lol's e-sports king

Chapter 223 Against the PEE team

Chapter 223 Against the PEE team

After the two sides sat down in their positions, before the game started, the PPE team began to move the mouse non-stop, and blew on the mouse pad from time to time, keeping busy.

As for the players of the Dream Team, except for Huangfuhuang and the PEE team, the rest were sitting on chairs, not moving, looking at the audience through the soundproof glass.

Apart from being able to see the mouths of the audience opening and closing, as if they were talking, there was no way to hear the buzzing noise like a bee.

As for the host holding two microphones and constantly explaining, if Xiao Ming and the others were not in the soundproof room, Xiao Ming's eardrums would have been shattered with the host's hoarse roar.

But since Xiao Ming and the others sat in this soundproof room, they couldn't hear any sound from the outside world except for their own voices!
This situation is like watching a silent movie!

It was the first time for Xiao Ming to sit in this soundproof room, and he was naturally very curious when he saw such a situation. When Tebi found out that the effect of the soundproof room was so good, Xiao Ming couldn't help but praise: "Great, The atmosphere here is really good!".

Liu Canyue behind him listened, smiled, then stroked Xiao Ming's head and said: "But that's all right, the function of the soundproof room is to prevent the noise of the audience from affecting the e-sports players. Do you think the soundproof room is really Did it come as a decoration?"

Xiao Ming smiled and said: "Haha... I used to really think that the soundproof room is not very useful. The reason for not using the soundproof room is to let the e-sports players feel the atmosphere of the scene better. In fact, when you really become an e-sports player , you will find that you only need cheering when you win the game, and you don’t need that cheering at all during the game!”.

Cai Lihe also said at this time: "Yes, during the game, what I like to hear most is Legendary! I think that only by wearing headphones and listening to the sound from the computer can I really feel the game, not listening to the audience. the sound of!".

When Liu Canyue heard such words, she smiled and said to him: "It's good for you to say this here, don't say it outside, otherwise the audience will definitely scold you to death!".

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard this. At this time, the staff behind him helped the earplugs and said: "Okay, the game has started, you can choose a hero.".After finishing speaking, he stood aside and watched Xiao Ming and his team compete.

Although the players of the dream team are very sure of winning this game, there is no need to use their real strength at all, but considering that the KOS team won in less than 8 minutes, the players of the dream team naturally have the heart to fight The KOS team has a winner!
Therefore, the players of the dream team decided to use their real strength to compete with their opponents, but instead of playing the positions they are most familiar with, they chose an uncommon formation to fight!

The original jungler "Debon" is now on the top lane, and the "Werewolf" who assisted "Aircraft" in the bottom lane has gone to the jungler position.

Captain Planck, who has always been in the mid lane, now appears in the bottom lane, attacking together with the "Undead Warrior".

As for the "aircraft", it is now in the middle lane, becoming a SOLO hero just like the enemy hero.

After the game started, the players of the dream team rushed to their positions immediately after buying the equipment, and launched an attack on the PEE team.

Although the PEE team is a very strong team from ZQ City, but in front of the dream team, such a team is like a yellow-haired kid fighting a powerful and powerful man, with no chance of winning at all.

However, Long Yifei's stomach is very uncomfortable now, and the pain spreads out from his stomach, and the pain hurts his heart and lungs. Even though Long Yifei is a strong man who can grit his teeth to bear it, no matter what Long Yifei No matter how he bears it, it will also affect the heroes he controls!
But fortunately, True Soul is a hero who can move and play freely, so without Long Yifei's wonderful control, the undead warrior can still attack and defend well.

Moreover, as the captain of the dream team, besides being timid and fearful of getting into trouble, Xiao Ming is also technically advanced, but Xiao Ming will not lag behind any professional players at all!
Therefore, even if there is no Long Yifei controlling the bottom lane, as long as Xiao Ming is there, facing two players without real souls, Xiao Ming can still easily defeat them.

However, Long Yifei didn't want to be a useless person in the team, but tried his best to help!
Long Yifei stared at the computer screen intently, endured the pain, tried his best to control the mouse, and pressed the keyboard with difficulty.

Under Long Yifei's control, Sion not only failed to increase his strength, on the contrary, because Long Yifei and Sion did not have any tacit control, Sion became the opponent's attack target!

"Bastard, what are you doing?!" Sean scolded Long Yifei: "I originally wanted to hit the one on the left, why did you ask me to hit the one on the right?!".

Faced with Sion's accusation, Long Yifei was about to argue, but at this moment his stomach hurt violently again, which made him moan a few times in a low voice, and he didn't have the energy to speak anymore.

When he regained his energy, Long Yifei continued to manipulate Sion to add chaos, causing Sion to suffer damage that he shouldn't have received.

Seeing such a situation, Sion couldn't help cursing at Long Yifei: "What are you doing! What are you doing today?! How can you manipulate like this!".

Long Yifei was really suffering and couldn't tell at this time, because he knew that if he said that his stomach was uncomfortable, then Liu Canyue and the others would definitely not let him stay here and let him go to the hospital to see a doctor.

However, if Long Yifei went to the hospital, then the dream team would no longer have alternate players, and when there were less than four heroes in the e-sports players, the e-sports players would be disqualified.And the current dream team, ever since Liu Canyue became the coach and Serena Wei left the team, there is no substitute player at all!

Long Yifei didn't want to drag the team down because of his physical condition, because he knew the meaning of this game and knew that they couldn't just lose here!
Because, the dream team is going to enter the country, defeat Khouse's strong team, and win the national championship!
How could they lose here? !
Therefore, no matter how painful Long Yifei's stomach was, he still silently endured it, endured it, hoping to endure this match...

However, Long Yifei was so unwilling to admit defeat, but often manipulated Sion indiscriminately, which still caused a lot of trouble for his teammates.

The current Long Yifei is simply doing a disservice to him!

However, after many reprimands from Sion, Long Yifei still looked away, and no longer forced to control, but let Sion play freely.

Soon, after passing by several times, the dream team destroyed the first defense tower of the PEE team.

At this time, the Dream Team and the others also learned from the KOS team, concentrating their forces, besieging the middle lane, and preparing for a tower push, hoping to win as soon as possible.

But at this moment, Long Yifei was lying on the table in pain, gritted his teeth, and said nothing. Seeing Liu Canyue, he immediately pushed the tower lightly and asked, "Yifei, are you okay?" Right? Yifei, what's wrong with you..."

No matter how Liu Canyue pushed and shook him, Long Yifei still gritted his teeth tightly and remained silent. However, at this moment, Long Yifei's face was pale, sweating profusely, and he looked very painful...

(End of this chapter)

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