Farmhouse Little Fortune

Chapter 281 Calling

Chapter 281 (280-[-]) Calling

So she simply divided half of the dozens of bottles and gave them to General Qi for distribution, and kept half of them for later use.

Although the southwestern region is full of mountains and forests, there must be many good things in the mountains, but she was by General Qi's side, so she couldn't find medicinal materials at all.

Erying Mountain has all the things, but they are basically spiritual plants, and there are no common herbs.

Those hemostatic powders were made by adding common medicinal materials. If all of them were made from spiritual plants, the consumption would be too great.Even if she owns Erying Mountain, Yu Yu thinks she can't afford it.

Instead of saying that she can't afford it after everyone has been spoiled by her medicine, it's better not to raise everyone in the morning.

After all, who is used to such good medicines, who would care less about those ordinary medicines that are slow to take effect?
Bai Ruoqian also meant the same thing, he was just worried that Yu Yu's mind was too simple, and when the time came, he would do good deeds but there would be no good results.

Not to mention that these medicinal powders, ointments, and pills are all made of Lingzhi. When the time comes, the [-] soldiers in the entire Juxiaguan will use her or not. How much attention will it attract.

Yu Yu didn't dare to forget why she came to the army, she just wanted to hide her identity, so it's best not to do those eye-catching things if she can.

The team marched for most of the day, only rested once on the way, everyone ate some dry food on the spot and set off again, and finally walked out of the southwest mountainous area near dusk.

When all the troops left the mountain forest full of rocks and thorns, General Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone camped and rested on the vast and flat plain. The general called everyone to discuss the itinerary, and Yu Yu was also waiting on him.

Looking at the location on the map, everyone is only a day away from Changhe at most.

General Qi suggested that everyone should catch up again tonight, and go to a nearby town tomorrow morning to repair and replenish food and grass. If there are horses, buy some more horses, regardless of whether they are suitable for military horses. Buy as many as possible. Wounded soldiers Too many, still need a carriage to go faster.

"Although our plan is to take some detours to the southwest in the past to draw out those rebellious parties in the capital, we also plan to go to Juxia Pass before June, otherwise Zhou Di will definitely not be able to hold Juxia Pass, so We still have to hurry up, if the Juxia pass is broken, we will be sinners through the ages!" General Qi was a little sad in his words, as if he was a little frustrated.

Qi Ba is indeed the person who knows his brother best. Seeing General Qi looking lonely, he was the first to stand up to comfort General Qi. After crossing the Changhe River, everyone drove all night and arrived at Juxia Pass within ten days. But no one expected that there would be such a person by King Ni's side, it's simply unimaginable, and none of us knew beforehand!"

As soon as Qi Ba's voice fell, a somewhat older general echoed: "Yeah, that's not a human trick, it's simply a monster! There are so many bugs, just thinking about the scene of that night, I can't bear it." Live disgusting!"

Afterwards, everyone expressed a lot of opinions on the attack. Yu Yu was a little surprised when she heard it. She always thought that the strange methods of the people around King Ni were known and accepted by most people in this world, but from what she saw before her eyes Judging from the current scene, it seems that everyone doesn't know what those people's means are, and they can't accept it.

But Yu Yu found it strange that everyone knew the names of the three gentlemen of Yeling, and when they talked about the three gentlemen of Yeling, although everyone hated them, there was still admiration and awe in their words.

People who practice martial arts respect those who are highly skilled in martial arts, regardless of enemy or friend.

This Yu Yu can understand, but the three gentlemen of Yeling clearly understand these strange methods. They are not strong in martial arts themselves, but rely on these strange methods to remain invincible.

Could it be that everyone can't see through the tricks of the three gentlemen of Ye Ling?

Yu Yu's thoughts drifted away, and he suddenly got enlightenment from it. The three gentlemen of Yeling were not seen through by others, and on the contrary, they had a large number of fans because of their high skills.

But the one who released the bugs and summoned the wolves was regarded as a different kind by everyone. Even General Qi's face was gloomy. Speaking of this person, he looked fearful and disgusted.

Yu Yu wondered, in the future, in the army, as long as she doesn't reveal Xiaobai's strangeness to others, she shouldn't reveal her spells to others, but when fighting against the enemy, she should secretly use spells to fight against the enemy. Wouldn't there be any problem with monk's methods?
When killing the wolf that night, Yu Yu wanted to get out the Zimu Green Bamboo Sword several times, but she endured it because she didn't dare to attract others' attention.

Her kung fu is not very good, and the moves she knows are just a few simple moves. If there is no Zimu Qingzhu sword, she really is not much different from ordinary people.

Going to Juxia Pass, the Tartars are much more ferocious than those wolves. If she can't protect herself well, sooner or later she will use Xiao Bai's power to protect herself. Those who are obviously different from this world, as long as they appear in front of people, I am afraid that the days of such freedom will be gone forever.

For Yu Yu, the capital city that ordinary people flock to is a huge prison.

There are many people there, and the turbidity is heavy, not to mention that it is not conducive to practice, and more importantly, there is a national teacher who does not know his true face.

Yu Yu intuited that this national teacher was not an ordinary person, and she would not show up in the capital to meet this national teacher until she was absolutely sure that she could protect herself and her family.

Just one of the three gentlemen of Yeling by Wang Ni's side is enough for her to drink a pot, let alone the rumored national teacher.

After discussing the itinerary, the generals dispersed, and Yu Yu continued to stand guard in front of General Qi's tent.

Everyone agrees that General Qi should go to a nearby town to resupply, but they don't want to travel at night.

It seemed that everyone was terrified by the bugs and wolves that night, so no one wanted to march at night.

General Qi considered the reality of the current team, so he did not insist on the decision to travel overnight, so everyone camped on the spot to rest.

This night, apart from many crows screaming, there was no other movement. Xiao Bai was quiet and didn't notice anything, and Yu Yu didn't feel anything wrong.

After a safe night, everyone packed up and set off early the next morning.

But when he got up early in the morning, General Qi dispatched the soldiers around him, and Yu Yu was assigned to Qi Ba and Bai Ruoqian.

That's right, it's a call.

Because before departure from Dingzhou, Qi Ba had quarreled in front of General Qi to ask Yu Yu to follow him as his personal soldier, so General Qi assigned Yu Yu to two people at the same time.

Fortunately, Bai Ruoqian and Qi Ba were always inseparable. Yu Yu felt that it was no different for her to follow one of them than to follow both of them, so she didn't think much about this order.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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