Chapter 246 Luxury
Kangxi stayed in the south of the Yangtze River for more than five months, and spent the summer directly. He traveled all over Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and then went south to Fujian, Jiangxi, and went straight to Guangzhou.The old man not only carefully inspected the defenses of the provinces, deeply observed the people's sentiments, and punished corrupt officials with his own hands, but also went for a walk in Goulan Wasi, scaring the accompanying Yinzhi, Yinzhen, and Yinhu into a cold sweat.

In fact, Kangxi went deep into the south to send a very strong signal to the anti-Qing forces. The old man is not afraid of you ghosts and snakes at all.

Why does he have to announce to the world every time he tours the south, leading the ministries and commissions to draw up a route, and marching forward with drums and gongs along the way?Isn't it just to give you hope and then let you return without success.Every time your people show up, the old man can follow the clues and eat some of them, and keep the rest for teasing.

This time, Yinzhen and the three of them have a deep understanding. The old man is in the capital, and he has a clear understanding of the game of chess in the south of the Yangtze River. Which piece should be moved and which piece should be placed, when should he visit whom, and what to say.The process is clear.Completely convinced the three people accompanying him, it is a rare opportunity to work under the old man's hands and learn a little bit.

In the sweltering heat of August, Kangxi returned to Beijing in a dragon boat along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The scenery along the way was naturally beautiful. The old man sighed: "The queen mother and her elders should also come to see the boundless beauty of the Jiangnan boundary." The three accompanying princes Looking at each other in dismay, you have already worked so hard to come alone, if you come with the queen mother, it will not exhaust the officials along the line.

Of course, those who returned to Beijing with Kangxi were the top five students from each of Jiangnan's imperial examinations. Since last year's results were cancelled, the corresponding general and imperial examinations were postponed to next year. These ten students became Kangxi's key training targets. , Before the exam, the old man will arrange a residence in the capital to review his homework.For several candidates, this is simply a good thing that the sky is raining red.

The only person on the scene who was not excited was Sun Jiagan, who was only 16 years old. He was with Ji Rongshu who just made it into the top five. Obviously, Ji Rongshu was much more excited. King Lianjun was Xiaoji's idol, but Sun Jiagan was the object of observation.Under the education of the almost prophetic teacher Yuqing Banxian, Xiao Mingyue has amazing insight and a calm mind.He has always been thinking about what his master said, his future is to assist a generation of Mingjun, and he is also a newborn king.

Kangxi is a Mingjun, but he is out of season.Sun Jiagan's eyes were on the three accompanying princes, more precisely, on Yinzhen and Yinhu. He could feel that the auras of these two people were completely different. Yinzhen was hiding in the ice water. With a sharp knife inside, he is calm and decisive, without any surprise.Sun Jiagan had no doubts that the cold-faced king in front of him could slaughter a city when he exploded.

Yinhu has a completely different style. Sun Jiagan even wondered, how could there be such a big difference between the two babies born to the same father?Lianjun Wang is a good-natured gentleman who is easy to talk to everyone. Even though everyone can see that the fourth master and him are only superficially cooperating, he still has a happy face, as if everything he sees and hears is something to be happy about. , hiding everything under the smile, making it difficult for people to see their true thoughts.Sun Jiagan felt that this master had improved his level compared to when he stayed at Sanqing Temple.

The Mid-Autumn Festival was spent in the Dezhou Palace, and at the end of September, the large army arrived in the capital. At this time, Minzhi already knew the news of Yimen's victory and was very happy.She was also well aware of He Ningyu's small thoughts, so as soon as Yinhu came back, she asked him about Ji Rongshu, and dug out all eighteen generations of his ancestors.

When I heard that Ji lost his mother when he was young, and lost his father when he was young, and brought his younger sister to live on the aid of Yimen, sympathy gained the upper hand again. Although he hadn't met him yet, he already recognized this person a little bit in his heart. character.When she also learned that Ji Rongshu was the master who slept with Yinhu in the Taoist Temple and met the genius Taoist, she even felt that this world was a fantasy.

In October, the Empress Dowager’s Longevity Day, the old man held a grand occasion again. Minzhi sat in Chuxiu Palace, thinking of Yinhu who was among the many gift-giving teams, seeing the pearls, agates and jadeites sent by everyone, and then looking at her own man The gift in his hand, he smiled wryly, he had to continue pretending to be poor, so he had to feel sorry for your old man.

The gift Yinhu chose to give this time is a seated statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the South China Sea carved in Shoushan stone.The size is only about the size of a hand. Although the carving is exquisite enough, the material is too ordinary. You know, even if you are as frugal as Yinzhen, this time I also presented a bunch of jade bracelets engraved with gold characters "Heart Sutra".And Yinhu just presented a small stone Guanyin statue, which in the eyes of others, is completely daring not to surpass the limelight of his brothers, and he really wants to keep a low profile to the end.

However, this stone Avalokitesvara was finally handed over to Kangxi by the Queen Mother. It turned out that on Avalokitesvara's large and flowing robes was a whole "Miaofa Lotus Sutra", and the font could be seen to be copied by Yinhu himself. Please invite the master of microcarving engraved on it.What's even better is that the face of this Guanyin is five or six points similar to the Empress Dowager.Shoushan Stone Avalokitesvara and the Lotus Sutra handwritten, Avalokitesvara also looks like the queen mother, low-key enough, but also clever enough.

Needless to say, this idea must have come from the daughter-in-law of Lao Ba's family who is used to flirting for rewards.The Guanyin was sent to Kangxi, the old man gritted his teeth again, his Queen Mother has been completely subdued by this girl!The empress dowager's meaning was very clear, she just wanted Kangxi to see clearly who was the most thoughtful and cautious one in this unparalleled game.

After all, only the one who has the last laugh is the winner, who is able to show off his ingenuity in the forbearance, hide it from the eyes of the world, but not deceive the person he really wants to please, anyway, the Queen Mother will go to everything I thought about the benefits.But Kangxi is frowning, you are so low-key, aren't you afraid that I will really praise the fourth child, so that you don't even have a share of soup?

He deliberately put the news of adding people to Yinhu's mansion behind, and spread it around the palace. Unexpectedly, everyone cared about Guo Luoluo. The Queen Mother wanted to tell her the so-called "truth", but she politely declined.Concubine Liang tried to tell her to be careful with a worried face, but she turned a deaf ear.The little cousin has led people to her eyes, and she can turn a blind eye, completely disregarding other people's feelings, and shake her sleeves to leave.

Has she really changed?Become cautious and low-key and line up with your husband?Didn't you have a close relationship with Lang Shining and Nian Xiyao in Zhuangzi before?Now that the daughter of the Nian family has appeared, she can completely ignore it without any mood swings?

Kangxi was a little uncertain, when he came back from the southern tour, Yinhu was reinstated, but he got the job of Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and became Castiglione's immediate boss.The Summer Resort is still under construction, and countless money is spent on it every year. However, Minzhi knows that Kangxi will never see the completion of the Summer Resort, and Hongli is the one who finally took advantage of it.

Miraculously, the Ministry of Industry, as the largest exporter of money at this time, has nothing to do with it.Because building a summer resort was no longer as simple as building a palace for Kangxi. What he wanted to build was the second Forbidden City.The Manchus conspired to conquer the world of the Han people, occupied the palace of the former dynasty, and carried out small-scale renovations, but they still could not satisfy the Qing royal family.

The key point is that the location of the Forbidden City is quite awkward, and the attitude of the Manchu Qing government towards the people in the north and the south is absolutely intolerable.The Han people in the south and the ethnic minorities near the sea adopted high-pressure control methods to make them directly inferior to the Manchus, Mongols, and other nomadic peoples in the north, such as the Qiang and Xianbei, and then the Han people.That is to say, the slaves of the Han family of the nobles are not as good as the Cao family and the Nian family.In the end, it was the turn of the Han people with the largest population base and the southern minorities such as Li and Miao.

This led to a strange phenomenon that only appeared in the Qing Dynasty.That is the high degree of autonomy of the various ethnic groups in the north. The imperial court has to marry countless princesses and daughters every year, and bring them tens of thousands of treasures, cattle and sheep, in order to ensure that those people are loyal to the Qing Dynasty.The most indispensable thing on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia is Princess Tomb.

You must know that even in the Han Dynasty when marriages were the most popular, when a princess married a Xiongnu, she was nominally marrying a foreign country, and the royal family inheritance had nothing to do with the Central Plains emperor.

The Qing Dynasty put a large piece of fertile water and grass land, and wantonly distributed the Mongolian relatives and nobles. They are all subjects and subordinates of Bogda Khan.Minzhi couldn't figure it out. He was also a subject of courtiers. How could there be such a difference in treatment between the north and the south? Did the emperor of the Qing Dynasty lose his mind?
One of the important purposes of establishing the Summer Resort is to make it easier for those relatives in the north to travel less when they meet the emperor, so that they can exchange feelings with the emperor's relatives every year.It is really unprecedented for an emperor to cater to his subjects like this.Of course, someone can only vent these words in the study when there is no one else: The Summer Resort is really a lie.

No wonder Kangxi, Peter the Great, and Louis XIV were called the three great kings of the world in the seventeenth century. In Minzhi's view, Kangxi's ranking has nothing to do with political achievements, but with the degree of luxury. Peter the Great Develop industry inside and expand territory outside.Louis XIV attached great importance to army building and promoted mercantilism. He became a model of European autocratic monarchy.

Having lived in the Qing Dynasty for more than ten years, Minzhi felt that the only thing Kangxi could compete with those two was spending money. Peter the Great had the luxury of the Peter Palace (Russian summer palace), and Louis XIV had the luxury of the Palace of Versailles. , Kangxi is luxurious, and there is a summer resort directly, and the scale directly throws off the first two.Of course, there are Changchun Garden and Yuanmingyuan, which have been completely annihilated or half annihilated now.

(End of this chapter)

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