lol's e-sports king

Chapter 287 False alarm 1 game

Chapter 287 A false alarm

"Master, Master...".

With the shouts of Xiao Ming and the others, as the ambulance arrived, the players of the Dream Team and the surrounding police hurriedly called for doctors to come for treatment.

After a simple examination, the doctor looked solemn, and then asked: "Did this old man have a heart attack before?".

"No?! Master has always been in good health!" Xiao Ming said hastily.

"That's right! We've never heard of Master having a heart attack!" Long Yifei also shouted.

The doctor glanced at them, and then said: "It's strange, this old man is very sick now, his heart rate is beating very fast, did he really have no heart disease before?! Hey, don't worry about it now. Your master is sick. It is very serious and must go to the hospital for treatment!"

After hearing this, everyone suddenly lost their minds.

After all, now those policemen wanted to arrest them and take them to the police station for questioning, but Master was seriously ill and had to accompany the ambulance to the hospital, which was a difficult problem.

When the detective saw him, he hurriedly said to the surrounding policemen: "It's important to save people. You guys should accompany me and follow them to the hospital! It won't be too late to send them to the police station after the old man is settled!".

Seeing that the detective was so reasonable, Xiao Ming and the others hurriedly said thank you, then helped to send Liu Canyue into the ambulance, and then hurriedly drove to the hospital.

About 10 minutes later, they came to the hospital. After a round of treatment, the doctor came out of the ward, saying that it was all right now, and then let Xiao Ming and the others go in to visit Liu Canyue.

Xiao Ming and the others rushed into the ward, saw Liu Canyue wearing an oxygen mask, slowly opened her eyes, and said to Xiao Ming and the others: "Don't worry, I'm fine!".

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Ming asked eagerly.

"That's right! Master, just now the doctor said you had a heart attack?! It's so scary, Master, are you okay?!" Cai Li said softly.

"It's okay!" Liu Canyue said: "It's an old problem, it's nothing to worry about, the doctor said that as long as you take the medicine regularly, don't worry!".

"Master?!" Long Yifei hurriedly shouted, "Why didn't you tell me that you always have a heart attack! Really!".

Huangfu Huang who didn't say a word suddenly said at this time: "If you tell us about your illness, you are worried, and we won't let you stay up late to help us train in the future, right?!"

After hearing Huangfu Huang's words, everyone was silent for a while. Xiao Ming turned red-eyed, then knelt down and said to Liu Canyue, "Master! Don't worry! We will definitely win!".

Seeing Xiao Ming kneel down, Long Yifei and the others also knelt down one after another, and said, "Yes! We will definitely win!".

After hearing this, Liu Canyue hurriedly touched her chest, panting and smiling, "That's good, that's good...".

At this moment, the door of the ward suddenly opened, and a nurse who was wearing a mask and couldn't see clearly came over and said, "Stop making noise, this is a hospital, don't make any noise! ​​What's going on with you doctors? !”.

Seeing that the nurse was so vicious, everyone didn't dare to make a sound. After answering "yes" several times and apologizing, they stood up and prepared to continue talking with Liu Canyue.

But it was the detective who came in, seeing that Liu Canyue was able to speak on his own, and the doctor knew that his condition was not serious, so he ordered Xiao Ming and the others to go back to the police station to record a statement.

Although Xiao Ming and the others didn't want to go back, they saw many guards outside the door and knew they had to follow, so they said goodbye to Liu Canyue and followed those policemen back to the police station.

When they arrived at the police station, the police interrogated Xiao Ming and the others separately, but Xiao Ming and the others gave the same confession, there was no way to deal with Xiao Ming and the others, so they had to be released.

However, because Long Yifei committed some indecent behaviors in public, and these behaviors are true, and after being uploaded to YouTube by the audience and widely circulated by netizens, it has already had a very large impact on society.

Therefore, the police station is now detaining Long Yifei for [-] days and fined Long Yifei [-] yuan.

Faced with such a verdict, Xiao Ming and the others naturally refused to accept it!

The reason for this dissatisfaction is not that the police fined him too much, but that Long Yifei was detained for too long!
After all, they will enter the semi-finals tomorrow, and the dream team has no substitutes at all, and the League of Legends e-sports game is a game in which five players are designated to participate in the game, which is indispensable. If Long Yifei does not attend In the game, the dream team will take the initiative to concede defeat because of the lack of numbers!

Therefore, Xiao Ming and the others hurriedly begged the police, the inspector, and the others, hoping that they would read that Long Yifei was a first-time offender, so that the sentence could be reduced, and that Long Yifei should not be allowed to do so for so long, even if it was a little more fine, or after the game ended Let Long Yifei stay longer, and don't let Long Yifei be detained for fifteen days now, because this will kill the Dream Team!

But no matter how much Xiao Ming and the others plead and play with their temper, the inspectors are all law-abiding people, and Long Yifei has many bad records before, so the detention matter cannot be solved by spending a lot of money. of.

Seeing such a situation, Xiao Ming and the others sighed repeatedly, and couldn't help scolding Long Yifei, that damned bastard, for making trouble!
Knowing that there was no way to ask for help, Xiao Ming was at a loss at this time, and when he returned to the hotel, Xiao Ming hurriedly cried.

After all, if you lose the qualification for the competition, you also lose hope, and you lose the hope of saving Xiaofang!
Xiao Ming knew that although Xiao Fang could prolong her life by exchanging blood continuously, in the end, the bone marrow would still need to be replaced, otherwise Xiao Fang would have no way to save her life.

It can be replaced with bone marrow, but it requires a lot of money. Even if Xiao Ming works for a lifetime, he can't earn it without eating or using it!
Therefore, the only way for Xiao Ming to win bonuses is to participate in e-sports competitions!
But now this path was blocked because of his teammate's absurd behavior, Xiao Ming naturally hated Long Yifei at this time!
"Damn Long Yifei!" Xiao Ming cried and said, "What do you want me to do now? What do you want me to do?!".

While Xiao Ming was crying, the room was clattered by people outside. Knowing that someone was looking for him, Xiao Ming had no choice but to wipe away his tears, tidy up his face, and then opened the door to have a look.

But Cai Li and them all showed joyful expressions, and said to Xiao Ming: "The game has been postponed! The game has been postponed!".

"The game has been postponed?!" Xiao Ming couldn't believe his ears, and hurriedly asked, "How could it be postponed?".

"Didn't you watch TV?! Someone announced on the TV news just now, because someone complained to the organizer, so now it is going to be rectified, and it is estimated that it will be postponed for a long time!".

"Really? How long is the delay?!".

"At least half a month! After half a month, that damned Long Yifei will also be released!".

(End of this chapter)

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