bowl on the stool beside the bed.Chua sees Minzhi.About to get out of bed and salute, Minzhi stopped her: "You are too, you are not careful about your own body, who can you hide such a big matter from? If it wasn't for Hongye's filial piety, he lied that he was sick, Are you going to keep it a secret?"

Cai's eyes were red: "Concubine...for what happened today, I also have my own reasons, and I don't want to be broken by Ye'er. Please Fujin not blame Ye'er." Minzhi was puzzled: "You are sick, and he took care of your illness. Do you think I'll blame him for pretending to be sick? What's going on? Why are you hiding it?"

Cai faltered, wiped away tears, and told the truth of the matter.It turned out that the Cai family had ancestral head wind disease, which was the same problem as Cao Cao. According to the doctor, there was blood clot stagnation in the brain, which affected normal functions, and as Cai's age grew, this condition would become more and more serious. .

Cai's grandfather, uncle, and uncle all lived to be in their [-]s before passing away due to head wind, only Cai's father did not inherit it.However, many years ago, Cai's elder brother fell into the pond in his garden because of a headache, and died in time. This made Cai, who is the first daughter, very panic, fearing that she would have the same problem in the future.

After marrying into the palace for so many years, she has never had a hairy head, and she gave birth to Hong Ye smoothly. The peaceful life made her forget about the hairy head.However, fate played a joke on her at this time, and she began to feel dizzy, trembling, and dazzled from time to time.After a few times, her heart became cold, and she knew that she was also favored by this family genetic disease.

However, she didn't dare to see a doctor, she was afraid that her son would be affected after being diagnosed with this disease.He is already a concubine, and if he is suspected of being a genetic carrier because of Erniang's prestige, then this child will lose his future.Hongyan's congenital heart disease still receives the prince's love and attention, because he is the son of the eldest son, and he is also a debt to Fujin.

But my son couldn't have such a good life. Head wind disease can't be seen when he was young, and the symptoms will gradually appear after people reach middle age, until it becomes more and more serious, and it can't be cured until he dies .She herself knew that this disease could not be cured, and if she accidentally fell, she would die on the spot.

Do you want your son to live under such a shadow?If the prince despises him because of this, as a bastard, how will he survive in the future?It is precisely because of such worries that Mrs. Cai shy away from medical treatment and refuses to see a doctor. Unexpectedly, she was beaten by her son and exposed by the authorities.

Cai begged Minzhi tearfully, she must not let the prince know about it.But was rejected by Minzhi: "The prince is Hongye's father, he has the right to know any kind of situation of his son in the future. Back then, my Yan'er was congenitally deficient, and I never hid it from him. As a mother, I understand your concern." mood, but it is absolutely impossible to hide it from the prince.

Don't be too preoccupied, take the medicine you should take, although the doctors in our mansion are not as good as the imperial doctor, they are not bad.It may be able to prescribe the right medicine to relieve your symptoms.As for Hongye..." Minzhi said, looking out of the window: "You can ask the doctor to show him in a while, if there is nothing wrong, just pretend it's nothing, if the fate is really bad, you have to wait He's past middle age. At that time, I don't even know if your old bones are still there. "

Cai wept: "Yeah, it's my concubine who is thinking about it. Please forgive me!" Give him sickness." Cai nodded: "Yes, I understand, I respectfully send Fujin."

After coming out of Cai's room and returning to her own room, Minzhi lost all sleepiness, sat in the chair and sighed, and said to Nanny Li: "Mommy, what do you think is wrong, everyone here is sick. The one in Nanyuan has been bedridden for many years, I don't care to talk about her, but Mrs Cai looks fine, how could she have such a disease?"

Nanny Li is very calm: "Fujin, you have great fortune. With your blessing, the little masters can naturally grow up healthily, but the few outside are not as blessed as you. It's a family tradition. Unfortunately, if it got infected, it's nothing to do. Moreover, the servants saw that the wind came out at this time, all for the purpose of clinging to the fourth elder brother's position in the mansion.

Think about it, the person who told you that he had this disease naturally knew that you would report to him as the heir of the prince. In this way, the prince would not let her have any more children, and as Hong Ye, will be preserved because of your compassion.This is the ultimate goal of that person.You think, if that person knows that something will happen someday, and if he doesn't know about it, what if the fourth elder brother makes the same mistakes again without knowing it? "

"Hey, poor parents in the world, even if she doesn't have this kind of thought, I won't ignore Xiao Si?" Min Zhi sighed.Nanny Li nodded: "Fujin, you are kind, why don't you all say that you are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva?" Minzhi was ashamed: "Mom, people are talking nonsense without knowing it, and you are also booing, why don't you think about it for me, Cai's matter , how to return to the prince."

Because of Cai's matter, Minzhi lost all interest in doing other things, and waited wholeheartedly for Yinhu to come back and tell him the news, whether it was bad news or not.But, wait and wait, wait until the lanterns are hung on the gate of the mansion, and wait until Minzhi and the sons have finished their dinner before Yinhu comes back, and judging from his face, you can tell that he is too tired, he doesn't want to say anything, and he just falls away. Looks like he wants to sleep.

It wasn't until the third day when she came home from get off work that Minzhi found time to talk to Yinhu about Cai's affairs. Yinhu frowned after hearing this, and poured a pot of dirty water on Concubine Tong Gui of Kunyi Palace. It was Concubine Tong who picked someone to come in. She didn't expect to have such a strange disease. The nanny confirmed that Mrs. Cai would naturally not be able to conceive again. In front of Minzhi, Yinhu ordered the doctor to give Mrs. Cai Prescribe a medicine.As for what kind of medicine, everyone tacitly.

As for Hongye, according to Minzhi's wishes, let him grow up without knowing it. As for the future, it depends on his own fate.

Kunyi Palace was once again a scapegoat, Tong Guifei still didn't know anything about it, and Minzhi didn't dare to bring her into the palace to pay her respects since she knew about Cai's illness. If something happened accidentally in the palace, it would become It's bad luck to bump into the nobleman.Fortunately, Concubine Liang and the others were all focused on Minzhi, and never asked her why she didn't bring Side Fujin to pay her respects, which saved her some explaining.

It's just that she heard that the disturbance in the Yonghe Palace is getting more and more outrageous. Not long ago, Concubine De even smashed the head of the Prince of Jianguo with a bruise.Even Fifteen Baylor, who persuaded the fight, was not spared.Min Zhi heard it in her ears and smiled on her face, but she secretly planned in her heart, Concubine De was in a hurry, maybe she analyzed something from the rumors from Changchun Garden?

It's just that the old man has issued a strict order that no one can enter the garden without biography, even brothers like this, let alone concubines in the Forbidden City.That's why Concubine De wanted Yinzhen to get her youngest son back so angrily.But our fourth master doesn't eat soft and hard food, and doesn't eat oil or salt.

This ruthless talk is in a hurry, and I started to use props, hey, fourth master, you have been so hard-headed several times, this rabbit will bite people when it is in a hurry.Concubine De is in a hurry and can think of a way not to bother you, what should come will always come, how can you stop it by forcefully blocking it?But then again, with the fourth master in the way, it's only a matter of time.

That's why Minzhi prayed that Kangxi would live another year or two. It's best to bring Shisi back to report on his work, and then throw him out, and then hang up again. In this way, Shishi will not be so alert to return to Beijing.

This time, the ideal is beautiful, and the reality is also very beautiful. At the end of December, the old man’s body suddenly became stronger again. It coincided with the first anniversary of the end of the war in Tibet. The blessing of Mingjiu Dorji came, as well as a huge thangka painted with Mingjiu Dorji's sitting statue and the appearance of all living beings.

As soon as the old man was happy, his illness suddenly became milder. He ordered to choose a site around the summer resort, imitate the Jokhang Temple, and build a Yellow Sect temple to enshrine this Thangka.On New Year's Eve, when Kangxi returned to the palace, he pretended not to see the wounds on Yinzhen and Yinzhen's faces, praised Yinzhen lightly and put the matter aside.

Minzhi went to the palace for the New Year's Eve dinner, but she didn't see anything wrong with the old man, thinking that she was probably pretending to be sick for some ulterior purpose.

On the first day of the 61st year of Kangxi, the old man was dressed in bright yellow auspicious clothes, and led the princes to open the Taimiao to worship the ancestors, and accepted the princes' New Year greetings. At first, Zhi thought that his second son would be lost, but unexpectedly, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Finally, we don't have to enter the palace."

Provoking Yinhu raised his hand and gave him a chestnut, and added three words: "Stinky boy!" Hongwang followed Yinhu, Minzhi fell behind the two masters, and bowed to Kangxi go down.Kangxi narrowed his eyes, waved with a smile, called Hongwang to him, stuffed him with a thick red seal, stuffed it directly into his sleeve, squeezed his face when he was done, and praised: "Not bad! "

Hongwang returned to Yinhu, and directly took out the red seal and offered it to his father. Yinhu took it in his hand and squeezed it, then suddenly raised his hand and patted Hongwang on the forehead with the red seal, then retracted his sleeve with a smile. middle.Minzhi just thought it was the parent-child interaction between the two of them and didn't take it seriously, she just looked at them with enjoyment, her husband and son, no matter how you look at it, they think they are better than other people's homes!

(End of this chapter)

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