Chapter 253
Time passed, and it was already September in a blink of an eye. In September, there was one thing that Minzhi was very concerned about, and that was the Ministry of Rites examination. Sun Jiagan and Ji Rongshu were preparing for the exam in the academy arranged by Kangxi. Now I don’t know what happened. The letter was filled with ardent affection, which made Min Zhi feel that she saw the pure love of modern boys and girls again.If Ning Yu can really combine with Ji Rongshu, it would be good.Should I do something for them?
After thinking about it for a while, Minzhi decided to write to Jiangnan before the exam started, telling He Zhuo about He Ningyu's interest in Ji Rongshu, and affirming Ji Rongshu's talent and character.And she also told He Zhuo that now that Kangxi brought him to the capital, he meant to focus on training him.

He will take the palace test and so on. With his foundation, it is absolutely no problem to pass. His future path will definitely become wider and wider. If he doesn't pay close attention to this potential stock now, it will be too late to regret it, not to mention that Ningyu loves this boy with all his heart , Money can't buy love and righteousness, isn't it?

Soon He Zhuo replied, saying that Ji Rongshu himself is optimistic about the child, but because of Yinhu's relationship, he must get fame and fame before he considers major events in life. He also rejected his proposal because of this before. A proud and stubborn temper made He Zhuo angry and loving at the same time.Of course he hoped that his daughter could marry his disciple.

After all, I cultivated it by myself, and I know the root and the bottom.Ji Rongshu is also the only male in the family. When his daughter marries him, she doesn't have to deal with complicated family relationships such as mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The Ji family only has one sister-in-law and she has a good relationship with her daughter. This is why He Zhuo chose to support her daughter.It's a pity that my father went out in person, but he stopped him with the excuse of not being famous and getting married. I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

When Minzhi received the reply, she looked at it and was furious. This ancient boy has such a shitty idea, and He Zhuo didn't ask you to join the He family. He Ningyu is still an only daughter, and the old man didn't show it. With this kind of thinking, for the sake of his daughter liking you, the old father put on a face and said it himself, it is not easy.As a result, you were blocked back.Could it be that Ji Rongshu has another love in his heart?
If this is the case, it's not sweet to be a twisted melon, and I have to help He Ningyu deal with the lovelorn syndrome quickly.In the end, before Minzhi could discuss this matter with Yinhu, the test over there was over. When Yinhu came back and said that Ji Rongshu won the No. 2 test, he was immediately troubled, this kid is really strong One heart is about to stand out, this thought, if used well, is a good minister of the country, if not used well, it is a lowly minister, and will be psychologically distorted.

Minzhi himself can't talk to Ji Rongshu, so he can only throw him to Yinhu. No matter what the target is, he must kill the evil spirit in the young man's heart before the next year's palace exam. Yinhu can't help but laugh: "What are you thinking? Ji Rongshu What's wrong with wanting to be famous and then get married? I think he is working so hard because he feels that his background is not worthy of the teacher's daughter. What do you want me to talk to him about? Don't worry, after the palace exam is over , I will find him and personally protect the media, he will never refuse."

He glanced at him: "I think this kid has engraved the word "Fame" on his forehead after meeting you. Only when there are gaps will we start from the bottom. I think this kid is too popular. After he finishes the exam, he finds that his fame is only a short-lived glory. What he has to face is a longer and more complicated official career. I am afraid of him. There will be psychological deviations, after all, your idol is no longer in the official department."

Yinhu was very helpless: "Okay, okay, listen to you, I talked to him before the palace test and finalized the marriage, so you are satisfied?" Minzhi finally smiled: "Actually, I also did it for his own good. After all, he will spend a long time in the capital. It is always good to have a wife to take care of him, and... most importantly, I haven't seen Ningyu for a long time. If she can come to Beijing soon... ..."

"I really lost to you. After spending so much time talking, I still did it for myself in the end... Okay, after listening to you nagging so much, it's okay. Should I let your grandfather eat?" Yin Yin Hu said so.Seeing that her goal had been achieved, Minzhi immediately put on the expression of a virtuous wife: "That's right, I'll let someone send it in, and you can use it later." Just as she was about to leave, she was stopped by Yinhu: "I promise you, you Should I be rewarded?"

Minzhi was taken aback: "I serve you dinner?" Yinhu secretly rolled his eyes: "Fu Jin, you and I haven't had dinner at the same table for a long time." His brows frowned: "This isn't the day before yesterday..." Saying that Halfway through, I saw someone's expression suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy, and immediately put away the next words.Seeing that his hand was still holding his own, he sighed softly.Sit down across from him.

Since Wang Shi and Cai Shi entered the house, they chose the current mode of getting along with each other tacitly. She returned to indifference to his affairs, and ate and slept on time in her own yard every day.He only stayed in the study for a while after he went to get off work, and left before he got off work.If it wasn't for Ningyu's business, she would have forgotten how long she hadn't taken the initiative to talk to him.

If it were a few years ago, Yinhu would feel that her silence was emotional, but now, she can't see any unhappiness at all. When he talks to her, she listens with a smile and says a few words from time to time.He spent the night in the concubine's room the next day, worried that she would be angry, so he asked Lu Jiu to inform him that he had gone out early the next morning.Unexpectedly, because of this, she developed the habit of sending her to work in the morning. In fact, he doesn't have to go to work in the morning, and he is not on the construction site. There is nothing busy in the yamen.Leaving so early is just to tell her that those women are just concubines and can't compare with her at all.

From her expression, Yinhu strangely saw the shadow of her mother, with an unchanging gentleness, neither more nor less.Is this all mother's teaching, or is she fully evolved?When the two women first entered the door, like the Chen family and Hu family, they also received a gift from Yinhu, a purse containing contraceptive pills.He will not give up his principles because of Kangxi's hint.

Hongwang and Hongzhe have grown up. Although they are not alienated from their wives like Hanyin, they cannot be compared with Hongyan who has been growing up by his side. Let alone his wife, even he has invested more in this youngest son than his eldest son and his wife. The feelings of the second son.Hongyan is young and sick. Although he can lead a normal life now, he is actually a delicate flower in a greenhouse, protected from wind and rain.For Hongyan, he couldn't take any risks.

Therefore, now is not the time to ask for a concubine, he accepts the woman, in order not to put the pressure on the wife, but for the child, it has to be moved later.Nothing is more important than a wife and a legitimate son.Even Huang Ama's imperial decree will not work.

However, what he didn't expect was that the two purses only stayed in the concubine's room for three days, and on the fourth day, they were replaced by Caixuan. an excuse to change.Not only those of Cai and Wang's rooms were changed, but also those of Chen's and Hu's.

He went to find her, but couldn't think of how to explain it. Obviously she knew the truth about the purse.When did you know, why didn't you change it before?Why did you ask Qiu Ju, the eldest girl in your room, to bring someone to change after Wang Shi and Cai Shi came in?At this moment, Yinhu didn't know what it was like.

He didn't love her in the first place to prevent the concubine from becoming pregnant.But now, when she did this, she told him silently that no matter what he did, the pressure was always on her side.Yes, she understands him, but outsiders don't understand, especially Huang Ama, if he ignores such obvious hints, then what will Huang Ama do next?

So, he gave in, all he could do was ask Lu Jiu to notify her every morning when he was sleeping out, and let her come out to send him to work.In fact, he was just walking in the street in a sedan chair.

Today, she specially waited for him in the study for Ningyu's affairs, and begged him to do something. In fact, he really wanted to agree immediately, and he would not admit it even if he was killed. Just look at his theoretical expression seriously.By the way, I can also eat at the same table with her, so it should be regarded as interest.

Thinking about it this way, he ate a meal very slowly, without eating or sleeping, Minzhi was very surprised to see his three-beat slow movement, waited and waited, and finally couldn't help but put down the chopsticks and spoke: " What's wrong with you? The food is not to your liking?" Yinhu looked at her for a long time, and then he had a flash of inspiration: "I have been dragged by Xiao Jiu to eat at his restaurant for the past two days, and if I eat too much, I feel that the cook at home..."

In the middle of speaking, I saw the woman opposite frowned: "The cook at home can't be compared with the chef hired by Jiudi restaurant with a lot of money..." Yinhu put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth: "Oh, I won't eat I have no appetite." Minzhi thought that his mouth was really being spoiled by Xiao Jiu, and her face turned ugly immediately: "You didn't eat much at all, a good table of food..."

Yinhu's face turned cold on purpose: "If I say I don't want to eat, I won't eat it. Come on, get out!" Minzhi was speechless, knowing that he lost his temper again. This man, when he is easy to talk, he is obedient and obedient, but he is not easy to talk to. Times like now.But now it was still early before bedtime, he only ate a few mouthfuls of food and didn't move at all.Don't you have to toss the cook if you are hungry at night?

He got up silently, bowed his knees and bid farewell, thinking about going to the kitchen to get some snacks, and having someone deliver them to him, lest he make a fuss again.If this guy becomes stubborn, he will be like a child, he must be touched by his hair.After Yinhu learned that his wife had gone to the kitchen, his face suddenly turned cloudy.


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书号 : 2132875
Title of the book Yi Ling Xiu Xian Ji

Author Mingyue Qingzhao
(End of this chapter)

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