lol's e-sports king

Chapter 263 The Dream Team's Five Kills in a Row

Chapter 263 The Five Kills of the Dream Team
When such unpleasant things happened in the audience, Xiao Ming and the others turned a blind eye to them, but continued to manipulate the heroes to compete.

The players of the VM team also continued to control the heroes, desperately resisting the attack of the dream team.

However, the heroes of the dream team are really powerful. After several rounds of back and forth attacks, the players of the dream team eliminated the enemy heroes several times, and successfully destroyed the three-way outer defense tower of the VM team, and Continue to lead troops forward.

Faced with such a situation, the VM team will not stop to watch the situation outside the soundproof room even if they are in an advantage, not to mention being behind!

However, when the Dream Team has gained a relatively large advantage, they hope to see the reaction of the audience through the soundproof glass and see the fans who have been cheering them on.

However, a scene that made the Dream Team feel strange appeared.

The entire concert venue was surrounded by riot-proof police officers in the first area. These police officers pressed down on a person and left the venue in a chaotic manner.

The person being pinned down had a very short head, seven parts ugly, three parts bad looks, messy hair, no matter how he looked at it, he was not a good bird.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then secretly said in his heart: "Strange, I seem to have seen this guy somewhere before!".

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, I thought that this is the game scene, and my team is in a life-and-death contest with the VM team. Although the dream team has already taken the vast majority of the advantage, the game cannot be underestimated until the last moment, so I have to deal with it. The teammates said: "Okay, okay, don't care what happened outside, as long as the game is not called to stop, don't stop!".

The teammates listened, worth a response, and then controlled the hero to continue the game.

Liu Canyue, who was behind her, was also very happy to see that Xiao Ming was commanding calmly and clearly distinguishing between the important and the important. Moreover, seeing that they had done a good job in the whole combat process, whether it was cooperation or formation arrangement, she couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

After the troublemaker was taken out of the venue, the game order in the whole venue began to return to normal, and the two hosts were naturally very happy to continue explaining the game for everyone.

"Okay, now the dream team and the VM team are united in the middle lane, 'Ocean Calamity' is a big move, 'Undead Warrior' and 'Werewolf' use their big moves to attack the VM team's 'Scarlet Harvester' and' Goddess Haoyue'!
At this time, 'Airplane' continued to use its big move towards the VM team, and 'Debang' rushed forward again, and launched a surprise attack on the 'Pipa Fairy', and 'Pipa Fairy' caught all the players of the Dream Team with a big move !

Taking advantage of this opportunity, VM's teammates kept retreating, but the players of Team Pokémon kept rushing forward, oh! 'Debang' eliminated the 'Goddess of Haoyue' with one move of 'Fearless Charge'!
Now the dream team continued to chase, and the 'Ocean Calamity' used its big move again, the speed of the VM team slowed down from the beginning, oh no!The last 'Scarlet Reaper' was wiped out by the 'Undead Warrior'!

God! 'Pipa Fairy', 'Pipa Fairy' also fell into the big move of 'Werewolf', and 'Plane' also caught up at this time, and machine-gunned 'Tree Spirit' and 'Little Pao Niang'.

'Plane' Danger! The 'Sapling' and the 'Little Cannon Girl' began to attack the 'airplane' that was chasing the most!
'Ocean disaster'! 'Ocean Disaster' is here to help! The 'Tree Spirit' stunned them, and immediately ran back, and the 'Little Cannon Girl' also performed a 'rocket jump', and also ran back quickly!

'Pipa Fairy'! After the 'Pipa Fairy' hit the second big move of the 'Werewolf', she was wiped out by the 'Werewolf'!
Now the heroes of the VM team are only the fastest escaped 'Sapling' and 'Little Cannon Girl'!
Now that they have come to the inner defensive tower in the middle, the heroes of the dream team are also chasing them. Will the dream team jump over the tower and kill the enemy now? !

The heroes of the dream team are now over the defense tower of the VM team!

oh!My goodness!Another 'ocean disaster'!It's the big move of 'Ocean Disaster' again!

Now the speed of 'Sapling' and 'Little Cannon Girl' has slowed down a lot, oh! The blood volume on the head of 'Little Cannon Girl' is less than one-half!Just after getting the three big moves of 'Ocean Disaster', the blood volume of 'Little Cannon Girl' has become so low, it seems that 'Ocean Disaster' saved the audience is not wrong!
No way! 'Plane' used 'Valkyrie dive' at this time, and now 'Plane' successfully passed the enemy's defense tower, and used its big move to attack 'Little Cannon Girl' and 'Tree Spirit'!
The 'Tree Spirit' made a big move for himself, and continued to flee forward, there is hope, there is hope, there is still hope!

oh! 'Ocean disaster'!Now the 'ocean disaster' has arrived! 'Dryant' is in trouble!

'Ocean Plague' is now constantly attacking 'Dryant', because 'Ocean Plague' is equipped with 'Frost Hammer', which can slow down the enemy's movement speed, now the speed of 'Tryad' begins to slow down, becoming the 'Ocean Plague' Disaster' is in the bag, and now the 'aircraft' is taking the opportunity to rush to the front, constantly attacking the 'little cannon girl' of the VM team!
Fortunately, the 'Dryant' has already used his big move and opened the shield, otherwise it would be troublesome, but now the blood volume on the head of the 'Dryant' is still decreasing!
The big move of 'Dryant' started to counterattack!
The blood volume on the head of 'Ocean Calamity' dropped by one-third!

oh!My goodness! 'Ocean Calamity' restores HP too quickly!In just these few seconds, under the siege of the surrounding minions of the VM team, under the laser attack of the defense tower, the 'Ocean Calamity' attacked the 'Tree Spirit', and it was still able to continuously restore its own blood volume!
If this goes on, the 'Sapling' is dead!

really! Another big move of 'Ocean Calamity', coupled with the violent attack all the way before, severely injured the 'Tree Spirit', and now 'Ocean Calamity' continues to attack, oh! The 'Dryant' is gone!
Now there is only 'Little Cannon Girl' left in the VM team. Although 'Little Cannon Girl' keeps running away, but 'Airplane' keeps chasing and attacking!
It seems that 'Little Cannon Girl' can't leave either!

Five-kill! The VM team is now wiped out by the group! ".

Speaking of this, the surrounding audience suddenly became lively, especially the fans of the Dream Team, who are all elated and cheering, completely forgetting that there are so many policemen around, and forgetting all the unpleasant things that happened before up!
As for those fans who have always supported the VM team, now that they saw the team in their minds suffer a disastrous defeat, they were naturally very dissatisfied, so they yelled at the VM team.

All of a sudden, the entire game scene became very lively, with people shouting and dancing.

At this time, Long Yifei also took off his earphones, opened his arms towards the crowd through the glass of the soundproof room, and then kept clapping his own head!
The audience in the audience, especially the fans of the Dream Team, became even more excited when they saw such a situation, and the applause became louder and louder...

(End of this chapter)

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