Farmhouse Little Fortune

Chapter 215 Ascending

Chapter 215 (210 Five) Ascending

But how can a soldier not be injured or die?There are fewer and fewer people with military registration, and when the time comes to recruit soldiers, they will be recruited by ordinary farmers, which will inevitably affect the number of people farming and break up many families.

The military registration system of the previous dynasty was not perfect. Many military households had almost no household registration or only one household registration by the end of the previous dynasty, and there were no people at all.

When the enemy troops from the previous dynasty came to invade, they were all recruited from ordinary peasant households. These people can farm, but how can they be compared with people from generations of military backgrounds when they go to the battlefield?Women from many military families are also somewhat stronger than men from peasant families.

Because of the laws enacted by Princess Qizhao, the management of these various household registrations became much more organized.In particular, the two statuses of military registration and industrial registration are much higher than those of the previous dynasty.It is precisely because of Princess Qizhao's example that almost every army in the Daqing Dynasty now has a women's army.

Although most of the women's soldiers are not the opponents of the male soldiers when they fight swords and guns, the women's army also has the advantages of the women's army. Let's not say that the marriages of many soldiers can be resolved very well. Let's say that the carefulness of the female soldiers is an army of pure male soldiers What can't be done, it is said that Qi Guogong's Qi family army also has a women's army. There are not many women soldiers in that team, but almost all of them are elite soldiers.And when there is a truce, female soldiers can do more things.

It's a pity that there are not many female soldiers who can enter the Qi Family Army. The Women's Army of the Qi Family Army can be said to be the most eagerly awaited in the Women's Army of the Daqing Kingdom.The leader of the Detachment of Women is said to be the Fifth Miss from the Qi family. Now she has been named a fourth-rank guerrilla general. Although she is 24 and [-] years old and has not married yet, no one dares to gossip about her.

The Daqing Kingdom does not have the habit of emphasizing civility over military affairs. On the contrary, because it has to face the intrusion of the Tartars in the north all year round, and there are bandits in the sea from time to time in the south, it attaches great importance to the status of generals. Civil servants and generals are almost equal in status, even the whole country Pay more respect to generals.

And most of the civil officials are both civil and military, because no one knows when you will need to participate in the suppression of bandits and chaos, especially in the past two years when the situation is not good, those officials with both civil and military skills are reused more up.

Yu Yu looked at Yu Yu, Zhou Baole, and Yu Gensheng. From the matter of Bai Ruoqian to the current situation, Yu Yu was very pessimistic and said: "I see that the third prince has repeatedly provoked the present. The war is not far away.”

But Zhou Baole couldn't believe it, "Ah? I think the third prince might just be talking about it. Didn't the old seventh prince in the late emperor's time often write a letter to scold the late emperor? But he just scolded him, and after scolding them, they were still brothers." , it won’t cause a fight, right?”

Yu Yu saw that Zhou Baole didn't understand, and Yu Gensheng also had an expression of disbelief, so he didn't say any more of these spoiling things, but changed the subject, and then talked about crabs and poetry wine.

The Mid-Autumn Festival banquet didn't end until Haishi. Yu Yu and Yu Gensheng were both drunk, and Zhou Baole was so drunk that he fell asleep lying on the table.

Yu Yu's daughters didn't drink much, so Yu Jinhua supported Zhou Baole, Yu Yu dragged Yu Yu, and Yu Yinhua asked Jiazi to carry Yu Gensheng and went back to their rooms.

Once the Mid-Autumn Festival is over, the weather gradually cools down. It is said that some places in the north have already started to snow, but the sun is still shining everywhere in the south during the day, but it is a bit chilly at night. Yu Yu is required to cover a thick blanket to sleep at night. up.

During the Double Ninth Festival, the autumn air in the south is clear and there is no chill. Yu Yu made an appointment to go to Zhengfeng Temple to pray, and after going to Zhengfeng Temple, he went to climb the Qingniu Peak.

Zhengfeng Temple is located on the mountainside of Qingniu Peak. Qingniu Peak is said to be a peak, but it is actually a ridge about the same height as Qingyan Mountain. However, because Zhengfeng Temple is here, Qingniu Peak has several roads The stone steps leading to the mountain are all very smooth. It is said that the stone steps facing Zhengfeng Temple are exactly the third step of 330 from the first stone step at the foot of the mountain to the front of Zhengfeng Temple.

Yu Yu and the others went up from the stone steps on both sides. They never seriously counted whether there were 330 or three stone steps when they went to Zhengfengguan, but according to Yu Yinhua, there were so many. When there are stone steps on the road, I will count silently in my heart.

Chongyang Climbing, many people from Qingshi Town and near Zhengfengguan choose to come to Qingniu Peak on this day.

Yu Yu's family set off early in the morning, went to Zhengfeng Temple, had a meal, and then continued to climb.

The reason why Qingniu Peak is called Qingniu Peak is because there is a huge stone in the shape of a green bull's head on the top of Qingniu Peak. There is not only this big stone on the top of Qingniu Peak, but also many other big stones. There are many scenery, and those stones have become a place for tourists to rest after climbing to the top of the mountain.

Yu Yu's family climbed to the top of the mountain, and chose a very round and clean stone to sit on, spread out the water and snacks brought from the bottom of the mountain, sat on the big stone and started chatting.

Although it is autumn, in fact, September in Yunzhou is still hot, but it will cool down at night, but the top of Qingniu Peak is very magical. There are several pine or fir trees near every big rock. To block the sun, these trees are old trees. They will neither be too short to block the sight of tourists from watching the scenery, nor will they make everyone suffer from the poisonous sun on the top of the mountain.

And the autumn wind is blowing, it is very pleasant to watch the scenery and talk in such a place.

Among Yu Yu's family, the one who likes this place the most is Yu Yu.

Ever since he was on the mountain, he has been telling Yu Yu how unusual this Qingniu Peak is, and he also told many interesting stories about when he and his classmates came here to form a society and write poems.

"The trees and rocks on Qingniu Peak are all natural. When I first came back, I didn't believe that this tree was natural. I guessed that the people in Zhengfeng Temple must have planted it to attract people's attention. Several of our friends even went to the surrounding villages to inquire about it. The neighbors here all said that Qingniu Peak has been called by this name for a long time, and the trees and rocks on it have also existed for a long time. It's older than Zhengfengguan!" Yu Yu touched the boulder where he sat down with his hand, and said to Yu Yu and the others.

As soon as Yu Yu went up the mountain, he knew that these trees were not planted by Zhengfeng Temple, because the Zhengfeng Temple on Qingniu Peak was opened here by Taoist Qingshi, who is now the owner of Zhengfeng Temple. Moving to other places is not very famous, but Taoist Qingshi gradually became famous after he gave medical treatment and treatment to the surrounding villagers for free.

As for Zhengfeng Temple's reputation suddenly becoming louder, it is because Taoist Qingshi has correctly predicted the celestial phenomena several times and avoided several floods and fires for the surrounding villagers, so this reputation has grown.

 one more

  the mouse is broken
  Bad heart
(End of this chapter)

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