lol's e-sports king

Chapter 285 The end of the game

Chapter 285 The end of the game
Facing the crying VM team, the dream team was embarrassed to show their original joy.

After all, now that they lost the game, even if the players of the Dream Team couldn't do it, they wouldn't be laughing and having fun in front of them.

Because, this is like constantly bragging about how great and happy your motherland is in front of a subjugated person, completely disregarding other people's feelings.

Such a person is very immoral.

The players of the dream team are not like this kind of people. Even a social youth like Long Yifei would not do such a wicked thing.

However, the audience in the audience, because they were dissatisfied with the victory of the dream team, felt that the defeat of the VM team was the result of those players' lack of effort, so now many players began to bombard the VM team!

Especially those spectators from Maoming, when they saw that the team representing the Maoming team had only reached this step, they were eliminated, and they were very dissatisfied.

After all, last year's VM team made it to the semi-finals, but now the VM team just encountered an unknown dream team. The dream team with such low quality lost to such an opponent. Shame, shame to Maoming people!

"Dead or dead! Call Zuo you are more scheming than D, but you don't listen, IKEA is fine!".

"Bad! It's really dead this time! I don't even have eyes!".

"Target ghost! With the game like this, Maoming people lose all face than you!".

Facing the condemnation from the audience, the players of the VM team didn't say a word, except for crying, there was nothing but crying.

This annoyed Long Yifei who was opposite them. After all, Long Yifei felt that the competition only belonged to everyone in the team, and those so-called spectators didn't have any credit at all!

Therefore, Long Yifei ignored his personal image, and pointed at the audience in the audience and began to yell and curse: "Swear, curse! Scold! You know how to bark! Do you think the VM team is rubbish?! Tell you , if they didn't meet such a strong team as us, the victory must belong to them, but our dream team will force them to be even stronger!
Also, what right do you have to scold others!If you are not convinced, you have the ability to come up and compete with us!I want you to win with one hand, you barking garbage! ".

Hearing Long Yifei's loud roar, those spectators who were still scolding the VM team began to form a united front at this moment, and started cursing crazily at the players of the Dream Team!

The players of the VM team saw that the tall, yellow-haired young man of the dream team dared to scold the audience in the audience, and immediately didn't know what to say!

Although, the players of the VM team hope to have their fans, but they are very afraid of these fanatical fans!

Because, when your game is going well, these fans will often go crazy for you and make you feel like a star.

However, when you lose, when the game is unsatisfactory, those fans are like your father-killing enemy, you seem to owe him a debt, and you keep shouting at crazy people, cursing everywhere, it is unbearable rationale.

However, many teams, like the VM team, adopt a neutral attitude towards these fans, and they will not be too rational or repulsive.

As a result, these fans also praised the highs and stepped down when they saw the lows, completely disregarding whether the opponent was strong or whether the team's training was sufficient, and took such behaviors for granted.

Because of this, every time the e-sports team loses a game, they will be bombarded, abused, and endure all kinds of insults from these fans.

However, Long Yifei of the dream team will not silently endure these personal insults that they don't need to endure like others!

Because, Long Yifei felt that the team only represented the strength of the team, not linked to any region or fan group!An e-sports team, after all the hard training they have gone through, there is no one or anyone to support them, not even their closest family members.

But when this e-sports team has made great achievements, these people who had no connection with them at first, and even slandered and despised them all the time during the e-sports team's overcoming difficulties, suddenly became their most loyal fans. We are all proud of them!
This is simply ridiculous!The absurdity of the world!
But no matter who it is, they can't bear to pierce this layer of skin, and dare not reveal the faces of those people.Because everyone knows that no matter who does something that violates this social norm, they will be insulted and cast aside, even if you are right!
But Long Yifei would rather be spurned and insulted by these people than do things that go against his heart!

Therefore, when faced with all kinds of insults from the audience, Long Yifei continued to yell at the audience: "What's the matter?! Scared?! I can't say it, but I don't want to say it! What is garbage, what is garbage, it's hitting Those people who don’t win against us, and who are blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!”.

The few excited audience members in the audience couldn't hold back seeing Long Yifei's outrageous words, but they didn't dare to leave their seats when they thought of the policemen around them maintaining order. They just let go of their voices and roared towards the stage .

Seeing that the abuse intensified, the host Zhao Guang felt that the game was a little out of control, so he hurriedly said some insignificant words and let the two teams leave the stage.

Hearing the host's arrangement, Liang Sheng took a look at the players of the Dream Team, and then said with great distinction: "Congratulations! I hope you can win the championship!".

"Yes! If you can beat us, don't lose in the next game!".

"Yes, you must win the championship. In this way, when we go back to our hometown, we can brag to others. We lost to the championship team, and also caused the No. [-] team in Guangdong to suffer a heavy blow!"

Seeing the VM team bursting into laughter, the Dream Team players were very surprised. However, after thinking about it carefully, they also understood that the reason why the VM team did this was nothing more than a forced smile.

At this moment, Xiao Ming reached out his hand to Liang Sheng and asked, "Are you the player who controls the 'Scarlet Reaper'?".

"Yes!" Liang Sheng and Xiao Ming shook hands, and then said: "You are their captain, the player of 'Ocean Calamity'?".

"Yes!" Xiao Ming nodded, and continued: "My name is Zhang Xiaoming, Zhang Fei's Zhang, small and small, tomorrow's Ming, you... what's your name?".

"Are you kidding me?" Liang Sheng asked, "Is it really called Xiao Ming? Isn't this name too popular?!".

"Hehe..." Xiao Ming smiled awkwardly, and then said.

"My name is Liang Sheng! Liang from Liangshan, Mr. Sheng!".

Xiao Ming smiled slightly, and then said: "Oh, Mr. Liang, good! I will remember your name! After all, you are the most powerful player I have ever seen!".

(End of this chapter)

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