Warcraft Fortress

Chapter 649 Uldaman

Chapter 649 Uldaman

The guardians of the titans once left three relics on the planet Azeroth, namely Ulduar, Uldum and Uldaman.

Uldaman is a small dungeon built by the giantess Elonaia, which houses stagnant troggs.

Thousands of years later, the titan guardian Azadas and the giantess Elonaia came to Uldaman with the earth spirits and mechanical gnomes.

They expanded Uldaman, created new chambers to store the Norgannon Discs, and swore to defend Azeroth's true history, even if it cost them their lives.

Later, the curse of flesh and blood of the ancient gods eroded Uldaman, and neither the earth spirit nor the mechanical gnome escaped the fate of being changed into flesh and blood by the curse of flesh and blood.

Azadas personally sealed the earth spirit,
1 years ago, the explosion of the Well of Eternity awakened some earth spirits.

In the following years, they gradually awakened their sleeping compatriots, and finally walked out of Uldaman.

They call themselves "dwarves".

After the dwarves left Uldaman, they established Ironforge in Khaz Modan.

Until now, Azadas and Elonaya are still in Uldaman, guarding the Norgannon Disc.

Norgannon is the Platinum Titan second only to Aman'Thul, the king of the gods, in the pantheon. He is the master of arcane magic and possesses the highest spellcasting ability in the universe.

He is also the most knowledgeable and wise of all the Titans.

In the ancient titan ruins "Ulduar", the titan guardians Loken and Mimiron created an artifact to engrave the history written in Azeroth. Everything that happens will be recorded on the Norgannon Disc.

This is a special artifact, equivalent to a CD with infinite capacity, and it is the artifact that archaeologists, research mages, and scholars most hope to obtain.

Most importantly, this artifact records all the evils that have occurred in Ulduar, including the betrayal of the titan keeper Loken.

In order to understand the truth of the matter, the titan guardian Azadas and the giantess Elonaya sneaked into Ulduar and stole the Norgannon disc and placed it in Uldaman.

Countless years have passed, and Azadas and Elonaia are obsessed with curing the curse of flesh and blood. They have been hiding in the depths of Uldaman, and even the earth spirits and mechanical gnomes will never see them again.

Some even believe that they have been corrupted by the Old Gods and thus corrupted.

And now, Sean is here.

Azadas is one of the nine guardians of the titans, possessing far more power than ordinary titan-forged.

He participated in the promotion ceremony of the guardian dragon, called the Titan Khazgoros to lower his power, and bestowed it on Nazario, thus the Black Dragon King was born.

His power is far stronger than the Black Dragon King back then, but not as powerful as the current Black Dragon King, but he is much weaker.

The titan guardians once participated in the battle with the ancient gods in the ancient years, and launched a world-shattering battle with the elemental lords who were servants of the ancient gods at that time.

Evenly matched.

It can be seen from this that the power of ordinary Titan Guardians is on par with the guardian dragon kings who have been promoted under their auspices, as well as the four elemental lords.

They are all top-level high-level demigods.

Of course there are always some exceptions.

Among the nine Titan Guardians, the Great Guardian Rai is obviously the most powerful, even compared with the most terrifying top demigods, such as Archimonde, Kil'jaeden, and Deathwing, he is not inferior. .

The Guardian Odin's strength is next, and Loken's strength is roughly on par with him—maybe slightly worse, but it's not much worse.

Azadas, who is in charge of the earth and forging, is much weaker.

At the same level as him, there are Solim and Hodir who rule the power of the storm and the sky.

Freya might be weaker.

Guardian Tyr's strength may be stronger, it should be above Azadas, but below Loken.

As for the last guardian Mimiron, he is better at engineering and has the highest technological level among all the titans, but his pure combat ability is the lowest.


Sean needs to explore Ulduar, Uldum, and Uldaman.

Loken was guarding Ulduar, and several other guardians were also trapped in it, which was very dangerous.

In the Hall of Origins in Uldum, although there is no titan guardian, there are as many as seven weaker titan creations.Those seven combined are definitely much stronger than Azadas.

So Sean has no choice.

He first chose to enter Uldaman.

This ancient small underground palace did not cost too much thought to the guardian of the titans.

Almost all the earth spirits and mechanical gnomes living in it have left, and those who are still entrenched in it are basically some weaker cavemen and some messy stone guards.

Most of the levels are not high, around level 12.Only very few go beyond level 15.

Higher level stone guards are almost impossible to come across.

Sean walked all the way, until he had entered the depths of Uldaman, only to encounter a small number of ancient stone guards.

These stone guards are stronger, but they still haven't set foot in the legendary realm, so it's not worth mentioning.

Go deeper.

This time following him here, apart from Olivia, Vanessa, who Sean promised never to leave, and Chromie, who is now inseparable, there is another guy, that is the great elementalist Keshilik .

This goblin master who has studied into bees has been studying the Titan Rune Book.

In the past ten years, he has studied the book of Titan Runes seven to eighty-eight, and has lost much interest in those simplified versions of Titan Runes.

And the ancient Titan underground palace Uldaman naturally aroused his interest.

If you want to thoroughly analyze Titan's rune technology, you can't do without his help.

There are not many Titan runes in Uldaman. At least until now, the Great Elementalist has not come across any runes that interest him, and has been muttering in a low voice, blaming Sean for wasting his research time.

With this time, it is better to review the Book of Titan Runes.

Until they met the giantess Elonaya.

There seems to be something wrong with this giantess, not only is she unconscious, but her strength has also decreased too much.

A giantess who can be valued by the guardian of the titans should at least have the strength of an elementary demigod, but in fact this is not the case.

Her strength is only limited to the legendary level.

People seem to have some misunderstandings about ability and combat effectiveness.

The Titan Guardians are indeed very powerful. Freya even created the Emerald Dream by herself, but their combat power is not as powerful as imagined.

And the female giant who is weaker than them is naturally not as strong as everyone imagined.

On the body of the giantess, there are very complicated and brilliant Titan runes.

Most of these runes have never been seen by the Great Elementalist, which made him very happy.

He directly moved the body of the giantess into the space fortress, and then hid in the space fortress himself, not coming out again, wanting to study those novel Titan runes.

Then Sean came to the deepest part of Uldaman.

He meets the titan keeper Azadas.

(End of this chapter)

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