Chapter 307

At the beginning of April, the Russian Tsar sent a letter of credence, saying that he wanted to organize a delegation to visit the Qing Dynasty to negotiate the "dispute" on the border between the two countries. discuss.The letter of credence had already arrived in Kangxi's hands, the old man was furious, and ordered the six ministries to merge with the Military Aircraft Department to discuss matters in the Hall of Supreme Harmony the next day.

When Yinzhen got the news, like a fly that had its head pinched, she hurried over to ask Minzhi for advice.Everyone knows that since the signing of the "Treaty of Nerchinsk", the two countries have never had a dispute on the border issue.The sudden submission of credentials this time must have something to do with the training of large troops on the Songhua River.Right now, the starling is also in the Northeast. If something happens, the starling's life is safe, isn't it?

Minzhi heard that King Shanjun was in the hall, and she was anxious to see her, so she sighed, Yinzhen and Yin'e were both people who jumped triple-jumped, and she was watching in the study right now. Letter, counting the days, it must be some time since Yinhu arrived in Jiangnan, and it is impossible to send letters. This time, none of the three of them brought carrier pigeons with them, in order to keep the secrecy work the strictest, so Minzhi can only rely on calculations. The days will come to determine whether Yinhu has arrived at his destination and whether he has seen Mr. Cao.

However, this kind of guessing was fruitless in the end. He shook his head, discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind, and flipped through Ke An's training report that was sent yesterday. He came just looking at Yinzhen.Minzhi thought for a while and ordered: "Invite the prince here, let him entertain the king of Shanjun." He continued to read the report.Yinzhen outside was stunned, sister-in-law didn't come out, but nephew came out, what's going on?
After thinking about it again, I realized that I was reckless, and this time is different from the past.In the past, apart from mynah, my sister-in-law was the biggest in mynah mansion.But it's different now, Hongwang has sealed the son, and if the starling is not around, he is the man in charge of the house.However, Yinzhen looked Hongwang up and down, if the eldest nephew knew about this, he might panic.

Seeing Uncle Jiu's hesitant eyes, Hongwang hesitated to speak.First he bowed and saluted, and then said: "Uncle Jiu is coming, is there any news about Ama?" Yinzhen's heart skipped a beat: "Nephew, uncle came this time and got some great news, it's good that you come out Hurry up and call your mother back, saying that His Majesty the Tsar of Russia has handed over the credentials to us, saying that he will send a mission to re-discuss the border issue."

Hongwang blinked, and was not as surprised or confused as Yinzhen thought, but nodded calmly: "My nephew made a note, and I will report to my mother later." Yinzhen was slightly surprised: "You remember Are you done?" "Return to Uncle Jiu, my nephew will remember it, and I will repeat it to you: The Russian tsar has handed over his credentials and wants to send a delegation to discuss the border issue between the two countries with my grandpa."

Yinzhen showed a smile on his face: "Yes yes yes, these are just a few words, you go and tell your sister-in-law and ask him to call me back, I will wait here." Hongwang nodded: "My nephew understands, My little nephew will go in and report to my mother, and ask Uncle Jiu to stay longer. Come, please come out and serve him." Yinzhen was surprised again. Mynah went to Shengjing, but unexpectedly left the personal manager Lu Jiu behind. He knew a long time ago that the capital is going to be very peaceful.

Sitting down, he just picked up the tea bowl and put it down again: Unexpectedly, Hongwang has grown up in a blink of an eye, and the calmness of his body just now is really impressive.He is not at all like a child from other people's family. When he heard that he was asked to do something, he was busy showing off.After all, she grew up in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and was trained by Huang Ama herself.

Hongwang is like this, but I don't know what kind of Hongzhe is the old man's favorite, who is held on top of his heart?This pair of twin brothers in mynah's family is unusual!

Yinzhen waited outside, and Hongwang arrived at the door of the study.Minzhi was writing, and when Hongwang said this, she put down the pen: "Your ninth uncle said this?" I said it." Minzhi was happy: "If you really want to come here, you can go back and say that I know, but this is a major national event, let's listen to Huang Ama and the ministers. The prince is going to Shengjing It's to sweep the tomb, it has nothing to do with the military, please rest assured, Jiuye."

Hongwang nodded: "Son, I've made a note of it, so I'll go and call back now." Minzhi thought again: "Tell him, just say I told you to enter the country through the official route from Russia, and you will arrive no matter what. It's time to arrive in the capital, and one year is enough for Huang Ama to think about countermeasures."

"Yes, Er Niang, that son has gone." Just as Hongwang was about to leave, Minzhi took a deep breath: "You learned to be good in front of Uncle Jiu, and you also learned to be good in front of Er Niang? You just go according to your understanding." Let’s talk. Send Jiu Shu off, call Zhe’er and Yan’er to the study, Erniang has something to tell you.” Hongwang lowered his eyelids: “Son, remember.”

Seeing Hongwang walk out of the study door, Minzhi rested his forehead with one hand and said to Qiuju, "Look at my two sons, they are good boys who are not as good as weak crowns, one is dull, and the other is stubborn. , I finally had a good personality, and I had to carry a medicine jar with me.What a crime I have done, for most of my life, I have only got three such treasures, and I can't teach them well, and I can't persuade them. "

Qiu Ju bowed: "Master, you are worrying too much. In the eyes of this servant, the three elder brothers are all good. As the saying goes, a dragon has nine sons and each has his own temper. The prince is the son of the dragon, and the three elder brothers are the sons of the dragon." Longsun, of course, is more serious than ordinary children."

"I really hope that they will have a carefree childhood like the children of ordinary people, but how can it be possible! Hey, let's not talk about it, you send the pen and ink to Si'er. Apart from thanking you, Mrs. Cai, Did you say anything else?" Minzhi asked casually.

"It's still the same thing as Cian Fujin, I hope you can agree to let the fourth elder brother and the third elder brother study together." Qiu Ju said.Minzhi frowned: "Xiaosi is not yet five years old, Mrs. Cai is too impatient, how about this, change my greetings tomorrow, I will test his three-character scriptures."

Just as he was talking, Hongwang arrived at the door with his two younger brothers outside.Minzhi made up his mind: "Come in." The three children filed in, and Hongwang came over first and replied, "Emiang, my son has sent Uncle Jiu away as you ordered." "Well, all three of you come here, Er Niang will test your homework." Minzhi sorted out the things on the table.Take out the map of the Qing Dynasty that was scribbled in a mess: "Do you remember this map?"

When the three of them saw that it was a map they had seen when they were young, they all nodded.Minzhi pointed at the map, facing Hongzhe, but asked two people: "Wanger, Zheer, you are in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, have you ever seen Huang Amata look at the map?" At this time, Hongzhe Wang fell silent, bowing his head in silence.Hongzhe glanced at his elder brother, raised his head and said, "No, my sons are with Huang Mafa, and I have never seen Huang Mafa look at a map."

"Huang Ama never looks at the picture because the whole Qing Dynasty is in his heart. As long as he thinks about it, he knows where it is. We have to honestly recognize each one on this picture. Place names. For example, this is the Songhua River, and this is the territory of Tsarist Russia."

The three children watched, Hongzhe and Hongyan didn't know why Erniang suddenly called them into the study to read the map.Minzhi looked at Hongwang who was still silent, and took a deep breath: "Wang'er, please repeat the news that Uncle Jiu just delivered." Hongwang looked up: "Yes, Er Niang..."

After Hongwang finished speaking, the three children had three expressions. Hongyan frowned deeply, looking like he was thinking hard, but Hongwang was staring at the map. Burn a hole.Hiroshi looked indifferent.It was Hongzhe who Minzhi asked first: "Zhe'er, why do you think Uncle Ninth is in such a hurry to tell me the news?"

"Responding to Erniang's words, because Ama is in Shengjing, Uncle Jiu felt that the Northeast is about to be unrest, and he was worried about Ama, so he came to deliver the news." Hongzhe blurted out without thinking.Minzhi nodded: "That's the reason, then do you think this matter will really affect your Ama?" As I said before, Shengjing is the foundation of the Long Nai of our Qing Dynasty, and it is invincible to all evil."

"Well, it makes sense." Minzhi nodded, very relieved, it's normal for the child to say what he has to say, and he usually keeps silent when he asks him about himself, but now he asks him about these things, but he The answers are fluent, indicating that there is still hope for training.

"Wanger, what do you think?" Minzhi asked Hongwang the question.Hongwang bowed: "The son agrees with the second brother." "Is there nothing to add?" Min Zhijia asked. "No more." Hongwang lowered his head again.

Minzhi rolled her eyes in her heart: "Yan'er, you; come!" Hongyan stood the farthest, and only moved to look at the picture when she heard her mother's question: "Hui Erniang said that two neighboring countries are on the border. There are frictions on the issue, this kind of thing has existed since ancient times, but this Russian envoy personally sent to the capital to discuss the border issue must have other plans, but this has nothing to do with Ama."

"Yan'er is right. On the one hand, your ninth uncle is thinking about you, Ama, so he caught vegetables in the basket, so he came to report the news. On the other hand, he is still thinking about his money bag. It's been so many years, and it hasn't changed! I just don't know if Huang Ama, who suffered a loss last time, will soften her heart this time?"

After speaking, he suddenly realized that Hongwang was still staring at the map without blinking. Minzhi smiled: "Wanger, Ke An's soldiers are here." Minzhi took a pen and clicked on the map: "Border line But here, are you thinking that Tsarist Russia’s reaction is too fast and exaggerated?”

Hongwang took a step back and blushed: "Son...son is thinking that this bank of the Songhua River is our Dongzhu breeding base. There have always been officers and soldiers stationed and guarded. It is normal to have training. Son...son can't figure it out. "

Minzhi imitated Yinhu and tapped on his head with a pen: "It doesn't matter whether you understand or not, what is thinking in your little head, Huang Ama can think about it as soon as he closes his eyes and opens his eyes, and when he understands, he can think about it." Done. Alright, you go back. That’s right, Wang’er, from tomorrow onwards, the three of you will take Qian Yi to class together, remember not to send him away.” Seeing the smile on Hongyan’s face, Minzhi also smiled Le: "Okay, let's go out!"

(End of this chapter)

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