Warcraft Fortress

Chapter 657 Ozumat

Chapter 657 Ozumat
time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it is the 28th year of the Dark Portal.

Half a year has passed since the battle in Dawn Forest.

During this period of time, Sean has made rapid progress.

After entering the legendary rank, the accumulation of time is especially important, and what Xiao En lacks most now is time.

Because of the existence of the gate of time and space, he has actually spent decades in this short period of half a year, and he has gone further and further on the way of the mage and the way of the druid.

His talent was no lower than those of Khadgar and Hamuul.

If these people can raise to such a high level in decades or even years, then Sean can naturally do the same.

In the past few decades in the dungeon, Sean has never stopped.

He is either learning, comprehending, or fighting.

And for this period of time, he has not been on the planet Azeroth, but together with Illidan, he came to other worlds through the Sargerite Stone.

Those worlds overrun by the Burning Legion.

In half a year, he has visited at least seven worlds, and has been engaged in high-frequency and high-intensity battles.

There were no fewer than fifty low-level commanders of the Burning Legion who died in his hands; and as many as five mid-level commanders who were killed by him.

Even a demigod-ranked Burning Legion commander died in his hands.

Great harvest.

Now his combat experience and combat awareness have reached an extremely high level, almost comparable to Illidan.

Even in a frontal battle, Sean could draw with Illidan without the help of any artifacts.

This is already not easy.

Hundreds of thousands of steel puppets were put into the battlefield one after another, and millions of demons died under the hands of the steel legion. The piles of demon corpses piled up like hills were used as sacrifices or thrown into the nests of the ancient gods.

During this period of time, Sean was still on a certain planet and met a legendary hero.

That is the leader of the former five heroes of the storm, now the archbishop and supreme commander of the Holy Light Legion, and the legendary paladin Turalyon.

Naru's favor and personal teaching made this legendary paladin's strength grow rapidly, and now he has stepped into the demigod rank.

And his wife, Alleria, the former high elf ranger general and now the commander of the Holy Light Legion, has also entered the high-level legendary level.

This Holy Light archbishop is really powerful. He actually purified many commander-level demons, purified them into Holy Light demons, and possessed the power of Holy Light.

Such as the Holy Light Dread Demon King, the Holy Light Abyss Lord, the Holy Light Doom Lord...

Nearly ten.

Only then did Sean know that besides his Iron Legion, there is a more powerful Legion of Light in the universe, which is fighting against the Burning Legion and the Void Lord with the support of the naaru.

Alator the Redeemer, one of Shawn's followers, came to his parents.

All of Sean's followers have made rapid progress. Even Vanessa has advanced to the legendary rank, and Alator, who is stronger, has naturally reached the legendary rank.

And it is a high-level legend.

Not even weaker than his mother.

The family was reunited, and Sean voluntarily left.

During this period of time, the construction of the elemental furnaces has been completed, and the 49 furnaces are devoted to creating elemental creatures. All the materials come from the four major elemental planes, as well as the planets that Sean visited.

With such strong support, the Balrog, Fire Phoenix, and Prince Sunderland began to turn from defense to offense, actively attacking the territories of Ragnaros and Al'Akir, and they were very effective.

Both the Firelord and the Wind Rider are too busy to take care of themselves, and there is no way to plot Azeroth.

Maybe it won't be long before Balrog and Prince Sunderland will replace them as the new elemental lords.

This day will not be too far.

There is Princess Celades on the Earth Elemental Plane, so naturally there is no need to worry about it.

As for the "Bottomless Abyss", the elemental plane of water, only Hydes, the Duke of Water, exists, and its strength is too weak to fight against the evil in the depths of the ocean.

The water element and the Naga are mortal enemies for thousands of years. The lord of the water element, Neptulon, does not continue to serve the ancient gods.

But soon, the naga will take action against Neptulon under the instruction of the Old Gods.

So Sean must go to the Abyss to help Neptulon.

This is an underwater world called "Vashjir", and the scenery is very beautiful.

But amidst the beautiful landscape, danger lurks.

Sean didn't stop here, but directly found Hades, the Duke of Water.

Today, the Duke of Water Flow has become even more powerful, reaching the level of a mid-level legend.

Of course, in Sean's opinion, it was still too weak.

With the help of the Duke of Water Flow, he came directly to the Throne of Tides.

This huge underwater palace was built by the guardian of the titans to imprison Neptulon, and naturally became Neptulon's throne.

But now, it has been occupied by naga and faceless men.

Sean saw many naga warriors and faceless men along the way.

He didn't hold back and killed them all.

Even here, he saw several legendary faceless men, many of whom were created by the ancient god N'Zoth himself in ancient times, and they were generals who commanded the faceless army.

Very strong, even stronger than Hydros, Duke of Water.

Sean frowned, but didn't make a move.

Olivia, Vanessa, and Chromie are enough to deal with these legendary faceless men.

Finally, they came to the deepest part of the Throne of Tides.

I saw Neptulon who was fighting fiercely with the big octopus "Ozumat".

Ozumat is one of the most powerful pets of the ancient god N'Zoth, the most powerful mind flayer on the planet Azeroth, and possesses the terrifying ability to control elemental lords.

In a frontal battle, even Neptulon may not be its opponent.

At this moment, Neptulon was at a disadvantage and was beaten by Ozumat.

And at this moment, Sean came.

He shot Ozumat in the first place.

This is a very large and powerful sea monster, and spells below the legendary level are basically useless to it. Even many legendary spells have little effect on it, because its body has very powerful magic resistance.

There is also a strong physical defense.

Sean adopted the crowd tactics.

He summons a large number of iron golems.

A steel army composed of tens of thousands of steel puppets, under the command of Xiao En, besieged Ozumat frantically.

All kinds of magic-breaking and armor-piercing weapons hit its body and caused a lot of damage to it.

Blood flowed like a river, polluting the entire Throne of Tides.

At this time, Neptulon also began to fight back.

It was a terrible battle. In the end, Ozumat was defeated and fled quickly.

No one can keep it, after all, it is also a powerful monster with a creature level as high as level 33.However, it was severely damaged and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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