The fusion of the movie world

Chapter 281 Slapping Nokia in the Face

Chapter 281 Slapping Nokia in the Face

In the anticipation of countless netizens, as well as the doubts and ridicule of peers, Infinity mobile phone finally ushered in the launch conference, and Lin En also made an exception this time and personally went on stage to release this mobile phone designed by him to the world.

And today is destined to be an extraordinary day.

The scene of the press conference was very lively, because the strong influence of Lynn and his Facebook company, coupled with the huge topic caused by the subversive design of Infinity Mobile, made this new product launch event attract much attention.

Tickets for the press conference were even hard to come by, and the media present were almost all the most cutting-edge in the industry.

At nine o'clock in the morning, amidst the intense applause of the audience, the press conference officially began. Lin En also appeared in front of the media for the first time as the company's CEO and chief designer, and personally introduced his design to everyone present and media reporters. This unlimited mobile phone, and made an operation demonstration and function introduction on the spot.

The entire press conference was also clearly broadcast live on the big screen at the scene, and was simultaneously broadcast live to countless netizens through TV stations and online media.

"BOSS, their live broadcast has started!" In the conference room of Nokia headquarters, Kallasvuo's assistant played the live video of the press conference.

"I don't think we need to pay so much attention to them!" Nokia's technical director said disdainfully.

"No, we should respect every opponent. Sometimes we can't learn successful experience from them, but we can also learn failure experience!" Kallasvuo said with a smile.

"That's right, and it's good to see the excitement. I really want to see if this phone is really as amazing as they say in the promotional video, and the reporter's questioning session at the end must be very exciting. Those reporters like to mention some things. Bitter topic, I'd like to see how this Lynn justifies himself!" Another executive said.

Lynn's explanation process aroused waves of climaxes at the scene, and everyone present was impressed by the new touch-screen control mode and subversive functions.

Soon, Lin En finished the introduction of the mobile phone, and the press conference also reached the on-site Q&A session. The reporters who couldn't bear it anymore immediately raised their hands. Lin En randomly chose one person and signaled him to ask questions.

"Mr. Lynn, this brand-new unlimited mobile phone is priced at 499, and the highest price is 599. This price has far exceeded the price of any mobile phone currently on the market. Are you worried that such a price will discourage consumers? , After all, this mobile phone is still a newborn for the entire mobile phone industry! The brand awareness is not yet high, and the brand credibility has not yet been established!" The reporter asked.

"OK, first of all, I don't think pricing should ever be our concern or worry. Otherwise, why do so many people buy luxury cars, sports cars, and motorcycles for transportation!" Lynn smiled calmly "As for your second question, two years ago, the Facebook brand didn't exist, and a year ago, the name Warcraft was unknown.

I think now, few of you here do not have a Facebook account!I still say that, we always think from the perspective of users, I believe that good user experience is word of mouth, and word of mouth is more important than brand! "


Lin En's answer won the applause of many people present, and many reporters also nodded.

Indeed, brand value is very important, but the quality of the product and whether it can satisfy the needs of users to the greatest extent are more important.

Any brand is born from scratch, not to mention Lynn's social networking site and game company has a huge user base, and it is indeed easy to sell.


"Huh, conceited, the Internet industry and the mobile phone industry cannot be compared. Does he think that if he is successful in the Internet industry, he can be a fish in water in any industry? He doesn't understand the mobile phone industry at all, and he has the nerve to say that he is from the perspective of users. Think about it!" Nokia's technical director said with disdain.

The atmosphere in the conference room also became extremely solemn. In fact, they had just watched Lynn's live demonstration of the control of the wireless mobile phone, and they felt a faint sense of crisis in their hearts.

Although they didn't want to admit it, that trace of uneasiness was really stuck in their throats, making them a little restless.

"Mr. Lynn, what do you think of the doubts that appeared a few days ago, for example, some people said that your mobile phone is definitely not resistant to falling?" Another reporter asked a question at the press conference.

"I think this is a ridiculous question. Is the mobile phone used to drop it? I can only say that the person who said this has no idea what the user wants. I think he may only understand technology. He doesn't understand the market at all!" Lin En said with a look of dumbfounding.

Hearing Lynn's words, Nokia's technical director suddenly seemed to eat flies, and his expression should be as wonderful as it is.

"But the user may accidentally drop the phone on the ground!" The reporter in the video continued to ask.

"Our mobile phone has been tested for drop resistance and meets national standards. Don't worry, everyone. Of course, if you want to turn your head and hit someone, maybe Nokia is more suitable for you!" Lynn said with a smile.

His words immediately caused a burst of laughter from the audience.

"This bastard, what does he mean by that!" Nokia's technical director gritted his teeth angrily, and everyone in the conference room looked ugly.

In the past few days, they have indeed criticized Bufan Technology and Infinity Mobile in the media, but they did not expect that the other party slapped them hard today.

"Calm down!" Kang Peikai said pretending to be calm.

"Mr. Lynn, Mr. Kallasvuo Kallasvuo, CEO of Nokia, once questioned that your mobile phone does not have a keyboard. What do you think of this?" In the video, Kallasvuo Kallaslav's name was suddenly clicked, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the conference room.

"Who said we don't have a keyboard! We have a lot of keyboards. You can see that our keyboard can be switched at will according to user habits. Full keyboard mode, Jiugongge mode, and handwriting mode. I would like to ask which mobile phone is compatible with these at the same time. What?" Lin En showed everyone the various keyboard modes of the phone.

When he introduced the mobile phone just now, he mainly focused on the most important functions of the mobile phone, and he did not introduce everything in detail. For example, this multi-mode keyboard, he basically passed it by. If someone asked, he would not focus on it. This non-technical stuff.

Hearing Lin En's words, Kallasvuo also looked embarrassed, and the whole conference room fell into a dead silence again.

"Our mobile phone is really based on user experience and user needs." Lynn continued, "It may have broken the previous operating experience, but I can guarantee that this is definitely the best operating experience, as long as you use it After some stages, you will fall in love with this simple and easy-to-understand operation mode.

I think sometimes what restricts us is not technical problems, but thoughts and habits. When you break the rules, you may find that mobile phones can still be used in this way, and sending emails can be so simple. "


Lynn's speech once again won warm applause from the audience. In fact, through Lynn's introduction just now, they were really impressed by the operation method and powerful functions of this mobile phone.

People like novelty things, so the ability to accept new things is actually very strong, and from the perspective of consumers, an electronic device that is more convenient to operate, saves time, looks more beautiful, and has more powerful functions, It definitely meets the beautiful needs in their minds, so they like this phone very much in their hearts.

The only disadvantage may be the price. As for whether the mobile phone is durable or whether there will be problems, it is actually not the issue they are most concerned about now.

"No matter how good I say, I'm just selling myself and boasting. You still need to experience a good product. On the left hand side of the venue is our experience area. Welcome everyone to experience it! Well, today's press conference is here for the time being. , Thank you for coming, thank you!"

After finishing speaking, Lynn bowed, and then strolled to the backstage amidst warm applause from the audience.


【Thank you Wuづliang for rewarding 100 starting coins】

(End of this chapter)

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