Warcraft Fortress

Chapter 623 Battle of 2 Worlds

Chapter 623 Battle Between Two Worlds

Harveys is hard to kill.

His soul has already surpassed ordinary demigods, far more powerful than the Lich King Arthas countless times.

The spiritual power of the Lich King can only cover the Northrend continent. If he wants to spread to the Eastern Kingdoms, he must concentrate and can only affect a few people at the same time.But his spiritual power can cover the entire Emerald Dream, and then use the power of the Emerald Dream to cover the entire planet of Azeroth.

Harves is at the same level as Archimonde and Deathwing. He is stronger than the four elemental lords and stronger than the four guardian dragon kings.

Most importantly, he lurks in the Emerald Dream, uses the Emerald Nightmare to corrupt the Emerald Dream, and thus obtains part of the power of the Emerald Dream.

most of the power.

No one can fight him alone.

To deal with him, one must rely on the power of the entire world.

"The creatures of the whole world must unite, whether they are humans or undead, whether they are night elves or orcs, they must let go of their grudges, let go of their contradictions, and unite. Contact all racial leaders and neutral forces that can be contacted, persuade them, let them obey Queen Ysera's arrangement."

Sean said calmly: "Queen Ysera, you are the King of the Emerald Dream, and you still control nearly half of the Emerald Dream. The Nightmare King's nightmare army is in the millions, no one can fight against so many Nightmare minions. You must lead the souls of Azeroth's willing to help and resist to the Emerald Dream, and form a dream army to fight against the nightmare army."

It is not difficult to understand that only the army of dreams can fight against the army of nightmares.

Ysera nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to Theramore to find Jaina. Contact the leaders of the Horde and Alliance, and even the leaders of neutral forces. Only she is the most suitable, and only she can do it." General Shandris said.

Gianna's people skills are widely recognized, and everyone agrees.

"Aunt Shandris, there is one thing that must be done. Tell Lady Jaina that we need a battle-axe. The oak ax of Brox, the old orc hero. Lord Fario's blessing, he once cut Sargeras, we need this ax to fight Harvey's soul."

During the War of the Ancients, only one person injured Sargeras, not the many demigods of the wilderness, not the kings of the guardian dragons, nor Malfurion or Illidan, but the old orc hero Brock s.

As a mortal, he swung the battle ax against the Titans. This battle will forever be engraved in the history of Azeroth. The legend of this battle far surpasses any other battle, even Aegwynn and Sargeras Even the shocking battle of clones could not erase the glory of this battle.

Brox is the older brother of High Overlord Saurfang, a legendary warrior of immense strength and boundless courage.

The oak ax blessed by the demigod Cenarius is already a legendary weapon.

After cutting Sargeras, the ax was not destroyed, but was stained with Sargeras' blood, and possessed even more unbelievable power.

It's an ax that hurt a Titan, so it can hurt anyone, including Harveys, the Nightmare Lord.

Sean nodded, and then opened the portal to Theramore.

Tyrande also began to issue orders, telling the night elves to get ready.

A high-ranking priestess of the Luna Temple left quickly. She was going to the Exodar to meet the Prophet Velen and ask the Draenei for help.

Hamuul Runetotem also left.

He wants to go to Thunder Bluff, tell the tauren chief Kane Bloodhoof about this, and ask the tauren for help.

He also has to go to Desolace to convey Sean's order to the demigod Zaetar, so that the centaur tribes are ready.

A crow spirit flew out of the crow statue on the top of the chicken leg, and flew towards the eastern kingdom of Gilginis, to meet the archdruid Elilar Yahuo and the black dragon princess Onyxia, and ordered them Calling all werewolves, get ready.

Another crow spirit flew to Blackrock Mountain to meet Emperor Thaurissan and ask the Dark Iron Dwarves for help.

After that, it will go to Eagle's Nest Mountain to seek help from the Wildhammer dwarves.

One messenger after another was sent out.

Within three days, all race leaders and neutral leaders in Azeroth will receive the message.They will choose to actively participate in the war, or they will be forced to get involved after the war begins.

No one can escape this battle.

Once the war begins, every creature in the entire Azeroth will be forced to be involved.

Because it will be a battle between two worlds.

"Only by containing the nightmare army can we have a chance to challenge Harveys head-on."

Sean said softly: "In order to maintain the dream army, Queen Ysera has no time to spare. The task of challenging Harveys can only be entrusted to us. Our strength...is not enough, so we need help."

Need the help of stronger ones.

In this world, there are not many people who are stronger than Sean, Remulos, Eranikus, and Tyrande.

Even fewer of them are willing to help.

Nozdormu, the bronze dragon king, has disappeared, Malygos, the blue dragon king, is hiding in the Nexus, and Deathwing, the black dragon king, has fallen. Among the five guardian dragons, the only one who can help is the red dragon queen Alex Tasa.

She is the older sister of Ysera, the Green Dragon Queen.Before the Dragon Soul was born, she was the strongest guardian of the Dragon Legion.Even now, she still has the courage to fight Deathwing head-on.

But fighting in the Emerald Dream, she can't provide much help.

Therefore, the eldest sister of the five guardian dragons will lead the Red Dragon Army to enter the Emerald Dream in the form of a dream, and together with the dream army, they will fight against the minions of the nightmare.

The titan guardians have more powerful power, but they all have various problems now, and there is no way to help them.Even, they are indifferent to life on the land of Azeroth.

Those who can really rely on are those wilderness demigods who are closely related to the Emerald Dream.

Malorne the guardian of the way, Essina the mother of the fairies, Agamaggan the boar demigod, Aviana the mother of the flying spirits, Usol and Ursoc the bear demigods, Tortola the demigod tortoise, Wolf demigod Goldrinn.

There are also four gods of Pandaria: Red Crane Chijing, Black Bull Niuzao, White Tiger Xuen, and Azure Dragon Yulong.

And of course the most famous demigod: Cenarius.

(End of this chapter)

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