Chapter 276
The next day, the Empress Dowager's body was moved to the Fengxian Hall, and Kangxi stood beside her coffin in Jielu to keep the coffin in person.Announced that the national mourning period will be 27 days. During the national mourning period, marriage and entertainment will be stopped, and the whole country will mourn in plain clothes.The princes have to stay at home for 27 months, and they are not allowed to marry or take concubines, and they are not allowed to set up a stage to sing operas and obey vegetarianism.

On the third day of the national funeral, Minzhi and the other sisters-in-law were able to return to the house, and immediately began to clean up, replacing all the decorations in the house, even if they looked brighter, and ordered the tailors in the village to rush to make plain clothes overnight, and ordered the kitchen , During the national mourning day, the whole family is fasting vegetarian, everyone's face is tense, and they keep their mouths in check. Don't look for bad luck at this time.

After arranging all this, Minzhi left Hongyan at home and brought Hongwang into the palace. The Shouning Palace was full of flowers. They all wear white flowers, with white jade squares inserted diagonally, and they are covered with white robes, weeping there.Minzhi and the child were still in the side hall, and as soon as they entered, they knelt on the futon next to Qifujin, while Hongwang knelt in the pile of princes.

This time, Prince Li's concubine Qi Jia was the first to kneel. Although Yinfeng was not there, no one could shake her position.Behind them are Sanfujin and Sifujin, etc. Minzhi peeked at Qi Jiashi's expression, frowning and looking like a bitter melon.I don't know if she already knew about her husband's accident.I don't know how the previous court would deal with Yinfeng's rebellious behavior.

Unbeknownst to Minzhi, the former dynasty had already quarreled over Yinfeng's handling of the issue.All the criminals who participated in the rebellion that night were escorted to Dali Temple, including the nine admirals captured by Yinxiang.To them, the ministers kept saying that they would kill without mercy and raz the three clans.Only Prince Li Yinfeng, the ministers had different opinions, Kangxi did not come to the court during the national mourning period, and everything was handled by the Military Aircraft Department, but the white-bearded ministers in the Military Aircraft Department almost broke into a fight.

Kangxi lived in Fengxian Hall, and Yinzhi was busy in the funeral committee. The ones who really stayed with him were Yinzhen, Yinqi, etc., and of course Yinhu, but he knelt far away, and the old man couldn't see him. In addition to the princes, there are two other people beside the old man, one is the emperor's grandson Hong Xi, and the other is Hong Zhe. Li, from the bottom of his heart, he hated his father the most.

According to Hongxi's calculations, if the father was honest and forbearing, like the eighth uncle, even if there were ups and downs, he would not end up in such a situation. The father's repeated struggles not only ruined himself, but also ruined his son who spent so many years relying on acting cute and pretending to be stupid. The emperor's grace came, now, his father sees that his title is not guaranteed, and he will be dragged down.Huang Mafa turned his attention to the eighth uncle's child early on. Little Hongzhe is not only smart, but also because he is young, he doesn't need to pretend to say anything and do anything, Huang Mafa will naturally spoil him believe him.And in the end, he couldn't get anything.

All of this was caused by my brain-dead father!Hongxi had overwhelming hatred in her heart, but she dared not express it in front of Kangxi.I can only suppress it reluctantly, and on the one hand, I have to pray that Kangxi will not implicate himself when dealing with his father.Kangxi squinted, sitting cross-legged on the bright yellow cushion, in front of the Empress Dowager's coffin, looking like an old monk in meditation.

It wasn't until the dinner was finished that the old man passed his hand to Hongxi: "Let's go, accompany Huang Mafa back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation." Hongxi was flattered, got up in a hurry, and carefully supported Kangxi: "Hey, grandson is helping you " Kangxi seemed very satisfied, and walked all the way to the gate, only to think of Hongzhe: "Zheer, you come with me too." Only then did Hongzhe get up, and quickly walked out of Fengxian Hall after Kangxi.

After Kangxi left for a long time, Wu Shulai came in and announced that the princes can go back to the Piandian to rest as soon as they receive Xushi.All the princes breathed a sigh of relief, Huang Ama returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and their tasks became much easier. Huang Ama lived here for three days, and everyone dared not fall asleep at night, and closed their eyes during the day I'm also afraid of being caught by the old man and charged with disrespect.

Kangxi took Hongxi and Hongzhe back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but he did not arrange them immediately. Instead, he asked Wu Shulai to make a cup of tea, leaned on the soft bed where Yinreng had been lying, and said to Hongxi, "You have been in the palace all this time. , What exactly happened that night, let me tell you the truth!" His tone was stern, no longer the amiable look of the past.

Hong Xi was taken aback, gathered himself together, the disgust in his eyes flashed, and he knelt down to Kangxi suddenly: "If you go back to Huang Mafa, your grandson knows everything that happened that night, grandson Rong Tell me in detail." Kangxi nodded, "Tell me." Immediately, Hongxi made the queen mother seriously ill, and his father sent people to strictly guard the palace, and all the guards in the palace were mobilized. He was strictly guarded by guards.

Then, how Yinreng falsely passed on the Queen Mother's decree, tricked Fujin and the princes outside the palace into the palace and imprisoned them in the side hall of Shouning Palace, and how they slaughtered innocent maids and servants in the imperial garden, all told Kangxi one by one, Hongzhe, who was sitting on Kangxi's left, didn't know these things at all. Hearing what Hongxi said, and seeing the emperor's grandfather's complexion getting worse and worse, he couldn't help jumping off the chair and knelt down at Kangxi's feet: "Huang Mafa calm down!"

It was this sound that awakened Kangxi from his rage, glanced at the two grandsons kneeling on the ground, and sighed: "Hong Xi, did you see what you said with your own eyes?" Hong Xi bowed: "If you go back to Huang Mafa, I am the son of my father. I shouldn't have blamed my father, but my father's actions have hurt the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. My grandson had no choice but to tell the truth. What my grandson said , are all facts, please Huang Mafa check it out!"

Kangxi nodded: "What a harm to the country. You said it very well. Then I ask you, how should I deal with your father?" , The father’s fault is too great, the grandson dare not ask Huang Mafa to forgive him, but he can’t say the words to severely punish the father, please forgive Huang Mafa!”

When Kangxi heard the words, he was neither happy nor angry: "Zhe'er, you have met the second uncle, how do you think I should deal with it?" Hongzhe frowned. Who is unlucky to get involved.But when Huang Mafa asked, he had to answer, so he thought about it and said: "If you go back to Huang Mafa, my grandson and the second uncle only met once. When my grandson travels with Huang Mafa, I have no way of knowing what happened in the palace. Don't dare to speculate. It's just..."

"Just what? But it doesn't matter!" Kangxi stared at him, and Hong Xi stared at him too.Hongzhe kowtowed to Kangxi before saying: "The last time my grandson accompanied Huang Mafa to see his second uncle who was ill. I don't forget to think about my son, from my grandson's point of view, the second uncle is not bad-hearted."

Hongxi's face turned red and white. He lived in Xian'an Palace for a period of time since his father became mentally normal. He never saw his father show any kindness to him. He didn't believe that his father was ill. I will miss him even when I am heavy.In fact, Hongzhe deliberately mentioned his son, but avoided the name, which made Hongxi mistakenly think that Yinreng was thinking about him, and was immediately embarrassed.

Kangxi did not intend to let Hongzhe go so easily: "So, after hearing Hongxi's performance, you still want to intercede for your second uncle?" Hongzhe kowtowed: "Grandson dare not, brother Hongxi Whether what is said is true or not, you can check it out. What the grandson said was actually witnessed by Huang Mafa. As for how to deal with the second uncle, it is entirely up to Huang Mafa's decision. The grandson and elder brother can only tell the truth." Okay, let’s tell the truth! You all get up, I will consider what you say, it’s getting late, go down and rest.” Hongxi and Hongzhe looked at each other, and they both led the order to exit the main hall and went to the side hall take a break.Kangxi stayed alone in the main hall with a smile on his lips.

The national funeral on the 27th passed quickly. Kangxi resumed the early dynasty, went to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, announced that the late empress dowager would be given a posthumous title, consecrated to the Taimiao, and most importantly, a word from Minzhi changed the custom of the empress dowager being buried in the east of the Xiaoling Mausoleum. history.Kangxi announced the reopening of Xiaoling Mausoleum, allowing the Empress Dowager to bury the late Emperor with her biological mother.The Xiaodong Mausoleum, which had already been built, was changed to Concubine Garden, and the coffins of former emperors and concubines were moved into this mausoleum.

This is actually against the original wishes of Emperor Shunzhi. Everyone knows that Shunzhi loves Concubine Dong E deeply, and the position of Concubine Dong E has long been reserved in his mausoleum, as well as the position of the future Empress Dowager, Kangxi's biological mother Empress Xiao Kangzhang.However, Shunzhi did not explain about Empress Xiaohuizhang, and there was no place for her in the tomb.Therefore, after the death of Empress Xiaokangzhang, Kangxi ordered the Empress Dowager to build the Empress Mausoleum on the east side of Xiaoling Mausoleum for the burial of Empress Xiaohuizhang and Shunzhi's concubines in the future.

However, the empress dowager's words "I don't regret marrying into the royal family" deeply moved Kangxi's heart. Thinking of the care and care of this unrelated aunt after the death of the empress dowager, and the care given to him during the complicated struggle for the reserve position in the later period, Kangxi's heart was deeply moved. Take care of yourself.Kangxi's heart softened, and he made an exception to reopen Xiaoling, and buried the queen mother and her beloved cousin of the first emperor together.

The queen mother's matter was settled, and Kangxi announced his withdrawal from the court, but he did not immediately announce the punishment of the prince as the officials thought.Instead, he left the palace and went to Changchun Garden.The ministers sighed, it's wrong for the old man to always be so tempting.

This time, Kangxi took away all the underage emperor's grandsons, but kicked the seventeenth elder brother Yinli out of the queue, gave him a Beizi title, and let him go out of the palace to build a mansion.And made an order to wait until the time limit for keeping filial piety is over.Just marry him.

Therefore, Yinli became the only elder brother who left the palace to build a mansion before he was engaged. Everyone was guessing which lady his Fujin would be, but he himself didn't care. Elder brother Yinyu's house is only a road away, the capital is only so small, basically two steps away is a palace, if a tile falls, it either hits a yellow belt or a red belt.Yinli didn't mind going out of the palace, on the contrary, he had longed for it for a long time. To him, being able to take advantage of the opportunity of the Queen Mother's death to move out was as joyful as a bird coming out of a cage.

(End of this chapter)

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