Chapter 250 Delicious Food
"Dinner?" Ning Yuezhao twitched the corners of her mouth, "I'm afraid this small wooden building can't fit in?"

The emperor was very particular about eating. The meal was not called a meal, but a "dinner", and a meal was called a meal.

When Ning Yuezhao's absurd great-grandmother was in office, she paid great attention to the ostentation of meals. There were seven or eight tables set up for meals, and the number of dishes for a meal reached hundreds of dishes.

When Ning Yuezhao's mother was in power, Daxing's poverty and weakness became more and more serious. The palace strictly enforced thrift, and there was only one dining table, but there were also twenty dishes. Ning Yuezhao usually shared it with Jiang Nian Meals save another expense.

Although Jiang Ye didn't study much, he also knew that he didn't pay much attention to the ostentation of eating, so what she said was obviously trying to squeeze him.

"Second sister-in-law, don't worry, the ostentation here is incomparable to that of the palace, but in terms of taste, it will definitely satisfy you."

He said this with confidence, but it was in stark contrast to his previous timidity.

Besides, even if you are allowed to set up ten tables and eight tables of royal meals, so what?
In order to prevent "what is good at the top, it will be followed by the bottom", the palace stipulated that the emperor should not show what he likes when eating, and no matter how much he likes to eat, he cannot eat more than three bites.

So Ning Yuezhao complained to Jiang Nian more than once, why the food outside the palace is always more delicious than the imperial food in the palace.

Considering the distance between the imperial dining room and the sleeping palace, the palace people would have to walk for a quarter of an hour to get there with the imperial dining room in hand.Moreover, both Ning Yuezhao and Jiang Nian are busy people who forgot to eat, when things are almost done, and when to pass the meal.Therefore, many of the dishes in the imperial meal were prepared half a day ago and were simmered over the fire to warm them.Such a royal meal, how good can the taste be?

What's more, the imperial chefs are also afraid that the food they make will taste too good. If the emperor asks for it every day, it will be a disaster for them, so they will make the food taste good, but it will not make people feel that it is worth aftertaste. Lest the emperor's appetite be spoiled.

Although the emperor's imperial meal was rich, it was not always so enjoyable to eat.

Taken together, it is flashy, expensive but not beneficial, nutritious but not nourishing, and tasteless.

Ning Yuezhao is not a person who pays attention to appetite, but she will not refuse the delicious food that Jiang Nian took her to taste.

At this time, Jiang Ye slapped his hands a few times, and someone brought up a tray immediately. On the wooden tray was a blue and white porcelain plate.

In the middle of the plate is a large mushroom carved out of white radish, and decorated with carrots, protein cakes, green peppers, and shiitake mushrooms carved into small mushrooms.

Surrounded by mushrooms, there are white rabbits in a circle.

Is this treating her like a child?Ning Yuezhao showed disdain in her eyes.

It's just that the little white rabbits don't know what they are made of. They have complete eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and a bow carved from carrots is carefully placed around their necks. The image is vivid and lovely.

At this time, Zhu Yunlansha and others also came up to serve, and put the bowls and chopsticks in front of Ning Yuezhao and Jiang Nian.

Jiang Nianmo looked at her with a smile, and his eyes seemed to be urging her to move her chopsticks.

Zhu Yun directly picked up a white rabbit for her and put it in the bowl in front of her, looking at her expectantly.

Ning Yuezhao picked it up, and as soon as she took the food, she couldn't help showing a look of surprise on her face, "This is made of chicken."

Jiang Ye said: "It is made of chicken breast in salt water. First slice the chicken breast, mold a large ball into a rabbit body, and a small ball as the bottom, then carve chicken breast into rabbit ears and green leafy vegetables into a skirt Red pepper slices are stacked on carrot slices, shiitake mushrooms are carved into eyes, and red peppers are carved into rabbit noses. Shiitake mushrooms are carved into rabbit mouths, red peppers are carved into lips. Carrots are carved into bows. Chicken breasts are shaped into rabbit hands And rabbit feet. Finally, shredded shiitake mushrooms are used to make the color lines. This dish is crisp and delicious, refreshing and refreshing. It is most suitable for summer."

Jiang Nian also picked up his chopsticks, but he ate calmly and didn't show any special expression, but he didn't hide the faint smile in his eyes.

The two are used to restraining themselves in the palace and not showing too much preference, but as personal servants, they can naturally see that they are satisfied with their meals.Therefore, they each picked up food for the two of them again.

After eating another rabbit, Ning Yuezhao waved her hand, "It's fine."

Then, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Jiang Ye, meaning she was asking what other tricks she had.

Jiang Ye smiled, "It was just an appetizer just now, and now it's officially served!"

As his words fell, six dishes were served in a row. What caught Ning Yuezhao's attention the most was a shallow basin in the middle, which was filled with crushed ice, and six red prawns were placed on top of the crushed ice. Decorated with bamboo leaves, all the shrimp shells have been peeled, the shrimp lines have been removed, and the shrimp heads are well preserved.

Seeing that Ning Yuezhao's eyes fell on the red shrimp, Zhu Yun wanted to prepare vegetables for her, but Jiang Ye took the chopsticks from the attendant and picked up a shrimp first, but when he caught Ning Yue When Zhao was in front of him, he first dipped a ball of light green paste on the ice-dipping basin, then dipped some soy sauce on the table, and then put it in the bowl in front of Ning Yuezhao.

Before Ning Yuezhao picked up the prawns, she smelled a faint spicy smell. She looked at the tender green thing, and asked before putting down her chopsticks, "What is that?"

"It's a sauce made from wasabi seeds called wasabi."

Ning Yuezhao had only heard of yellow mustard before, it was a kind of herbal medicine, it could be taken internally to treat vomiting and subumbilical colic, and it could be applied externally to treat arthritis.This is the first time I have heard of wasabi, but the smell is a bit stimulating to the appetite.

Without thinking too much, she picked up the shrimp. Ning Yuezhao covered her mouth as soon as Fang ate it, and she felt a burst of pungentness spread from the tip of her tongue to her nasal cavity, straight to her forehead, and tears immediately appeared in the corners of her eyes. Xiang Jiang Ye's gaze immediately became annoyed.

This guy clearly took revenge for the last time she sent him to work as a coolie by the Linzhao River!
Sensing that something was wrong with her master, Zhu Yun glared at Jiang Ye angrily, "Bold, how dare you murder His Majesty!"

Lan Sha hurriedly poured Ning Yuezhao a cup of tea, but Ning Yuezhao waved her hand and didn't drink it.

Jiang Ye spread his hands and said innocently: "I don't have any!"

At this time, Jiang Nian had leisurely picked up the chopsticks, picked up the prawns as Jiang Ye did, and ate them.

Ning Yuezhao was stimulated by the spicy taste of mustard just now, but after the initial pungent feeling faded away, what she tasted was the fresh and sweet taste of the shrimp. It was only at this time that she realized that the shrimp looked red in the past, but actually above is raw.

After Jiang Nian ate the shrimp, he didn't react as much as Ning Yuezhao did. Instead, he showed a bit of satisfaction, which seemed to be very beneficial.

"When traveling along the coast, I heard that Fusang people like to eat raw fish and shrimp. The fish is cut into thin slices, and the shrimp is eaten directly after shelling. In order to avoid diarrhea after eating raw shrimp and raw fish, they will first dip it in wasabi seeds and grind it. into the sauce."

Jiang Nian explained after eating, and Ning Yuezhao looked at him with dissatisfaction, "You didn't remind me if you knew it earlier."

Jiang Nian held her hand, "I told you earlier, isn't it less fun when you eat?"

Jiang Ye said: "Second brother is really well-informed. This shrimp is called Peony Shrimp. It grows in the deep sea. It is named for its bright red color resembling a peony. It is best eaten raw."

Ning Yuezhao pursed her lips, she still believed in the bottom of her heart that Jiang Ye was suspected of revenge on him.

As for Jiang Nian, hehe, accomplice!

Seeing the flash of hatred in her eyes, Jiang Nian rubbed his nose, feeling a little bad.

The other dishes on the table also have their own unique ways.

For example, grilled lamb ribs sprinkled with rosemary. This herb was introduced to the Central Plains during the Cao Wei period. delicious.

Smoked pork tenderloin coated with spices and sea salt, wrapped with fresh bamboo shoots and skewered on bamboo sticks, grilled over charcoal fire, the bacon with a light smoky smell, combined with the crispness of the fresh bamboo shoots, has an excellent taste good.

Turmeric is the main ingredient, and the crab is cooked in a curry sauce made of coriander seeds, cinnamon, chili and other spices.

Ning Yuezhao and Jiang Nian ate one dish after another with novel ingredients and unique recipes. The few people standing behind them were salivating, thinking about how they would divide the leftover dishes from the master.

In the palace, it is also a great honor to be rewarded with leftover food from the master.

While tasting the last dessert, Ning Yuezhao said slowly: "The food is finished, so you should tell me what kind of medicine you sell in the gourd, right?"

The last dessert is candied lotus seeds, which are made from local materials in the water pool. The lotus seed heart in the middle is removed and filled with rock sugar. It tastes refreshing and relieves greasy.

In addition to the uniqueness of these dishes, many of the ingredients and ingredients are from overseas, which are not available in Daxing.

Jiang Ye said: "Second sister-in-law Mingjian, my younger brother named this place Louwailou because the food here is not available in other places. However, my original idea was to open a restaurant with elegant decoration, which can be used by celebrities and refined scholars. Drinking wine and tea, talking about poetry and painting, there is no menu, and the daily table is determined by the mood of the cook."

"The dishes I eat today are also determined by the cook based on his mood?" Ning Yuezhao looked sideways at Jiang Nian, and said with a smile, "Does your family all have business talents?"

Jiang Nian smiled slightly, "Maybe, I made a suggestion to choose the location here."

If it is in a busy city, custom-made dishes can certainly become a gimmick, and no matter how novel the dishes are, they will be imitated by others. Only the scenery of the creator is hard to imitate.

What's more, from the bottom of the mountain, there is a section of the road that must be walked. Whoever has gone through such a twists and turns, making something for him will feel delicious in the world.Only things that are hard to get are precious.

"Who is this free-wheeling chef? It can't be you, right?" Ning Yuezhao looked at Jiang Ye suspiciously.There is no smoke and fire on this guy, so he shouldn't be the chef.

"Of course it's not me, it's the person introduced by Brother Yu Congxiao."

Yu Congxiao, this is the second time Ning Yuezhao has heard this name.

Jiang Ye continued: "Brother Yu is from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The cook had a rough experience. He was a fisherman in a fishing village in Zhejiang. He was swept away by a storm when he went fishing, and was rescued by a businessman who went south from Fusang. He was transferred to Nanyang. Later, I went to places such as Dashi and Yingjili, and returned to my hometown after some twists and turns."

"Yu Congxiao..." Ning Yuezhao read the name, turned to look at Jiang Nian, "Who is he?"

 In this chapter, the textual research shows that he vomits blood... Sure enough, he doesn't have the talent to write food articles
(End of this chapter)

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