Chapter 289
In the next game, the dream team can be said to completely kill the [-]C team!
After all, the heroes of the [-]C team are all ordinary heroes, and the players are ordinary players. They are not opponents of the Dream Team at all. Therefore, the Dream Team won the first game with a big score!

"Beautiful! It's really beautiful!" Seeing this situation, the host Zhao Guang immediately said: "The Dream Team defeated the 15C team in just [-] minutes! Such a speed, such a dream offensive, I But I have been an e-sports host for so long to see it with my own eyes!".

"Oh?" the beautiful host asked: "Guangguang, the dream team is so powerful, have you ever seen a team that wiped out the enemy as quickly as them?".

"Of course!" Zhao Guang replied proudly: "I have seen similar situations when I was in the BJ division of the national competition! The defeated team, although I can't remember their names, but the winning team , I will never forget it for the rest of my life! Because they are the Khouse team, the number one team in the country!".

"Khouse team?!" Beauty Sisi said in surprise: "It's no wonder, after all, it is the number one team in the country. Of course, its strength is really terrifying, but now our dream team also has such strength. It seems that we will face Khouse in the future. , the strength will not be much worse!".

"Hmm...haha!" Zhao Guang smiled, and then said: "I hope so, but if the Dream Team wants to play against the Khouse team, I'm afraid they have to pass the KOS team first!".

After seeing the end of the game, the audience in the audience were all very happy for the dream team. After all, seeing that the dream team has such strength, it will definitely not be a problem to reach the final.

But after hearing the analysis of the two hosts, I felt that the Dream Team would be difficult to handle this time, because it was not other teams that played against them in the finals, but the team that had won the number one spot in Guangdong for two consecutive years. A team that makes no Cantonese feel scared!

This team not only ranks so high in the Guangdong region, but even ranks in the country, it can also enter the top five. It is a team that people can't match!

Faced with such a strong team, although most of the audience now expect the Dream Team to win, but thinking of the horrible performance of the KOS team in the past, players who know the game of League of Legends know that the chance of the Dream Team winning is not great!

"Too bad, it's useless even if the dream team enters the finals! The KOS team is so terrifying, that is, last year's VM team won a game against them, but Li Shijie and Zhu Nan hadn't joined the KOS team at that time. Now there are two of them. If you join, the KOS team may be able to defeat Khouse!" said one person.

"It's too exaggerated! How can I say that the Khouse team also defeated a famous foreign team in the Seattle Invitational Tournament and won the first place. The strength is already at the international level. How can the KOS team compare with them!" Another person said.

"You don't understand! At the beginning, without Li Shijie and Zhu Nan, the KOS team was already in the top five in the country. Now that they have joined, the strength has increased tremendously! Have you read the British Union News? !”.

"Hehe... no, no, I usually just play games and play, and I haven't paid attention to this point! By the way, what are you talking about, are Li Shijie and Zhu Nan so powerful? Why didn't I listen to it before?" Passed?".

"Oh, both of them are rising stars. They are just 16 years old. They dropped out of middle school, so they come here to play games. Do you think they are good or not!".

"Hey! A good student, let this game ruin it! 16 years old, you should study hard, why don't you study! Playing competitions, although becoming famous can make a lot of money, but this is for a few people after all! What's more, the game life of an e-sports player is very short, usually in their twenties, they can't keep up with the counterattack, so they have to retire."

"That's right! Think about it, it's strange that children are used to earn money at the age when they should be studying, and they are used to study at the age when they should be earning money. Do you think it's strange!" A person next to him interjected.

"Hey, the current society is like this. Studying is not something that the poor can afford! If it is not very talented and admitted to a good university, then it is useless to study! Look at which university's students have merit Studying hard?! Now these college students are not playing games, or love, is that the way of reading?!".

"Forget it, don't sigh anymore, let's watch the game honestly!".

While the audience was discussing, the second match between Team Dream and Team 650C was about to begin.

Although, this game is very important for the 650C team, because if they lose this game, the 650C team will be eliminated.And if you win, you will advance.

But the audience knew that it was impossible for the 650C team to win the game, because the Dream Team had beaten them to pieces in the last game, and they had no way to fight back.

And now this game, before the game, no matter whether it is the audience, the host, or even the e-sports players on the stage, they all know that the 650C team has nothing to do with winning, and the current game is just a dream team exhibition match.

But this kind of one-sided exhibition match, a performance without any suspense, and a performance that is destined to win, is not worth watching at all.

Therefore, not long after the start of the game, when the heroes of the 650C team died in batches and the defense towers were demolished one after another, the audience looked listless.

"Surrender! Team 650C!".

In the crowd, whoever yelled such a sentence loudly made everyone burst into laughter.

After all, the current 650C team has no way to surrender, because the game is less than 10 minutes, and no player can sneak attack!

But now the 650C team was defeated by a big score, completely in a situation of being beaten, and in the end there was only one way to lose.To be honest, instead of waiting to lose in the soundproof room, it would be better to surrender earlier, so as not to lose so painfully and helplessly.

But the 650C team was really helpless, because they had no chance to surrender at all. Whether it was the last game or this game, they still couldn't surrender when they knew they would definitely lose!

"Team 650C, surrender!".

"Team 650C, surrender!".

The spectators watched the dull game and unknowingly shouted after others. The shouting became louder and louder, and soon covered the sound of the game.

Since the last time the Hunan LT team sued the Guangdong division of the National League of Legends competition for discriminating against foreigners, the explosion-proof police were also banned from entering the venue, so the current venue has become as active as before.

When the host saw the audience shouting this, he just smiled and continued to explain the game, ignoring them at all.

With the shouts of the audience, the urgent wish of the audience was quickly realized. At No. 16 minutes and [-] seconds of the game, the dream team won the victory and successfully advanced to the final!
(End of this chapter)

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