Chapter 361
The misty rain and the sky are blue, and ripples appear one after another on the vast and mighty river.

A large ship is slowly driving on the canal, the hull is carved and painted, atmospheric and stable.

In the room with heavy curtains, the veil dances lightly with the sway of the ship. The furnishings are simple, but there is no lack of exquisiteness, and the subtleties can always reveal elegance and luxury.

Ning Yuezhao was half lying on the bed with one hand on her chest, her slightly pale face was full of haggardness.

As soon as the maid came down with the basin, another maid came up with a plate of salted plums.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness ordered the kitchen to prepare it. It might be better if you use some."

After finishing speaking, the maid picked up a plum with a small silver fork and handed it to Ning Yuezhao.

Ning Yuezhao looked at the plum in front of her, and reluctantly opened her mouth to eat it. She didn't want to put it in her mouth, but she felt that the acid in her stomach was getting worse, and she couldn't help but want to vomit.

Fortunately, the people who served him were clever, and immediately came over with a clean colorful bowl.

However, Ning Yuezhao hadn't eaten anything since she woke up in the morning, retched for a while, and waved her hand to let the maid take it away.

"Pour me some hot water, and take it away." She said disgustedly.

The two court ladies glanced at each other and had to step back.

Luckily, Ning Yuezhao lay down, looked up at the dangling light blue tent, feeling more and more irritable.

After entering the southern border, they changed to the waterway, not wanting her to get seasick after getting on the boat.

Looking at the shaking embroidery case, Ning Yuezhao felt even more dizzy, and quickly closed her eyes.But when the boat is on the water, with eyes closed, it is as if the whole person is floating in the water.

The maid saw that she had closed her eyes and rested, she put down the bed curtain for her, and watched quietly in the room.

I don't know how long it took, and felt a fresh wind blowing towards her face, a warm hand was on her forehead, Ning Yuezhao opened her eyes - and saw Jiang Nian sitting on the edge of the bed, showing her a gentle smile .

"Jiang Nian." She leaned into his arms nostalgicly, wrapping her hands around his waist.

"Azhao, I have made you suffer these days." Jiang Young stroked her hair with apologetic tone.

It was because he was negligent when arranging the itinerary. He only thought that taking the water would get there faster and enjoy the scenery on both sides of the river, but he ignored that she had never been on a boat for a long time before and might get seasick.

Originally, he wanted to change his way of travel, and change to the land route at the first pier where he could berth, but Ning Yuezhao did not want to change his planned itinerary, saying that he would be able to adapt immediately.

As a result, after a few days, she could still eat a little at first, but now she couldn't eat anything, and she lost weight rapidly, which made him feel very distressed.

"We have reached the border of Zhejiang Province, we will go ashore tonight." Jiang Nian had already made a decision.

"How long will it take to reach the disaster-stricken Ningcheng?" Ning Yuezhao saw that his tone could not be rejected, so she didn't dwell on this issue, and turned to another issue.

When Ning Cheng was mentioned, the smile on Jiang Nian's lips suddenly became colder, "Speaking of which, it's all thanks to your uncle."

Because of Ning Yuezhao's severe seasickness these few days, Jiang Nian handles all matters.

Ningcheng has always been hit by typhoons, several times a year. The reason why this year's impact is particularly large is because of the negligence of the officials.

And Ningcheng is the fiefdom of King Kangyu. Although he does not have the power to control local affairs, the family of royal family members who have been entrenched here for generations have no close contacts with local merchants. King Kangyu's mansion has already been built before the arrival of the imperial envoy. Donate porridge in sheds, rescue victims, and rebuild destroyed houses.

When the imperial envoys of the imperial capital arrived in Ningcheng, the disaster relief work was already in progress in an orderly manner. They had nothing to do except to announce the priesthood and deal with those officials. become redundant.

Now King Kangyu is famous far and wide, but the Tian family has given the pretext of "letting others know, and disaster relief is not enough".

"Heh, I'm really a good uncle!" Ning Yuezhao's words had a hint of gnashing of teeth.

The purpose of their trip is to deal with the typhoon disaster, and the other purpose is to find out the background of King Kangyu.

"Those officials involved in the incident need to investigate carefully, and don't let them 'suicide in fear of crime'!"

In addition to the prefect of Ningcheng, the officials affected this time are also the magistrate of Zhejiang Province. They are all important figures in the local area.

There are typhoons in Ningcheng every year, and the monitoring of Qintian has calculated that although the typhoon this time is a little bit bigger, if it is handled properly, it will not cause such a large number of casualties.

Sometimes natural disasters are not terrible, what is terrible is the man-made disasters behind them.

"Among the personnel accompanying the imperial envoy this time, people from the imperial army are arranged. With them, I am not afraid that they will not be able to pry their mouths open."

With Jiang Nian's words, Ning Yuezhao felt relieved.

Jiang Nian took the peppermint oil by the bed, dipped a little on his fingertips, and gently massaged Ning Yuezhao's temples.

"It's not a solution for you to eat nothing like this. I asked the imperial chef to prepare mung bean and glutinous rice porridge, which is light and refreshing. You can use some."

Ning Yuezhao actually didn't have any appetite at the moment, but she finally nodded when she met Jiang Nian's worried eyes.

Before disembarking that night, Ning Yuezhao, accompanied by Jiang Nian, barely ate half a bowl of mung bean porridge and a small bowl of fresh lychees.

With his feet on the ground, Ning Yuezhao still felt like he was floating on the water, like stepping on cotton. Fortunately, Jiang Nian supported him.

The carriage was ready outside the pier, and after getting on the carriage, Ning Yuezhao leaned against Jiang Nian's arms and closed his eyes.

Zhou City, where this place is located, is also a prosperous place, and because the imperial government's policy on merchants has been loosened since last year, families in the south have become more and more prosperous.

In order to encourage merchants, there is no curfew in Zhoucheng, so it is still very lively at night.

The horse-drawn carriage passed the night market, and the noise around it showed the prosperity of the business here.

Ning Yuezhao suddenly said, "I want to get out of the car and take a walk."

Jiang Nian originally thought that she had been working hard on the boat for the past few days, so she could settle down earlier tonight, but seeing that she had lifted the curtain of the car with great interest, her bright eyes sparkled.

Due to seasickness these past few days, she was almost sick. Now that she was refreshed, he was also shocked, "Okay."

The carriage finally stopped at a restaurant, and after the servants arranged the seats, Jiang Nian took Ning Yuezhao upstairs.

Although the two of them and their entourage were all dressed in simple clothes, Jiang Nian and Ning Yuezhao's looks were too outstanding, and they attracted everyone's attention as soon as they appeared on stage.

It's just that both of them are formerly high-ranking people, and they have long been accustomed to the feeling of being watched by everyone, so they can sit calmly.

"Young master, ma'am, would you like to listen to my servant's singing?"

The two sat down, and a singing girl came over with her pipa in her arms, and said softly in the unique Wu tone of Jiangnan, which made people's bones crisp.

Jiang Nian himself is a master of qin music, how could this kind of restaurant playing and singing skills catch his eyes, he immediately waved his hand to refuse, but Ning Yuezhao had already nodded, "Come on, just play a piece that you are good at."

The girl plucked the pipa happily and began to sing.

Seeing Ning Yuezhao listening to it with great interest, Jiang Nian thought to himself that he had never played the piano for her in his life, so he made up his mind that starting tomorrow, he would play a song for her whenever he had time.

The restaurant's dishes with Jiangnan characteristics came up one after another quickly. Ning Yuezhao hadn't eaten well on the boat these few days. At this moment, there was a beautiful lady singing, watching the people coming and going downstairs In the bustling market, she couldn't help but have an appetite.

Jiang Nian saw that she had not been so relaxed for a long time, and the unhappiness in his heart quickly dissipated with the wind, and he turned to serve her attentively.

After singing the song, the girl looked at them eagerly, Jiang Nian didn't even raise the corner of his eyes, Zuo Ming, who was accompanying him, offered a reward for them, making them leave quickly.

At this time, the discussion from the next table reached Ning Yuezhao's ears.

"This time, King Kangyu's mansion has done a lot of good deeds in Ningcheng, and the business of merchants related to their mansion has increased accordingly. If this continues, I'm afraid we will all go back to drink the northwest wind."

"Isn't it? Especially the historians. Their daughter died in the imperial capital, but they couldn't stand the power of Prince Kangyu's mansion. The two families are still good friends. If the chairmanship of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce is taken away by the Shi family this year , then there will be no place for us to gain a foothold in the future.”

"It would be great if Mr. Jiang was here. If Mr. Jiang hadn't left three years ago, how could the Shi family be arrogant now!"

"But Jiang Ji's industries are still in operation. Maybe Mr. Jiang will show up when the chairman of the chamber of commerce is selected this year!"


Ning Yuezhao suddenly remembered that in the winter of the previous year, Jiang Nian had experienced a resettlement turmoil. At that time, Xiao Jingtian tyrannically demanded an increase in military spending, and Jiang Nian took out a large sum of money without blinking an eye, and settled the conflict.

Since then, there has always been a lot of money in her private treasury, and the smoothness of the Northern Expedition this time is also inseparable from the sufficient supply of military funds.

All of this is due to Jiang Nian.

Ning Yuezhao was about to ask Jiang Nian how much property he owns in Jiangnan, but before she could speak, she heard a pleasant female voice from the stairs——

"You don't have to be sorry, Mr. Jiang has already come to Zhoucheng, and he will go to Jiangcheng to participate in this year's selection of the chairman of the chamber of commerce!"

The woman's words were nothing short of a thunderclap on the ground.

Just now, a young man stood up from the next table in a daze, and he said happily, "It's Miss Mo!"

From the moment the person called "Miss Mo" appeared, her eyes fell on Jiang Nian, and Ning Yuezhao frowned involuntarily.

Everyone followed Miss Mo's gaze, and the young man exclaimed in surprise, "It's Mr. Jiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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