full-time lord

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

At this time, Zhao Feng roared unconsciously, and a burst of dragon chant erupted, exuding a powerful aura from his body, which made people look sideways.

There was a strong aura on him.In his blood, there was a feeling of boiling blood, which made him enjoy it very much.

"Is this the dragon's breath?"

Zhao Feng felt a fiery breath emanating from his body, and his whole body was about to burn.This strange taste made him a little scared, but he also enjoyed it a little.

However, this breath disappeared very quickly. After only a few minutes, Zhao Feng felt very tired and couldn't hold on anymore.

"You did a good job, you can comprehend the dragon's breath for the first time, which is pretty good!" Lan Long praised Zhao Feng's performance for a while.

"However, the maintenance time is too short!"

The blue dragon said: "Like our dragon clan, we can always maintain this kind of dragon breath and coercion. You can only hold on for a few minutes!"

"Okay, then I will continue to work hard!"

Hearing Lan Long's words, Zhao Feng was not discouraged, but practiced harder.

This kind of practice is like diving. Only by constantly exercising lung capacity can we ensure that the diving time will be longer.

As for the dragon's breath, it also needs continuous practice in order to be able to persist for a longer time.

As for the power of the dragon's breath, it needs to strengthen the body's own strength.Ordinary people think that the level of the dragon's breath is determined by the class of the dragon clan, but this is not the case.

The reason why the dragon's breath of the high-level dragons is more powerful than the low-level dragons is because they have greater power.

In this way, their dragon breath is naturally stronger than that of ordinary dragons.

"What a nice boy, isn't he?" Seeing Zhao Feng's hard work, Blue Dragon showed an expression of appreciation and said, "Work hard and have great talent! If he is a dragon, he will be very likable. "

"As he continues to practice, the characteristics of the dragon family will slowly emerge on his body! Maybe, his final form may be our dragon family!"

At this time, Huang Long next to him said.

"This thing, maybe! It depends on the situation behind him." Hearing his words, the other dragons shook their heads.Zhao Feng, who was trying his best to practice dragon's breath here, didn't know that he might transform into Jackie Chan.If he knew this, maybe Zhao Feng would have given up practicing dragon language magic.

In the days that followed, Zhao Feng lived with the dragons, talked and practiced dragon language magic, constantly strengthening his dragon breath and other abilities.

I heard the blue dragon say: "The strength of the dragon's breath directly determines the strength of the magic. The stronger the dragon's breath, the more powerful the dragon language magic can be played."

Dragon breath, like the mage's meditation, is one of the basic homework of the dragon clan.

Every day, Zhao Feng is in the open place, shouting hard, improving his ability in this area.In the beginning, his roar was very ineffective, and Huang Long teased him that it was the worst cry of the Dragon Clan.

But with the passage of time, Zhao Feng's continuous progress gradually made people feel different.

"Oh my god, you have improved by another level?" When he came to check Zhao Feng's results in the morning, Blue Dragon was surprised to find that Zhao Feng's dragon breath level had increased by another level.

Generally speaking, those whose dragon breath level is lower than the third level belong to the lower dragon family.Those whose dragon breath level is higher than level three and lower than level seven belong to the middle dragon family.Those whose dragon breath level exceeds level seven belong to the high-level dragon clan.

After Zhao Feng's practice these days, the dragon's breath has reached the third level, officially reaching the highest level among the low dragons.If he can improve further, he can become a middle dragon.

Among the hundreds of dragon species here, except for these five dragons belonging to the middle dragon family, the rest belong to the low-level dragon family.

Even the pterosaur flying in the sky looks very fierce, but its level has only reached level three.For example, these five dragons are all at the seventh level.

Among the Dragon Clan, the talents of most races and the levels that can be achieved through hard work are determined.Unless there is a major mutation, there will be no level dragons evolving into higher dragons.

But the appearance of Zhao Feng completely changed this concept.

He, a human-dragon hybrid, became a leader among the lower dragons in less than 30 days.Such progress is astonishing.

"Maybe, he can really create miracles and write a myth." Seeing Zhao Feng's great progress, these giant dragons were a little surprised.

"The dragon of his ancestor should belong to the high-level dragon clan, so that's why his progress is so fast!" The yellow dragon speculated about Zhao Feng's progress.

The blue dragon shook his head and said: "How is that possible? I remember that the dragon his ancestor married belonged to a medium-sized dragon family, similar to us. According to the theory, after nearly a thousand years of transmission, the dragon blood in his body should be very diluted. That's right. Unexpectedly, even so, his progress is beyond imagination."

"No matter what, try to teach him dragon language magic! This kid, if he doesn't train well, it will be a waste!" Yinlong liked Zhao Feng's performance very much.

"Okay, you must train this guy well!" Hearing his words, the other dragons nodded.

In the following days, Zhao Feng continued to accept the training of these five giant dragons, while learning dragon language magic, he fought and competed with other dragons.

At the beginning, these low-level dragons could still bully Zhao Feng.But because his level has increased rapidly, at the end, dozens of low-level dragons may not be able to win against Zhao Feng together.

From being bullied at the beginning to bullying others, this made Zhao Feng more determined to study.With his dedication, his progress is getting faster and faster, and his improvement is naturally very large.


As Zhao Feng practiced the dragon's breath again in the open space, the other low-ranking dragons avoided far away.Now they are not used to being close to Zhao Feng.

Under the coercion of the dragon's breath, they feel very depressed.

The lower dragons always feel inferior in front of the higher dragons.Although Zhao Feng's current level is still at level three.

But they knew that this guy in front of them would definitely surpass them.

Sure enough, as Zhao Feng's roar became louder and louder, a white light appeared on his body.Under the illumination of the white light, the voice became louder and louder.

"It's time to advance!" At this moment, Zhao Feng had such a feeling in his heart.

With the practice these days, he is no longer surprised by the promotion.In his opinion, this is a very normal thing.

However, these advances are different from the previous ones.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng felt very enjoyable, but as time went by, he felt very uncomfortable in his body, with piercing pain and itching everywhere.

When he put away the dragon's breath and looked down, he found that there were pieces of fine scales on his body, and two dragon horns appeared on his head.

At this time, he looked like a dragon man.

With horns on his head and a tail behind him, Zhao Feng's original excitement suddenly cooled down, and he said, "What's going on?"

This appearance reminded him of a TV series called "Little Dragon Man" he watched when he was a child.That little dragon figure above looks like this.

"Sure enough, I have returned to my ancestors, and gradually have the appearance of our dragon clan!" Seeing Zhao Feng's appearance, the yellow dragon said happily: "This is how it looks!"

"What's going on here?" Zhao Feng was very depressed when he saw this scene, and hurriedly asked: "I don't want to be like this, can I change back?"

"Doesn't this look good? I think it's very handsome. It would be great if you can fully cultivate into a dragon shape. In that case, you will have all the abilities of a dragon."

For Zhao Feng's transformation, Huang Long was very happy, but Zhao Feng was still somewhat alienated from him.But seeing him like this made me a lot happier.

At this time, he recognized Zhao Feng's identity as a dragon.

But he was happy, but Zhao Feng was unhappy.He is full of dissatisfaction with the current look.This look.And tell him how to meet people when he goes out in the future?

"I don't want to be an orc, even if it's a dragonman, I don't want to be."

But even though he said this, Zhao Feng didn't show it that clearly on his face, he just pointed to his appearance and asked Lan Long, "Can I change back?"

"Yes, you are like this now because the dragon blood in your body has the upper hand, so you have the characteristics of the dragon. If you use the fighting spirit and magic in your body to suppress this power, you can restore the human body Yes. However, this will restrict your use of dragon language magic."

What Lan Long said made Zhao Feng feel relieved and said, "It's okay, I still want to restore my human body."

Hearing his words, Lanlong taught Zhao Feng how to use grudge and magic to suppress the changes in his body, and then said: "This can only be temporarily suppressed. If you want to really get rid of this, you have to go to Longshan Find Lord Dragon God, he has a solution."

"This is one of the disadvantages of the Dragon Clan!" At this moment, Zhao Feng understood.

The blue dragon nodded and said: "Yes. Of course, the disadvantages of your talent are not just that simple, there are still many things to be solved. Although it is said that multiple bloodlines have given you extraordinary talents, but it also gave you many disadvantages. It's not easy to solve these things!"

"Oh, I knew it!" Hearing what the blue dragon said, Zhao Feng sighed, and according to the method it provided, he began to slowly suppress the dragon's blood in his body, and regained his human body.

"Okay, your level has reached a limit. If you want to learn more, you have to become a dragonman!" At this time, the blue dragon said: "Now, you can only master some dragon language magic. Of course, this is limited to elementary dragon language magic. Now, I will teach you my dragon language magic..."

As he said that, he taught Zhao Feng all the dragon language magic it had learned about the water system.This includes some advanced magic.

However, Zhao Feng can only memorize and cannot actually practice.

In addition to the blue dragon, the red dragon, yellow dragon, silver dragon, and green dragon all taught Zhao Feng some of the dragon language magic they were good at, which allowed Zhao Feng to master a lot of knowledge.At this time, he can be regarded as an all-rounder of the dragon clan, and the types of dragon language magic he knows and the amount of dragon language magic are amazing.

After Huanglong taught Zhao Feng the last magic, it said: "Okay, human boy, I have nothing to teach you now."

"Is it over?" Hearing Huang Long's words, Zhao Feng showed a hint of reluctance.

Huang Long nodded and said: "Yes, boy, from now on, you can leave this place. Of course, we old guys have to stay here."

"Leave, can I leave here?" Hearing Huang Long's words, Zhao Feng was startled, thinking he had heard it wrong, and asked again.

"Yes, but whether you can go out or not depends on you. We just tell you where there is an exit. As for whether you can crack the secret of the magic teleportation circle, it is none of our business."

Although what Huang Long said was indifferent, Zhao Feng understood that the other party still wanted him to leave this place.

Getting along with Huanglong these days, Zhao Feng found that although it has the most vicious mouth among the five dragons and never shows mercy, it is actually a good dragon.

In all aspects, it requires strict and careful work, and has always been meticulous and serious in doing things.

"Thank you, teacher." At this time, Zhao Feng saluted the yellow dragon in front of him respectfully in the language of the dragon clan.

"And us!" At this time, the other four dragons appeared from nowhere and said, "We also want your thanks!"

"Thank you, thank you very much." Zhao Feng was very grateful to these five guys.

"Okay, boy, you're welcome." At this time, Huang Long said: "Okay, next, I'll take you to the magic teleportation circle to have a look."

"Where is the magic teleportation array?" Zhao Feng has traveled almost all over the enchantment these days, but he didn't find any so-called teleportation array at all.

"The teleportation array is right under your feet." At this time, Huanglong issued an earth-type dragon language magic, and suddenly a large gap opened in the ground.

"Come down with me! Inside." Saying that, Huang Long was the first to jump out of the abyss.

Zhao Feng looked at Lan Long and said, "Teacher, it won't lie, right?" These days, Huang Long would sometimes lie to Zhao Feng, joking with him, and making surprise attacks.

So, Zhao Feng gradually became wary of what it said.

"Okay, don't be afraid, it's not a joke." Among the dragons, the blue dragon has the best temper and the smartest, and has always been the leader among the dragons.

Among these several dragons, only it is more reliable to speak.

"Come down with me!" Saying that, Zhao Feng hugged the blue dragon's neck, flew down the abyss, and came to the bottom of the abyss.

At this time, Zhao Feng realized that there was something wrong with this place.

At the bottom, caves appeared one after another, with a large number of spars and gold nuggets piled up everywhere, which seemed to be the lairs of giant dragons.

"This is where we used to live. However, we later found it inconvenient to stay here, and the gold nuggets and crystal nuclei were inedible. In addition, we were afraid that Hardy would continue to come back. So, we put It’s sealed up here, hidden away.”

Seeing Zhao Feng's surprised look, Lan Long explained: "We didn't know you well before, and we were wary of you, so we didn't tell you this secret."

"It turned out to be like this..." Only then did Zhao Feng realize that these seemingly huge dragons were not so brainless, they were also very cautious.

At this time, at the bottom of the abyss, Zhao Feng discovered a huge five-star teleportation array, which looked very spectacular and was filled with magic spells.

"Wow, is this the work of the magician Hardy?" Although he said that he had been to the space where the magician's treasure was, he didn't find many traces of Hardy.

Before, he could only guess how powerful that Hardy was based on his imagination.The complex and precise magic circle in front of him shows the strength of Hardy.

Just looking at this huge five-star point, one can know that using this space magic must consume a lot of mana.With the addition of complicated rituals and other things, it can be predicted that Hardy's skill should be very difficult.

"Yes, we have worked together to activate this five-element glow array. It's just that the space crack created is too small, and our dragon clan's body is too big to leave at all."

Thinking of this, the five giant dragons all sighed.

"You will activate this magic circle?" Zhao Feng looked at the complicated magic words on it and said, "It seems that the activation of this magic circle should be very complicated."

"He taught us how to activate this magic circle." Blue Dragon said: "Because only when the magic circle is activated, we can pass this and help him transport the crystal nucleus."

"So that's how it is." Zhao Feng looked at the huge magic circle and exclaimed.However, as he walked around the magic circle, he suddenly found a dark and inconspicuous staff.

"what is this?"

Seeing Zhao Feng pick up a magic wand, the giant dragons said: "This, I'm not sure, it may be something left by Hardy!"

"The stuff left by the legendary magical magician?" Thinking of this, Zhao Feng picked up the staff and said, "This, can I keep it?"

"Of course, none of us can use the props of human magicians."

Looking at Zhao Feng's excited magic with the magic wand, Huanglong among the five dragons smiled and said, "Did you forget about us after seeing the good things?"

"No, no." Zhao Feng shook his head quickly.

Huang Long said: "You want to leave here, we have nothing to give you, so everyone jointly made a gift for you. Do you want to know, what is that?"

"I want to know, I really want to know!" Hearing Huang Long's words, Zhao Feng said excitedly.

"Alright then, close your eyes." Huang Long said, "I'll count to three, two, one, and you'll know when you open it again!"

Hearing Huang Long's words, Zhao Feng followed his instructions, closed his eyes and then opened them, and couldn't help but let out a strong surprise, "Wow, what a beautiful gift!"

(End of this chapter)

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