Warcraft Fortress

Chapter 642 The Intrusion of Three Raiders

Chapter 642 The Intrusion of Three Raiders

The battle begins.

Queen Ysera temporarily merged the Emerald Dream and the real world, and all the creatures in the whole world fell into a dream at this moment.

Then, with the help of druids and green dragons, they entered the Emerald Dream in the form of souls and formed a dream army.

There are humans, orcs, night elves, blood elves, Forsaken, and dwarves.

There are werewolves, there are centaurs, there are furbolgs, and many more.

This is an all-conquering army of dreams, which has attracted the attention of the army of nightmares.

Souls who die in the Emerald Dream don't really die, but return to their own bodies, feeling tired and uncomfortable, but that's okay.

But they will not be able to re-enter the Emerald Dream for the time being.

And they will even forget everything that happened in the Emerald Dream.

Only a very small number of creatures with relatively powerful souls will have a vague impression and regard it as a strange dream.

Only those creatures whose souls are strong enough realize that they have really entered a special world and once fought for this world there.

The Nightmare Army is very powerful.

After all, they represent most of the power of the Emerald Dream.

It is not easy to resist the attack of this army.

And when the war started, three elite troops started secret operations.

An army led by the most powerful demigod Malorne, with the demigod Cenarius as his deputy, and its members include the boar demigod Agamaggan, the bear demigod brothers Usor and Ursoc, the elves Mother Essina, wolf demigod Godrinn, and guardians Remulos and Zaetar.

The task of this troop is to attack the body of Nightmare King Harveys, the huge oak tree that has long withered and decayed.

There are only two people in the second army, one is Sora, the niece of the old orc hero Brox Saurfang, she will hold the Oak Axe, the artifact that once cut the dark titan Sargeras, to attack the Nightmare The soul of King Harveys.

Sean, on the other hand, acts as her guardian, protecting her soul from harm.

The third team also had only two people, one was Tyrande Whisperwind, and the other was Demon Hunter Illidan.

Their task is only one.

That is when the body and soul of Harveys, the king of nightmares, were attacked, he tried every means to wake up the soul of the legendary archdruid Malfurion, rescued him from the nightmare, and then he took action to purify all emerald monsters. Creatures and lands corrupted by nightmares.

All three troops have already started to move.

The first force was of course stronger than ever.

Many demigods gathered together, only appeared once in the battle of the ancients, and now is the second time.

Although this time, not all the gods of the wilderness gathered here, and some of them died once, so their strength has dropped a lot, but it doesn't matter.

This is still an extremely powerful force.

Sean is very relieved about this army.

In fact, Sean believes that even Malorne alone is enough to deal with the real body of Nightmare King Harveys.The reason why so many demigods are needed to go out together is because Sean hopes to finish their work in one battle and kill Harveys completely.

rather than just sealing it.

The task of Tyrande and Illidan is to awaken Malfurion, which is not difficult.

Because in this world, the two closest to Malfurion are Tyrande and Illidan.

One is his favorite woman, and the other is his dearest brother.

With them, and Cenarius' horn, he only needs to wake up Malfurion when Havis has no time to look after him.

Absolutely no problem.

Of the three troops, the one with the most pressure is Sean.

Sean took Sora into the Emerald Dream.

This used to be an extremely peaceful place, but now there are all kinds of weird creatures, just like monsters in a dream...

In fact, it is the monster in the dream.

The Emerald Dream is a combination of dreams for all creatures in Azeroth. If there is a problem here, then everyone in Azeroth will have problems.

As long as they fall into a deep sleep, they will be tortured by endless nightmares.

They don't sleep well, they lose energy, they go crazy.

All living beings in the entire Azeroth will be destroyed because of this, what a terrible thing!

Now there are signs.

The Emerald Dream is full of Nightmare minions.

There is no quiet place any more.

In Sean's hand, he held the staff of the guardian of dreams.

Its full name is "The Power of Emerald, the Staff of the Guardian of Dreams", because this druid staff is made of the branches of the holy tree Dalaniel, and the holy tree Dalaniel is an emerald The very center of the dream is also the pillar of the Emerald Dream.

This staff has been figured out with Dalanir, the life redeemer, and has been blessed by Ysera, Eranikus, and Remulos. It has already become a rare druid artifact. Artifacts of magic.

In the Emerald Dream, this staff will be much more powerful than the drumstick.

Even to a certain extent, it is stronger than the oak ax in Sola's hand.

Xiao En swung his staff, and vines emerged from the ground under his feet, piercing through the bodies of several nightmare minions, destroying them, turning them into pure emerald nightmares, permeating the air.

Nightmare minions can be destroyed, but the Emerald Nightmare cannot be destroyed in this way.

They will respawn soon.

Therefore, Ysera's dream army is definitely not the opponent of Harveys' nightmare army.

This war can only be ended by completely killing Harveys' body and soul.

Walking on the land of the Emerald Dream, Sean stretched out his hand and held Sora's hand tightly.

He didn't have any extravagant thoughts.

The orc's appearance didn't fit his aesthetics either.

He was just taking Sora with him for convenience.

The Emerald Dream is a special world, where the heart goes where the body goes.

This place relies on the soul to exist, to act on the spirit and imagination, to determine the direction by telepathy, and to fight by the connection with the Emerald Dream.

Sora doesn't understand this, she's not a druid.

Need Sean to lead.

Sean let go of his spirit, felt the feeling of the staff of the guardian of the dream, and then determined the direction.

He first went to the holy tree Dalanir.

Because only with the power of the holy tree Dalaniel, can he find the soul of Harveys, the king of nightmares.

The sacred tree Dalanir is the least likely place in the Emerald Dream to be corrupted.

Unless the entire Emerald Dream has been corrupted, it must be safe.

(End of this chapter)

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