Hero League sword Hao Yasuo

Chapter 348 Nicholas 1

Chapter 348 Nicholas One
Soraka didn't know why she wanted to help Yasuo, and she instinctively told her that she wanted to help Yasuo, and then Soraka helped Yasuo out of the blue.

It's just that Soraka soon regretted it a bit, because Yasuo hugged Riven tightly and left without even saying thank you.

"Why are you the same as Yong En? You can't even say thank you."

Soraka murmured, sighed, and turned to enter the house, when Yasuo's voice suddenly sounded again.

"and many more."

Soraka turned around after hearing the words, looked at Yasuo only to find that Yasuo had stopped there and looked at him.

"What are you doing? You don't want to kill people, do you? By the way, I didn't provoke you, did you? Why do you try to embarrass me whenever you have something to do?"

Yasuo said: "No, I just want to say something."

Soraka asked: "What's the matter?"

Yasuo said, "Thank you."

Soraka was startled when he heard this, and when he regained his composure, Yasuo was nowhere to be seen, and had obviously left.

Yasuo didn't know how fast his fastest speed was, he just rushed at full speed and arrived at the council headquarters in just a few minutes.

Yasuo has been to the council headquarters several times before, and the current council headquarters looks basically the same as before. It occupies a small area, and the house is ordinary and simple, giving a good impression, but now Yasuo feels that this place is terrible.

Not because of Nicholas' impression, but Yasuo's impression of this place is really bad.Because of the bloody moon, Yasuo can feel the energy of the dark runes, and his various perceptions have become more sensitive. He can feel the death power contained in those buildings, which is very strong, which makes Yasuo feel a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong? Yasuo." Riven noticed Yasuo's abnormality and asked with concern.

Yasuo said in a deep voice: "Those houses are all built with human bones."

Riven was startled when she heard that, she looked at the council headquarters, looked at the houses, forced a smile with difficulty, and said, "You're not kidding, are you?"

Yasuo said, "Do you think I'm joking?"


After hearing this, Riven looked at the council headquarters again. Although the area was not large and there were not many houses, it was unimaginable to really use bones to build it.

"How many people will be killed?" Riven couldn't help asking.

"It doesn't matter, I'll kill Nicholas and tear this down."

Yasuo said lightly, and stepped towards the entrance of the council headquarters.

As the most concentrated place of power in Ionia, the parliament headquarters is naturally heavily guarded. Before Yasuo reached the entrance, he saw hundreds of soldiers. All the way to the entrance, they were all ready to go. People are daunting.

Of course, someone like Riven would not be afraid, but Riven looked at the army and was a little afraid to go up, saying: "Are you sure you want to kill it?"

"Not going to, but..."

Yasuo said: "If it is necessary, there is no way."

Saying that, Yasuo accelerated his pace, reached the first soldier of the army, and prepared to draw his sword to fight.

What surprised Yasuo was that these soldiers didn't pick up their weapons, and their expressions were calm, without any hostility. Instead, they greeted them with smiles and said respectfully, "This way please, Mr. Yasuo, Miss Riven."

Of course Yasuo knew there was a scam, but Yasuo didn't think too much about it. Since no one stopped him, he naturally went in.

Going all the way along the path made by the soldiers, Yasuo quickly carried Riven to Nicholas' residence, the house that seemed the most ordinary but exuded the strongest breath of death.

Yasuo didn't kick the door directly, because Syndra was standing there.

"You are finally here." Syndra said lightly.

Yasuo said indifferently: "I don't want to come, you forced me not to."

Syndra ignored it and continued with her own words, "Follow me."

After speaking, Syndra opened the door and entered Nicholas' residence.

Seeing this, Yasuo was a little hesitant, wondering whether he should go in or not.

"Come with me."

Syndra said: "If we wanted to kill you, you would already be a corpse."

Yasuo was silent when he heard the words, did not deny it, and followed after thinking about it.

"What are you trying to do?" Yasuo asked in a deep voice.

Syndra said lightly: "Master Speaker wants to talk to you."

Yasuo said, "What are you talking about?"

Syndra didn't answer immediately, but suddenly stopped and opened the door of a room, saying, "You'll know after talking."

Yasuo heard the words and looked into the room. The room was a very ordinary room, but because there was someone there, the room became no longer ordinary.

Sitting in the room was a white-haired old man with a kind face, which made people feel very kind, but Yasuo didn't think the old man was kind, because it was Nicholas.

"Go in." Syndra said lightly, turned and left.

Yasuo glanced at Syndra and left, and when he looked back into the room, Nicholas had already looked at him and was smiling at him.

That benign smile made Yasuo feel extremely uneasy.

Riven also became tense, and her originally slow breathing became heavy.

Yasuo took a deep breath and calmed down for a while. Without fear, he looked into Nicholas' eyes and walked in. He carried Riven to a seat and put her down, then sat in front of Nicholas with a blank expression.

"Hey, Yasuo, don't be so serious, I have good news for you, great news, you should be happy, be happy, Yasuo." Nicholas laughed, with a meaningful smile.


Yasuo laughed when he heard the words, but it was just a sneer. At the same time, Yasuo drew his sword directly, pointed the tip of the sword at Nicholas, and said coldly: "Take back your rune energy from her!"

Seeing this, Nicholas didn't care at all. He poured the wine slowly and said calmly, "You'd better not get excited, Yasuo, otherwise don't blame me for her death."

Yasuo said, "Are you threatening me?"

Nicholas said: "I didn't threaten you. If you really think that way, I can't help it."

Yasuo snorted disdainfully, and continued to threaten: "If you dare to touch her, believe it or not, I'll chop you up and feed you to the dogs?"

"Do whatever you want. Anyway, this body is not mine. I'm planning to change it. This body is too old." Nicholas smiled indifferently.

Yasuo was silent when he heard the words, not knowing what to say for a while.Of course, Yasuo didn't feel that he could threaten Nicholas. The reason for this was just to regain a little initiative, so that he wouldn't do whatever Nicholas said, but Yasuo obviously still didn't have any initiative.

Nicholas continued to laugh and said, "Put down your sword, Yasuo, or don't blame me if she dies. Of course, if you think killing a half-dead old thing is more important than saving her, you can certainly use your sword."

Yasuo had no choice but to put down the sword, staring at Nicholas with blood red eyes, and asked coldly: "What the hell are you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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